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synced 2025-01-31 20:21:35 +01:00
new: Basque translation by https://crowdin.com/profile/Osoitz
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Blokeatzaile eraginkor bat: Memoria eta PUZ erabileran arina da, eta hala ere beste blokeatzaile ezagun batzuk baino milaka iragazki gehiago kargatu eta ezarri ditzake.
Bere eraginkortasunaren adibide grafikoa: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-vs.-ABP:-efficiency-compared
Erabilera: Laster-leihoko pizte botoi handia uBlock uneko gunean behin betiko gaitu edo desgaitzeko da. Uneko guneari dagokio soilik, ez da botoi orokor bat.
Malgua, iragarki blokeatzaile bat baino gehiago da, ostalarietako iragazkiak sortu eta irakurri ditzake ere.
Lehenetsita, honako iragazki zerrendak kargatu eta ezartzen ditu:
- EasyList
- Peter Loweren iragarki zerbitzarien zerrenda
- EasyPrivacy
- Malware domeinuak
Zerrenda gehiago dituzu eskura hautatzeko hala nahiez gero:
- Fanboyren hobetutako jarraipen zerrenda
- Dan Pollocken ostalari zerrenda
- hpHostsen iragarki eta jarraipen zerbitzariak
- MVPS Ostalariak
- Spam404
- Eta beste hainbat gehiago
Jakina, iragazki gehiago kargatuta memoria erabilera handiagoa da. Hala ere, Fanboyren bi zerrenda gehigarriak eta hpHostsen iragarki eta jarraipen zerbitzariak kargatuta, uBlockek beste blokeatzaile ezagun batzuk baino memoria gutxiago erabiltzen du.
Bestalde, kontuan izan zerrenda gehigarri hauetako batzuk gaitzeak guneren bat hausteko aukerak handitzen dituela, batez ere ostalari fitxategi gisa erabili ohi diren zerrendak.
Lehenetsitako iragazki zerrendarik gabe gehigarri honek ez du ezer egiten. Beraz ezertan lagundu nahi baduzu pentsa ezazu erabiltzen dituzun iragazki zerrendak egunean mantentzeko tinko lanean dabiltzan horietan, guztiek erabiltzeko moduan doan eskuragarri jarri dituztenak.
Lizentzia libreduna (GPLv3)
Erabiltzaileek erabiltzaileentzat sortua.
Parte-hartzaileak @ Github: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/graphs/contributors
Parte-hartzaileak @ Crowdin: https://crowdin.net/project/ublock
Nahiko berria da bertsio hau, kontua izan honi buruz idaztean.
Proiektuaren aldaketa egunkaria:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
"description":"extension name."
"message":"Behingoz, blokeatzaile eraginkor bat. PUZ eta memorian arina.",
"description":"this will be in the chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"message":"uBlock₀ — Kontrol panela",
"description":"English: uBlock₀ — Dashboard"
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Hirugarrengoen iragazkiak",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Nire iragazkiak",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Nire arauak",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Zerrenda zuria",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"uBlock₀ — Sare eskarien egunkaria",
"description":"Title for the network request log window"
"message":"Honi buruz",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Klik: gaitu\/ezgaitu uBlock₀ gune honetan.\n\nKtrl+klik: ezgaitu uBlock₀ orri honetan soilik.",
"description":"English: Click: disable\/enable uBlock₀ for this site.\n\nCtrl+click: disable uBlock₀ only on this page."
"message":"blokeatutako eskariak",
"description":"English: requests blocked"
"message":"orri honetan",
"description":"English: on this page"
"message":"{{count}} edo %{{percent}}",
"description":"Example: 15 or 13%"
"description":"English: since install"
"description":"English: or"
"message":"Klik kontrol panela irekitzeko",
"description":"English: Click to open the dashboard"
"message":"Elementuak hautatzeko modua",
"description":"English: Enter element picker mode"
"message":"Joan eskarien egunkarira",
"description":"English: Go to request log"
"message":"Txandakatu laster-leihoen blokeoa gune honetan",
"description":"English: Toggle the blocking of all popups for this site"
"message":"Txandakatu blokeo zorrotza gune honetan",
"description":"English: Toggle strict blocking for this site"
"message":"Txandakatu blokeo kosmetikoa gune honetan",
"description":"English: Toggle cosmetic filtering for this site"
"message":"Txandakatu urruneko letra tipoen blokeoa gune honetan",
"description":"English: Toggle the blocking of remote fonts for this site"
"message":"Hirugarrengoen css\/irudiak",
"message":"barne scriptak",
"message":"bertako scriptak",
"message":"hirugarrengoen scriptak",
"message":"hirugarrengoen markoak",
"message":"konektatutako domeinuak",
"description":"appears in popup"
"message":"{{count}} \/ {{total}}",
"description":"appears in popup"
"description":"English: Create"
"description":"English: Pick"
"description":"English: Quit"
"message":"Sare iragazkiak",
"description":"English: Net filters"
"message":"Iragazki kosmetikoak",
"description":"English: Cosmetic filters"
"message":"Klik, Ktrl-klik",
"description":"English: Click, Ctrl-click"
"message":"Blokeatu elementua",
"description":"English: Block element"
"message":"Ezkutatu blokeatutako elementuen hutsuneak",
"description":"English: Hide placeholders of blocked elements"
"message":"Bistaratu blokeatutako eskari kopurua ikonoan",
"description":"English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon"
"message":"Erabili laster-menua egokia denean",
"description":"English: Make use of context menu where appropriate"
"message":"Kolore-itsuentzat egokia",
"description":"English: Color-blind friendly"
"message":"Gaitu hodei biltegiratzearen euskarria",
"message":"Erabiltzaile aurreratua naiz (<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Advanced-user-features'>Irakurri beharrekoa<\/a>)",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Desgaitu aurrez-kargatzea (blokeatutako sare eskaeretako edozein konexio galarazteko)",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Desgaitu loturen auditoretza\/baliza",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Galarazi WebRTCk tokiko IP helbidea iragartzea",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Gaitu ezaugarri esperimentalak (<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Experimental-features'>Honi buruz<\/a>)",
"description":"English: Enable experimental features"
"message":"Erabilitako biltegiratzea: {{value}} byte",
"description":"English: Storage used: {{}} bytes"
"message":"Azken berreskuratzea:",
"description":"English: Last restore:"
"message":"Azken babeskopia:",
"description":"English: Last backup:"
"message":"{{netFilterCount}} sare iragazki + {{cosmeticFilterCount}} iragazki kosmetiko hemendik:",
"description":"English: {{netFilterCount}} network filters + {{cosmeticFilterCount}} cosmetic filters from:"
"message":"{{used}} erabilita, guztira {{total}}",
"description":"English: {{used}} used out of {{total}}"
"message":"Automatikoki eguneratu iragazkien zerrenda.",
"description":"English: Auto-update filter lists."
"message":"Eguneratu orain",
"description":"English: Update now"
"message":"Garbitu cache guztiak",
"description":"English: Purge all caches"
"message":"Prozesatu eta ezarri iragazki kosmetikoak.",
"description":"English: Parse and enforce Adblock+ element hiding filters."
"message":"<p>Aukera honek <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plusekin bateragarriak diren “elementuak ezkutatzeko” iragazkiak<\/a> prozesatzea eta ezartzea gaitzen du. Iragazki hauek nagusiki kosmetikoak dira, web orri batean itsusitzat jo diren eta sare iragazkien bidez blokeatzerik ez dauden elementuak ezkutatzeko balio dute.<\/p><p>Ezaugarri hau gaitzeak uBlock₀en memoria erabilera handitzen du.<\/p>",
"description":"This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible 'element hiding' filters. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.\n\nEnabling this feature increases uBlock Origin's memory footprint."
"message":"Lists of blocked hosts",
"description":"English: Lists of blocked hosts"
"message":"Aplikatu aldaketak",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Ads"
"description":"English: Privacy"
"message":"Malware domeinuak",
"description":"English: Malware domains"
"message":"Gizarte sareak",
"description":"English: Social"
"message":"Helburu anitzekoak",
"description":"English: Multipurpose"
"message":"Eskualdeak, hizkuntzak",
"description":"English: Regions, languages"
"description":"English: Custom"
"message":"URL bat lerroko. Hasieran ‘’ duten lerroak ezikusiko dira. Baliogabeko URLak isilean ezikusiko dira.",
"description":"English: One URL per line. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored."
"description":"English: Parse"
"message":"garbitu cachea",
"description":"English: purge cache"
"message":"bertsio berria eskuragarri",
"description":"English: new version available"
"description":"a filter list is 'out of date' (possibly needs to be updated)"
"message":"Azken eguneraketa: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Iragazki bat lerroko. Iragazkia hostalari izen soila izan daiteke, edo Adblock Plusekin bateragarria den iragazki bat. Hasieran ‘’ duten lerroak ezikusiko dira.",
"description":"English: One filter per line. A filter can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored."
"message":"Inportatu eta gehitu",
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Aplikatu aldaketak",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"message":"Behin betiko arauak",
"message":"Behin behineko arauak",
"description":"This will remove all temporary rules"
"message":"Behin betiko bihurtu",
"description":"This will persist temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"description":"Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"message":"Inportatu fitxategitik...",
"message":"Esportatu fitxategira",
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"Zure iragazki dinamikoen arau zerrenda.",
"description":"English: List of your dynamic filtering rules."
"message":"Arauen sintaxia: <code>jatorria helburua mota ekintza<\/code>(<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Dynamic-filtering:-rule-syntax'>Dokumentazio osoa<\/a>).",
"description":"English: dynamic rule syntax and full documentation."
"message":"Zure ostalarien zerrenda non uBlock₀ desgaituko den. Sarrera bat lerroko. Baliogabeko ostalari izenak ezikusiko dira.",
"description":"English: Your list of host names for which uBlock₀ will be disabled. One host name per line. Invalid host names will be silently ignored."
"message":"Inportatu eta gehitu",
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: my-ublock-whitelist_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Aplikatu aldaketak",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Type"
"description":"English: Domain"
"description":"English: URL"
"description":"English: Filter"
"description":"Appears in the logger's tab selector"
"message":"Atzeko planoan",
"description":"Pretty name for behind-the-scene network requests"
"message":"iragazi egunkariko sarrerak",
"description":"English: filter log entries"
"message":"Egunkariaren gehieneko sarrera kopurua",
"description":"Tooltip informaing that the input field is to set the maximum number of entries in the log"
"description":"Label for the context selector"
"description":"Label for the type selector"
"message":"URL iragazketa dinamikoa",
"description":"Small header to identify the dynamic URL filtering section"
"message":"Iragazketa estatikoa",
"description":"Small header to identify the static filtering section"
"message":"{{action}} {{type}} motako sare eskariak {{br}}URL helbidea {{url}} helbidearekin bat datorrenean {{br}}eta jatorria {{origin}} denean,{{br}}{{importance}} bat datorren salbuespen iragazki bat badago.",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"mota “{{type}}”",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"edozein mota",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"hemendik “{{origin}}”",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"nahiz eta",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"{{filter}} iragazki estatiko aurkitu da hemen:",
"description":"Below this sentence, the filter lists in which the filter was found"
"message":"Aldaketa egunkaria",
"description":"English: Change log"
"description":"English: project' wiki on Github"
"message":"Iturburu kodea (GPLv3)",
"description":"English: Source code (GPLv3)"
"description":"English: Contributors"
"message":"Egin babeskopia fitxategian",
"description":"English: Backup to file"
"description":"English: my-ublock-backup_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Berreskuratu fitxategitik...",
"description":"English: Restore from file..."
"message":"Leheneratu lehenetsitako ezarpenetara...",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings..."
"message":"Zure ezarpen guztiak gainidatziko dira {{time}}ko datuak erabiliz, eta uBlock₀ berrabiaraziko da.\n\nGainidatzi ezarpen guztiak babeskopiako datuekin?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"message":"Datuak ezin dira irakurri edo baliogabeak dira",
"description":"Message to display when an error occurred during restore"
"message":"Zure ezarpen guztiak ezabatuko dira, eta uBlock₀ berrabiaraziko da.\n\nLeheneratu uBlock₀ jatorrizko ezarpenetara?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"Ezin izan da konektatu {{url}} helbidera",
"description":"English: Network error: unable to connect to {{url}}"
"message":"uBlock₀: Gehitu honako URL hauek zure iragazki pertsonalizatuen zerrendara?\n\nIzenburua: \"{{title}}\"\nURLa: {{url}}",
"description":"English: The message seen by the user to confirm subscription to a ABP filter list"
"message":"duela minutu bat",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"duela {{value}} minutu",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"duela ordu bat",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"duela {{value}} ordu",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"duela egun bat",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"duela {{value}} egun",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"message":"Bistaratu kontrol panela",
"description":"Firefox\/Fennec-specific: Show Dashboard"
"message":"Bistaratu egunkaria",
"description":"Firefox\/Fennec-specific: Show Logger"
"description":"Firefox-specific: appears as 'uBlock₀ (off)'"
"message":"uBlock₀ek orri hau kargatzea galarazi du:",
"description":"English: uBlock₀ has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Iragazki hau dela eta",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"without parameters",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL"
"message":"Hemen aurkitua:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
"description":"English: Go back"
"message":"Itxi leiho hau",
"description":"English: Close this window"
"message":"Ezgaitu blokeatze zorrotza {{hostname}} gunean",
"description":"English: Disable strict blocking for {{hostname}} ..."
"message":"Une batez",
"description":"English: Temporarily"
"message":"Behin betiko",
"description":"English: Permanently"
"message":"Esportatu hodei biltegiratzera",
"message":"Inportatu hodei biltegiratzetik",
"message":"Gailu honen izena:",
"description":"used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name"
"description":"for generic 'submit' buttons"
"description":"for generic 'revert' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ cp $SRC/de/messages.json $DES/de/messages.json
cp $SRC/el/messages.json $DES/el/messages.json
cp $SRC/es-ES/messages.json $DES/es/messages.json
cp $SRC/et/messages.json $DES/et/messages.json
cp $SRC/eu/messages.json $DES/eu/messages.json
cp $SRC/fa/messages.json $DES/fa/messages.json
cp $SRC/fi/messages.json $DES/fi/messages.json
cp $SRC/fil/messages.json $DES/fil/messages.json
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ cp $SRC/de/description.txt $DES/description-de.txt
cp $SRC/el/description.txt $DES/description-el.txt
cp $SRC/es-ES/description.txt $DES/description-es.txt
cp $SRC/et/description.txt $DES/description-et.txt
cp $SRC/eu/description.txt $DES/description-eu.txt
cp $SRC/fa/description.txt $DES/description-fa.txt
cp $SRC/fi/description.txt $DES/description-fi.txt
cp $SRC/fil/description.txt $DES/description-fil.txt
Reference in New Issue
Block a user