Instaloader downloads all posts in
<DIRNAME>/<FILENAME>+(suffix and extension)
which are now generated by the templates given with --dirname-pattern
and --filename-pattern. These templates may contain specifiers such as
'{target}', '{profile}', '{date}' and '{shortcode}'.
Default for --dirname-pattern is '{target}', default for
--filename-pattern is '{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
The former options --no-profile-subdir and --hashtag-username were
removed, because their behavior can now be achieved like this:
--no-profile-subdir and --hashtag-username:
--dirname-pattern='.' --filename-pattern='{profile}__{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
--no-profile-subdir, but not --hashtag-username:
--dirname-pattern='.' --filename-pattern='{target}__{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
--hashtag-username but not --no-profile-subdir:
This adds the option proposed in #23, to encode both the hashtag and the
profile name in the file's path when downloading by hashtag, e.g.:
--dirname-pattern='{target}' --filename-pattern='{profile}_{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'
(Closes #23)
On module level:
Cleaner exception handling for load_session_from file
interactive_login logs in interactively now, always asking the user for
password. Before, it had an optional password parameter determining
whether it was interactive or not.
On application level:
Warn if profile specifiers are used which require login, but not --login
flag was given (@profile, :feed-all, :feed-liked).
Clearly warn that --password is insecure.
With --hashtag-username given, if downloading per #hashtag, instead of
per username, for each picture an additional request to the Instagram
server is issued to lookup the picture's username. Instead of storing
files in #hashtag/timestamp.jpg, files are stored in
username/timestamp.jpg as it is the default when not downloading per
This closes #22.
Instaloader is now capable of downloading all pictures associated with
one #hashtag with:
instaloader #hashtag
This implements the feature requested with #18.
The check_id() step, including the get_username_by_id(), which is used
to determine whether a profile's account name has changed since the last
download using it's unique id when Instaloader is operating logged-in,
is actually optional and should not cause termination in any case.
In case you are blocked by a public profile which you intend to
download, the server responds as if the profile would not exist. Now in
this case, we retry the download without using an anonymous session.
- State in README.rst and metainfo that we require Python>=3.5
- Let Travis-CI test against newer versions of Python
- Let instaloader --help show where to report issues