mirror of https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock.git synced 2024-10-06 09:37:12 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
gorhill 2015-09-12 10:52:03 -04:00
parent 4e3fcd576d
commit 291f83f19a
46 changed files with 461 additions and 93 deletions

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"هذا الخيار يفعل تحليل وتطبيق فلاتر <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-compatible &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a> هذي الفلاتر مخصصه للتجميل الصفحه. هذي الفلاتر تخفي بعض صناديق او اعلانات المزعجه التي لا يمنعها محرك الفلاتر تفعيل هذي الخاصيه سوف يجعل الاضافه تستعمل الذاكره اكثر",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"لستة مواقع المحضوره",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"message":"قد يكون قديم ولا يعمل ",
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"آخر تحديث: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"بسبب الفلتر التالي",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"موجود في:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"يجب أن يكون هذا الإدخال آخر واحد",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Тази опция дава възможност за анализиране и прилагане на <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\"> съвместими с Adblock  Plus филтри за &ldquo;скриване на елементи&rdquo;<\/a>. Тези филтри, по същество са козметични и служат за скриване на елементи в web страница, които се считат за визуално неприятни, и които не могат да бъдат блокирани от системата за филтриране на мрежовите заявки.<\/p><p>Активирането на тази функция увеличава паметта, която <i>uBlock₀<\/i> използва.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Списъци на блокираните хостове",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Последна актуализация: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Блокиращ филтър",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Намерен в:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Това поле трябва да бъде последното",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>এই অপশনটি <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">অ্যাডব্লক-প্লাসের সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ &ldquo;উপাদান আড়াল করার&rdquo; ফিল্টারকে<\/a> সক্রিয় করবে। এই ফিল্টারগুলি মূলত প্রসাধনী, তাদের একটি ওয়েব পাতায় উপাদান আড়াল করতে প্রয়োজন হয় যাকে চাক্ষুষ উত্পাত বলিয়া গণ্য করা হয়, এবং যাদের নেট অনুরোধ ভিত্তিক ফিল্টারিং ইঞ্জিন দ্বারা অবরুদ্ধ করা যায় না।<\/p><p>এই বৈশিষ্ট্য সক্রিয় করলে uBlock₀-এর মেমরির পদচিহ্ন বৃদ্ধি পাবে।<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"অবরুদ্ধ হোস্টের তালিকা",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"সর্বশেষ হালনাগাদ: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"নিম্নলিখিত ফিল্টারের কারণে",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"যা এতে পাওয়া গেছে:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Aquesta opció permet l'anàlisi i l'aplicació dels <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filtres compatibles amb l'Adblock Plus &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo;<\/a>. Aquests filtres són principalment cosmètics, que serveixen per amagar elements d'una pàgina web molestos que per defecte no es poden amagar.<\/p><p>Habilitant aquesta opció augmentarà el consum de memòria de l'<i>µBlock<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Llistes de servidors bloquejats",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Darrera actualització: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Detectat per aquest filtre",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Trobat a:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Aquesta entrada ha de ser l'última",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Tímto povolíte zpracovávání a používání <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">&ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filtrů kompatibilních s Adblockem Plus<\/a>. Tyto filtry jsou převážně kosmetické. Skrývají prvky webových stránek, které jsou vizuálně na obtíž a nemohou být zablokovány síťovým požadavkem.<\/p><p>Povolení této funkce zvětšuje stopy uBlocku₀ v paměti.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Seznamy blokovaných hostitelů",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Poslední aktualizace: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Kvůli následujícímu filtru",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Nalezeno v:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Denne indstilling gør det muligt at parse og anvende <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Ablock Plus kompatible &ldquo;element skjulnings&rdquo; filtre<\/a>. Disse filtre har hovedsageligt et kosmetisk formål, da de skjuler irriterende visualle elementer på diverse web-sider, som det ikke er muligt at blokere på andre måder. <\/p><p>Denne indstilling øger uBlock₀'s hukommelsesforbrug.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Liste over blokerede værter",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"message":"kan være forældet",
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Sidste opdatering: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"På grund af det følgende filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Found in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Denne indskrivning må være den sidste",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Diese Option ermöglicht die Analyse und Anwendung von <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/de\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock-Plus-kompatiblen Filtern zum &ldquo;Verstecken von Elementen&rdquo;<\/a>. Diese Filter sind grundsätzlich kosmetischer Natur und dienen zum Verstecken von Elementen auf einer Webseite, die als optische Belästigung wahrgenommen werden und nicht von den vorhandenen Filtern geblockt werden können.<\/p><p>Das Aktivieren dieser Option erhöht den Speicherbedarf von <i>uBlock₀<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Listen blockierter Hostnamen",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Letztes Update: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Aufgrund des folgenden Filters",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Gefunden in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"message":"Rückgängig machen",
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Dieser Eintrag muss der letzte sein",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Η επιλογή αυτή επιτρέπει την ανάλυση και επιβολή των συμβατών με τα <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">&ldquo;κρυμμένα στοιχεία&rdquo; του Adblock Plus φίλτρων<\/a>. Τα φίλτρα αυτά είναι ουσιαστικά κοσμητικά, χρησιμεύουν στην απόκρυψη στοιχείων από μια σελίδα στην οποία θεωρούνται οπτική όχληση και δεν μπορούν να αποκλειστούν με την, βασισμένη σε αιτήματα δικτύου, μηχανή φιλτραρίσματος.<\/p><p>Η ενεργοποίηση αυτής της λειτουργίας αυξάνει το αποτύπωμα μνήμης του <i>µBlock<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Λίστες αποκλεισμένων hosts",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Τελευταία ενημέρωση: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Εξαιτίας του ακόλουθου φίλτρου",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Βρέθηκε σε:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Αυτή η καταχώρηση θα πρέπει να είναι τελευταία",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Esta opción permite el análisis y aplicación de <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/es\/faq_internal#elemhide\">&ldquo;filtros de ocultación de elementos&rdquo; compatibles con Adblock Plus\"<\/a>. Estos filtros son esencialmente cosméticos, sirven para ocultar elementos que se consideran una molestia visual en una página web, no siendo posible su eliminación con el motor de bloqueo basado en peticiones.<\/p><p>Habilitar esta opción aumenta el consumo de memoria de <i>uBlock₀<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lista de servidores bloqueados",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Última actualización: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Como resultado del siguiente filtro:",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Encontrado en:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Esta entrada debe ser la última",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>See valik lubab <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plusiga ühilduvate &ldquo;elemente peitvate&rdquo; filtrite<\/a> lubamist. Need filtrid parandavad lehtede välimust, peites elemente, mida ei blokeerita võrgupäringutel põhinevate filtritega.<\/p><p>Selle valiku lubamine suurendab <i>uBlock₀<\/i>'i mälu kasutavust.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Blokeeritud domeenide loendid",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Viimane uuendus: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Järgneva filtri tõttu",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Asub filtrites:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"See sisestus peab olema viimane",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>این گزینه <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-compatible &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a> را تجزیه و اجرا میکند. این فیلتر ها اساساً فنی هستند، آنها اشیاء موجود در صفحه وب را که مزاحم تلقی میشوند و با موتور فیلترینگ شبکه قابل بلاک کردن نیستند را حذف میکنند.<\/p><p>فعال کردن این قابلیت مصرف حافظه ی <i>uBlock<\/i>را افزایش میدهد.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"فهرست میزبان های مسدود شده",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"message":"منقضی شده",
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"آخرین به روز رسانی: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"بخاطر فیلتر زیر",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Found in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"این باید آخرین مطلب باشد",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Tämä asetus kytkee päälle <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-yhteensopivat &ldquo;elementtejä piilottavat&rdquo; suodattimet<\/a>. Nämä suodattimet ovat pääasiassa ehosteita. Ne piilottavat verkkosivuilta elementtejä, jotka ovat visuaalisesti häiritseviä eikä niitä voi estää verkkopyyntöihin pohjautuvalla suodatinmoottorilla. <\/p><p>Tämä ominaisuus nostaa <i>uBlock<\/i>in muistinkäyttöä.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lista estetyistä isännistä",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Viimeisin päivitys: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Seuraavan suodattimen takia",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>This option enables the parsing and enforcing of <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-compatible &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a>. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.<\/p><p>Enabling this feature increases uBlock₀'s memory footprint.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lists of blocked hosts",
@ -292,8 +292,8 @@
"description":"English: new version available"
"description":"English: outdated"
"message":"out of date",
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Because of the following filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Found in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Cette option permet de prendre en charge les filtres Adblock Plus de type <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">&ldquo;element hiding&rdquo;<\/a>. Ces filtres ont principalement un impact visuel, servant à dissimuler des éléments nuisibles d'une page Web et qui ne sont pas blocables par le filtrage standard.<\/p><p>L'activation de cette fonctionnalité augmente l'empreinte mémoire de uBlock Origin.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Listes prédéfinies d'hôtes à bloquer",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"message":"Potentiellement obsolète",
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Dernière mise à jour effectuée : {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"À cause du filtre suivant :",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Trouvé dans :",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Dizze opsje skeakelt it ynlêzen en tapassen fan <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-kompatibele &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a> yn. Dizze filters binne suver kosmetysk: se ferstopje eleminten yn de webside dy't fisueel steurend wêze kinne en kinne dus net blokkearre wurde troch de op netfersiken basearre filterengine.<\/p><p>It ynskeakeljen fan dizze funksje ferheget it ûnthâldgebrûk fan uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"List fan blokkearree hosts",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Lêste fernijing: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Fanwege it folgjende filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Fûn yn:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Esta opción permitirache a análise e a aplicación de <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">&ldquo;filtros de ocultación de elementos&rdquo; compatibles co Adblock Plus<\/a>. \nEstes filtros sonche sobre todo cosméticos, serven para agochar elementos visualmente molestos nunha determinada páxina, non sendo posible a súa eliminación cun motor de bloqueo baseado en peticións.<\/p><p>Activar esta opción incrementará o uso de memoria do <i>uBlock₀<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lista dos servidores bloqueados",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Última actualización: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Por mor deste filtro:",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Atopado en:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Esta ten que ser a derradeira entrada",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>אפשרות זו מאפשרת פירסור ואיפשור של <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">מסנני &ldquo;ההסתרת האלמנטים&rdquo; התואמים ל Adblock Plus<\/a>. מסננים אלו הם קוסמטיים, הם נועדו להסתיר אלמנטים בדף אשר נחשבים למטרד חזותי, ואשר לא יכולים להיחסם על ידי מנוע חסימת בקשות רשת.<\/p><p>הפעלת פיצ'ר זה מעלה את צריכת הזיכרון של <i>uBlock₀<\/i><\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"רשימה של דומיינים חסומים",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"message":"עדכון זמין",
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"עדכון אחרון: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"בגלל המסנן הבא",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"נמצא ב:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"message":"החזר למצב הקודם",
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"ערך זה חייב להיות האחרון",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>This option enables the parsing and enforcing of <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-compatible &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a>. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.<\/p><p>Enabling this feature increases uBlock₀'s memory footprint.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lists of blocked hosts",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Because of the following filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Found in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Ova opcija omogućava raščlambu i provođenje <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-kompatibilnih filtera sa &ldquo;elementima za skrivanje&rdquo; <\/a>. Ovi filteri su uglavnom estetski, oni služe za skrivanje elemenata na web-stranici koja se smatra da je vizualna smetnja, a koja ne može biti blokirana od strane mrežnih zahtjeva temeljenih na filtriranju.<\/p><p>Omogućavanje ove značajke povećava <i>uBlock₀ <\/i>memorijski otisak.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Popis blokiranih hosts",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Posljednje ažuriranje: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Zbog sljedećeg filtera",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Pronađeno u:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Ova stavka mora biti posljednja",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Ez a beállítás engedélyezi az <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-típusú &ldquo;elemelrejtő&rdquo; szűrőket<\/a>. Ezek kizárólag kozmetikai célokat szolgálnak; elrejtik egy webhely azon elemeit, amelyek vizuálisan zavaróak, de a hálózati lekérések alapján nem szűrhetők ki.<\/p><p>A beállítás engedélyezése megnöveli a <i>uBlock₀<\/i> memóriahasználatát.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Blokkolt hostokat tartalmazó listák",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Utolsó frissítés: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"A következő szűrő miatt",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Ezekben található:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Ez a bejegyzés utolsó kell hogy legyen",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Opsi ini memfungsikan penguraian dan memaksa-jalankan <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filter &ldquo;penyembunyian elemen&rdquo; yang kompatibel dengan Adblock Plus<\/a>. Filter ini pada dasarnya hanya sekedar penyaring tampilan, berfungsi untuk menyembunyikan elemen di halaman web yang dianggap sebagai gangguan visual, dan tidak dapat diblokir oleh filter berbasis permintaan jaringan.<\/p><p>Memfungsikan fitur ini akan meningkatkan penggunaan memori <i>uBlock₀<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Daftar host yang diblokir",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Pembaruan terakhir: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Disebabkan oleh filter berikut",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Ditemukan di:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Entri ini harus menjadi yang terakhir",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Questa opzione abilita i filtri di <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-compatible &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a>. Questi filtri sono essenzialmente estetici, servono a nascondere elementi fastidiosi in una pagina web , e che non possono essere bloccati normalmente.<\/p><p>Questa funziona aumenta l'uso della memoria da parte di <i>uBlock<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lista degli hosts bloccati",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Ultimo aggiornamento: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"A causa del seguente filtro",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Trovato in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>このオプションは<a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus適合の &ldquo;要素遮蔽&rdquo;フィルター<\/a>の解析と施行を有効にします。これらのフィルターは表面的で、ネットリクエストベースのフィルタリングエンジンでブロックできない視覚的に迷惑な要素をウェブページ上で隠す物です。<\/p><p>この機能を有効にすると<i>µBlock<\/i>の使用メモリーを増やします。<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"最終更新: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Found in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>이 옵션은 <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">애드블록 플러스-호환 &ldquo;구성 요소 감추기&rdquo; 필터<\/a>를 분석하고 적용하는 것을 활성화합니다. 이 필터는 기본적으로 웹 페이지에서 시각적 방해 요소들을 숨기는 역할을 하며, 네트워크 요청에 기반한 필터링 엔진에서 차단될 수 없습니다.<\/p><p>이 기능을 활성화하면 <i>uBlock₀<\/i>의 메모리 사용량이 증가합니다.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"차단된 호스트 목록",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"마지막 업데이트: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"다음 필터로 인해 방지됨",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"다음 필터에서 찾음:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Ši nuostata įjungia <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Su Adblock Plus suderinamų „elementų slėpimo“ filtrų<\/a> analizę ir taikymą. Šie filtrai iš esmės yra kosmetiniai, jie naudojami tinklalapio elementams, kurie yra laikomi vaizdiniais nepatogumais ir kurių negalima užblokuoti tinklo užklausomis paremtais filtrais, paslėpti.<\/p><p>Šios nuostatos įjungimas padidina uBlock₀ atminties naudojimą.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Blokuotų serverių sąrašas",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Paskutinis atnaujinimas: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Dėl šio filtro",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Šī opcija iespējo apstrādāt un ieviest ar <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\"> Adblock Plus saderīgus &ldquo;elementu paslēpšanas&rdquo;<\/a> filtrus. Šie filtri ir būtībā kosmētiski, tie kalpo, lai paslēptu tīmekļa lapu elementus, kas tiek uzskatīti par vizuālu traucējumu, un kas nevar būt nobloķēti ar pieprasījumu balstītu filtrēšanas programmu.<\/p><p>Šī līdzekļa iespējošana palielina <i>uBlock₀<\/i> izmantojamās atmiņas daudzumu.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Bloķēto hostu saraksti",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Pēdējo reizi atjaunināts: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Sakarā ar šādu filtru",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Šim ierakstam ir jābūt pēdējam",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>हा पर्याय <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">अद्ब्लोक प्लस सुसंगत &ldquo;घटक लपवणारे&rdquo; फिल्टर<\/a>चे विश्लेषण आणि अंमलबजावणी सक्षम करतो. हे फिल्टर मूलत: उटणे आहेत, ते वेब पृष्ठावर घटक लपवतात जें व्हिज्युअल उपद्रव असल्याचे मानण्यात येतात आणि जे निव्वळ विनंती-आधारित फिल्टरिंग इंजिनद्वारे अवरोधित करणे शक्य नाही.<\/p><p>हे वैशिष्ट्य सक्षम केले तर<i>म्यूब्लॉकचे<\/i> मेमरी पावलाचा ठसा वाढतो.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"उअवरोधित होस्ट यांची सूची",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Because of the following filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Found in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Dette alternativet aktiverer analyseringen og bruken av <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-kompatible filtre for &ldquo;elementskjuling&rdquo;<\/a>. Disse filtrene er i hovedsak kosmetiske, de tjener den hensikt å skjule elementer i en nettside som anses for å være en visuell ulempe, og som ikke blokkeres av den nettforespørselsbaserte filtreringsmotoren.<\/p><p>Aktivering av denne funksjonen øker minnebruken til <i>uBlock₀<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lister over blokkerte verter",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Siste oppdatering: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"På grunn av følgende filter:",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Funnet i:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Deze optie schakelt het inlezen en toepassen van <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-compatibele &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a> in. Deze filters zijn puur cosmetisch: ze verbergen elementen in de webpagina die visueel storend kunnen zijn en kunnen dus niet geblokkeerd worden door de op netverzoeken gebaseerde filterengine.<\/p><p>Het inschakelen van deze functie verhoogt het geheugengebruik van uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lijst van geblokkeerde hosts",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Laatste update: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Vanwege het volgende filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Gevonden in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"message":"Ongedaan maken",
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Włączenie tej funkcji skutkuje przetwarzaniem i używaniem <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filtrów kompatybilnych z dodatkiem Adblock Plus służących do ukrywania elementów<\/a>. Są to filtry kosmetyczne i służą do ukrycia elementów uważanych za wizualnie uciążliwe, których nie można zablokować przez filtry sieciowe.<\/p><p>Włączenie tej funkcji powoduje zwiększenie użycia pamięci przez uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Listy zablokowanych hostów",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Ostatnio zaktualizowano: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Powodem zablokowania jest filtr",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Filtr znajduje się na liście:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Ten wpis musi być ostatni",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Esta opção permite a análise e aplicação de <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filtros de &ldquo;ocultação de elementos&rdquo; compatíveis com o Adblock Plus<\/a>. Estes filtros são essencialmente cosméticos, servindo para ocultar elementos em uma página da web que são consideradas um incômodo visual, e que não podem ser bloqueados pelo motor de filtragem baseado em pedidos de rede.<\/p><p>Ativando este recurso aumenta o consumo de memória do uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Listas de hosts bloqueados",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Última atualização: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Por causa do seguinte filtro",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Encontrado em:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Esta entrada deve ser a última",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Esta opção permite a análise e aplicação de <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filtros de &ldquo;ocultação de elementos&rdquo; compatíveis com o Adblock Plus<\/a>. Estes filtros são essencialmente cosméticos, servindo para ocultar elementos numa página web que sejam considerados incómodo visual, e que não podem ser bloqueados pelo motor de filtragem baseado em pedidos de rede.<\/p><p>Ativar esta funcionalidade aumenta o consumo de memória do <i>uBlock₀<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Listas de servidores bloqueados",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Última atualização: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Por causa do seguinte filtro",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Encontrado em:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Esta entrada deve ser a última",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Această opțiune permite citirea și aplicarea <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filtrelor compatibile Adblock Plus pentru &ldquo;ascunderea elementelor&rdquo;<\/a>. Aceste filtre sunt în esență vizuale, ele servesc la ascunderea elementelor dintr-o pagină web care sunt considerate drept o neplăcere vizuală și care nu pot fi blocate de motorul de filtrare bazat pe cereri de rețea.<\/p><p>Activând această opțiune memoria utilizată de uBlock₀ va crește.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lista adreselor blocate",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Ultima actualizare: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Din cauza următorului filtru",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Găsit în:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Aceasta intrare trebuie sa fie ultima",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Эта опция включает использование анализатора <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-совместимых фильтров &ldquo;скрытия элементов&rdquo;<\/a>. Это косметические фильтры, дающие возможность скрыть ненужные элементы страницы, которые не могут быть заблокированы механизмом фильтрации сетевых запросов.<\/p><p>Использование данной опции увеличивает потребление памяти uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Список заблокированных хостов",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Последнее обновление: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Из-за следующего фильтра",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Найден в:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Эта запись должна быть последней",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Táto možnosť povoľuje analyzovanie a vynútenie <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filtrov &ldquo;skrývajúcich prvky&rdquo; a kompatibilných s Adblock Plus<\/a>. Tieto filtre sú prevažne kozmetické. Skrývajú prvky webových stránok, ktoré sú vizuálne otravné a nemôžu byť zablokované filtrovaním sieťových požiadavkov.<\/p><p>Povolenie tejto funkcie zvyšujte nároky <i>uBlock<\/i>na pamäť.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Zoznamy zablokovaných hostiteľov",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Posledná aktualizácia: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Kvôli nasledujúcemu filtru",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Nájdený v:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Ta opcija omogoči razčlenjevanje in uveljavljanje <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\"> Adblock Plus kompatibilnih filtrov za &ldquo;skrivanje elementov&rdquo;<\/a> Le-ti filtri so v bistvu kozmetični in služijo skrivanju elementov na spletnih straneh, ki jih lahko obravnavamo kot \"vizualna nadloga\", in taki, ki se jih preko filtrov zahtev omrežja ne da blokirati.<\/p>\n<p>Vklop te funkcije poveča spominski odtis uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Seznam blokiranih gostiteljev",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Zadnja posodobitev: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Zaradi sledečega filtra",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Najden v:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Ky opsion lejon analizimin dhe zbatimin e <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">filtrave &ldquo;eliminues&rdquo; njësoj si në Adblock Plus<\/a>. Këta filtra kozmetikë shërbejnë kryesisht për të fshehur nga ana vizive elementet e padëshirueshme të cilat nuk bllokohen me metodën e filtrimit standard.<\/p><p>Aktivizimi i kësaj veçorie rrit impaktin e <i>uBlock<\/i> te memorja e kompjuterit.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lista e hosteve të bllokuara",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"message":"e vjetër",
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Përditësimi i fundit: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Për shkak të këtij filtri",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Gjendet te:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>This option enables the parsing and enforcing of <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-compatible &ldquo;element hiding&rdquo; filters<\/a>. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.<\/p><p>Enabling this feature increases uBlock₀'s memory footprint.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Списак блокираних хостова",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Last update: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Because of the following filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Found in:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Det här alternativet aktiverar tolkning och applicering av <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-kompatibla &ldquo;elementdöljningsfilter&rdquo;<\/a>. Dessa filter är i huvudsak kosmetiska. De tjänar till att dölja element som anses vara till visuella besvär och som inte kan bli blockerade av den nätförfrågningsbaserade filtreringsmotorn.<\/p><p>Genom att aktivera denna funktion ökar uBlock₀s minnesanvändning.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Listor över blockerade värdar",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Senaste uppdatering: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"P.g.a. följande filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Hittades i:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>இந்தத் தேர்வு <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-க்கு ஏற்ற &ldquo;உறுப்பு மறைக்கும்&rdquo; வடிகட்டிகளைப்<\/a> படிப்பதையும் பயன்படுத்துவத்தையும் செயல்படுத்தும். இந்த வடிகட்டிகள் அடிப்படையில் மேலோட்டமானவை. இணையப் பக்கத்தின் தோற்றத்தில் தொந்தரவாகக் கருதப்பட்டு, ஆனால் இணையக்கோரிக்கைகளை வடிகட்டும் எஞ்சினின் மூலம் தடுக்கப்பட முடியாத பக்க-உறுப்புகளை, பார்வையிலிருந்து மட்டும் மறைக்கும்<\/p><p>இந்தத் தேர்வு uBlock₀-இன் நினைவக உபயோகத்தை அதிகரிக்கும்.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lists of blocked hosts",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"கடைசி புதுப்பிப்பு: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Because of the following filter",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"இதனுள் கண்டறியப்பட்டது:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>ఈ ఎంపిక <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-అనుకూల &ldquo;అంశాల దపరికాన్ని&rdquo; వడపోతలను<\/a> పదనిరుపనచేసి లాగుపరుస్తుంది. ఈ వడపోతలు చాలావరకు కాస్మెటిక్ అయివుంటాయి, అవి నెట్వర్క్ అభ్యర్ధన నిరోదన ద్వారా నిరోధించాబడలేని అవాంఛిథ అంశాలను దాచుటకు ఉపకరిస్తాయి.<\/p><p>ఈ ఎంపిక ను ఎంచుకున్నయేడల uBlock₀ యొక్క మెమరీ వాడుక పెరిగే ఆస్కారమున్నది<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"నిరోధించబడిన చిరునామాల జాబితా",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"గత నవీకరణ: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"ఇది ఈ క్రింది వడపోతననుసారించి తీసుకోబడిన చర్య",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"ఈ వడపోత వున్న జాబితా పేరు:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"message":"మార్పులను తిరస్కరించు",
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"ఇది అంతిమంగా వుండాల్సిన నమోదు",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Bu seçenek <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\"> Adblock Plus-uyumlu &ldquo;öğe gizleme&rdquo; süzgeçlerinin<\/a> işlenmesini ve uygulanmasını sağlar. Bu süzgeçler aslında kozmetiktir, bir web sayfasında görsel rahatsızlık yaratan ve ağ isteği-tabanlı süzme motoru tarafından engellenemeyecek olan öğelerin gizlenmesine yarar.<\/p><p>Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek uBlock₀'in bellek kullanımını artırır.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Engellenmiş alan adlarının listesi",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Son güncelleme: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Aşağıdaki süzgeçten dolayı",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Bulunduğu liste:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"message":"Geri al",
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Bu girdi en sonda olmalıdır",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Ця опція вмикає аналіз та застосування <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-сумісних фільтрів &ldquo;приховання елементв&rdquo; <\/a>. По суті це косметичні фільтри приховують елементи сторінки, які візуально дратують і не можуть бути блоковані механізмом фільтрації мережевих запитів.<\/p><p>Увімкнення цієї функції збільшує споживання пам’яті <i>µBlock<\/i>'ом.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Перелік заблокованих хостів",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Востаннє оновленно: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Через наступний фільтр",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Знайдено в:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"message":"Скасувати зміни",
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Цей запис має бути останнім",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>Tuỳ chọn này kích hoạt phân tích và áp dụng <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">các bộ lọc &ldquo;ẩn phần tử&rdquo; tương thích với Adblock Plus<\/a>. Những bộ lọc này dùng để ẩn phần tử trong một trang web được xem là gây phiền hà đến thị giác và không thể chặn bởi bộ lọc dựa địa chỉ trang web.<\/p><p>Kích hoạt tính năng này sẽ tăng mức sử dụng bộ nhớ của uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Danh sách những máy chủ bị chặn",
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"message":"có thể là lỗi thời",
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Cập nhật trước: {{ago}}",
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"message":"Vì bộ lọc sau",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Tìm thấy trong:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"message":"Phục hồi",
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"Đây là mục cuối",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>此选项将启用<a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/zh_CN\/faq_internal#elemhide\">与 Adblock Plus 兼容的&ldquo;元素隐藏&rdquo;规则的解析和应用<\/a>。这些过滤规则本质上只是装饰美化,它们用来隐藏一个网页上被认为碍眼且不能被网络请求过滤引擎所屏蔽的视觉元素。<\/p><p>启用这项功能将增加 <i>uBlock₀<\/i> 的内存使用量。<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"message":"<p>啟用此選項後,您就可以使用 <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/zh_TW\/faq_internal#elemhide\">與 Adblock Plus 相容的「元素隱藏」過濾規則<\/a>。這些過濾規則可用來隱藏網頁中礙眼,卻又不能被網路請求的過濾引擎所阻擋的元素。<\/p><p>啟用這項功能後將增加 <i>uBlock₀ <\/i> 的記憶體使用量。<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"description":"English: outdated"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
@ -619,6 +623,10 @@
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"