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**accounting.js** is a tiny JavaScript library for number, money and currency parsing/formatting. It's lightweight and fully localisable, with zero dependencies, and works great as a nodeJS/npm and AMD/requireJS module.
Check out the **[accounting.js homepage](http://josscrowcroft.github.com/accounting.js/)** for demos and documentation!
Please checkout/download the latest stable tag before using in production. [Bug reports](https://github.com/josscrowcroft/accounting.js/issues) and pull requests hugely welcome.
Made with love by [@josscrowcroft](http://twitter.com/josscrowcroft) and some excellent [contributors](https://github.com/josscrowcroft/accounting.js/contributors).
### Also try:
* **[money.js](http://josscrowcroft.github.com/money.js)** - a tiny (1kb) javascript currency conversion library, for web & nodeJS
* **[open exchange rates](http://josscrowcroft.github.com/open-exchange-rates/)** - free / open source hourly-updated currency conversion data for everybody
## Changelog
**v0.3.2** - Fix package.json dependencies (should be empty object) and tweak comments
* Rewrote library structure similar to underscore.js for use as a **nodeJS/npm** and **AMD/requireJS** module - now you can go `npm install accounting`, and then `var accounting = require("accounting");` in your nodeJS scripts.
* **unformat** now only attempts to parse the number if it's not already a valid number. Also now aliased as `acounting.parse`
* Fixed an IE bug in the `defaults` method
**v0.2.2** - Fixed same issue as \#Num: #24 in **formatNumber**; switch to Google Closure Compiler for minified version.
**v0.2.1** - Fixed issue \#Num: #24 where locally-defined settings object was being modified by **formatMoney** (still an issue in **formatNumber**)
* Rewrote formatting system for **formatMoney** and **formatColumn**, to allow easier/better control of string output
* Separate formats for negative and zero values now supported (optionally) via `accounting.settings.currency.format`
* Internal improvements and helper methods
**v0.1.4** - **formatMoney** recursively formats arrays; added Jasmine test suite (thx [millermedeiros](https://github.com/millermedeiros)!) and QUnit functionality/speed tests
* Added configurable settings object for default formatting parameters.
* Added `format` parameter to control symbol and value position (default `"%s%v"`, or [symbol][value])
* Made methods more consistent in accepting an object as 2nd parameter, matching/overriding the library defaults
* **formatColumn** works recursively on nested arrays, eg `accounting.formatColumn( [[1,12,123,1234], [1234,123,12,1]] )`, returns matching array with inner columns lined up
* Another fix for rounding in **formatNumber**: `.535` now correctly rounds to ".54" instead of ".53"
* Added **toFixed** method (`accounting.toFixed(value, precision)`), which treats floats more like decimals for more accurate currency rounding - now, `0.615` rounds up to `$0.62` instead of `$0.61`
* Minified version preserves semicolons
* Fixed NaN errors when no value in **unformat**
**v0.1** - First version yo
### Here's a neat little preview of **formatColumn()**:
Original Number: | With accounting.js: | Different settings: | Symbol after value:
123.5 | $ 123.50 | HK$ 124 | 123.50 GBP
3456.615 | $ 3,456.62 | HK$ 3,457 | 3,456.62 GBP
777888.99 | $ 777,888.99 | HK$ 777,889 | 777,888.99 GBP
-5432 | $ -5,432.00 | HK$ (5,432) | -5,432.00 GBP
-1234567 | $ -1,234,567.00 | HK$ (1,234,567) | -1,234,567.00 GBP
0 | $ 0.00 | HK$ -- | 0.00 GBP
There's more demos and documentation on the **[accounting.js homepage](http://josscrowcroft.github.com/accounting.js/)**. Enjoy!