Since hexchat already depends on GLib, it's better to use GProxyResolver
instead. This might use libproxy, or not, as appropriate.
P.S. This removes a memory safety issue because proxy_list is allocated
using malloc(), not g_malloc(), and therefore using g_strfreev() is
incorrect. The proper way to free the proxy list returned by libproxy
is to use px_proxy_factory_free_proxies() (but nobody does that because
it was added in libproxy 0.4.16, which is somewhat recent).
Added 1 server to Aitvaras
Added 1 server to EFNet
Added 2 servers to chatpat (previously UniBG)
Added DosersNET
Put network list into alphabetical order.
Removed 2 servers from EFNet
Removed 3 servers from Aitvaras
Removed 3 servers from UniBG (now chatpat)
Removed AccessIRC (no longer exists)
Removed BetaChat (no longer exists)
Removed Buddy.IM (no longer exists)
Removed ChatNet (no longer exists)
Removed ChattingAway (no longer exists)
Removed Criten (connects to Rizon)
Removed DeltaPool for having zero connections and channels.
Removed ElectroCode (no longer exists)
Removed GalaxyNet (no longer exists)
Removed GeeksIRC (no longer exists)
Removed IdleMonkeys (no longer exists)
Removed IndirectIRC (no longer exists)
Removed (no longer exists)
Removed ObsidianIRC (no longer exists)
Removed PonyChat (no longer exists)
Removed SceneNet (connects to ChatJunkies)
Removed (no longer exists)
Removed SolidIRC (no longer exists)
Removed StarChat (no longer exists)
Removed TURLINet (no longer exists)
Removed WorldNet (no longer exists)
Renamed DeltaAnime to DaIRC
Renamed to IRCtoo
Renamed KBFail to Keyboard-Failure
Renamed Krstarica to PIK
Renamed OzNet to OzOrg
Renamed PIRC.PL to
Renamed to PTNet
Renamed UniBG to chatpat
This implements support for the full 005 numeric syntax including negation and value escapes as defined in draft-hardy-irc-isupport-00. This fixes HexChat on servers that:
- Have unloaded a previously supported feature at runtime (e.g. unloading the monitor module in InspIRCd removing the MONITOR token).
- Have escaped spaces in the network name (see for an example of this).
- Send a value for a token where HexChat expects none (e.g. INVEX on InspIRCd — the value for this token is optional) or vice versa.