mirror of https://github.com/RPCS3/llvm-mirror.git synced 2024-11-22 18:54:02 +01:00
Bradley Smith 142ffc8786 Revert "[AArch64][SVE] Allow accesses to SVE stack objects to use frame pointer"
This patch introduced codegen faults.  An attempt to fix this was done
in https://reviews.llvm.org/D97193, but ultimately it was decided to
approach this differently.

This reverts commit 42635856ed3c9a05957640f9deb50cf865c03825.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D98350
2021-03-11 13:32:35 +00:00

128 lines
6.0 KiB

# RUN: llc -o %t -filetype=obj -start-before=prologepilog %s
# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --name="value0" %t | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK0
# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --name="value1" %t | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK1
# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --name="value2" %t | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK2
# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --name="value3" %t | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK3
# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --name="value4" %t | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK4
# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --name="value5" %t | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK5
# CHECK0: : DW_OP_breg31 WSP+8, DW_OP_lit16, DW_OP_plus)
# CHECK0: DW_AT_type {{.*}}ty32
# CHECK1: : DW_OP_breg31 WSP+16)
# CHECK1: DW_AT_type {{.*}}ty32
# CHECK2: : DW_OP_breg31 WSP+16, DW_OP_lit16, DW_OP_bregx VG+0, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_plus)
# CHECK2: DW_AT_type {{.*}}svint32_t
# CHECK3: : DW_OP_breg31 WSP+16, DW_OP_lit8, DW_OP_bregx VG+0, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_plus)
# CHECK3: DW_AT_type {{.*}}svint32_t
# CHECK4: : DW_OP_breg31 WSP+16, DW_OP_lit7, DW_OP_bregx VG+0, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_plus)
# CHECK4: DW_AT_type {{.*}}svbool_t
# CHECK5: : DW_OP_breg31 WSP+16, DW_OP_lit6, DW_OP_bregx VG+0, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_plus)
# CHECK5: DW_AT_type {{.*}}svbool_t
--- |
; ModuleID = 'bla.mir'
source_filename = "bla.mir"
target triple = "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64-i128:128-n32:64-S128"
define void @foo() #0 !dbg !5 {
unreachable, !dbg !8
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn
declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata)
attributes #0 = { "target-features"="+sve" }
!llvm.dbg.cu = !{!0}
!llvm.debugify = !{!3, !3}
!llvm.module.flags = !{!4}
!0 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C, file: !1, producer: "debugify", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !2)
!1 = !DIFile(filename: "bla.mir", directory: "/")
!2 = !{}
!3 = !{i32 1}
!4 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
!5 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", linkageName: "foo", scope: null, file: !1, line: 1, type: !6, scopeLine: 1, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition | DISPFlagOptimized, unit: !0, retainedNodes: !9)
!6 = !DISubroutineType(types: !2)
!7 = !DIBasicType(name: "ty32", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed)
!8 = !DILocation(line: 1, column: 1, scope: !5)
!9 = !{!10, !11, !12, !13, !14, !15}
!10 = !DILocalVariable(name: "value0", scope: !5, file: !1, line: 1, type: !7)
!11 = !DILocalVariable(name: "value1", scope: !5, file: !1, line: 1, type: !7)
!12 = !DILocalVariable(name: "value2", scope: !5, file: !1, line: 1, type: !16)
!13 = !DILocalVariable(name: "value3", scope: !5, file: !1, line: 1, type: !16)
!14 = !DILocalVariable(name: "value4", scope: !5, file: !1, line: 1, type: !21)
!15 = !DILocalVariable(name: "value5", scope: !5, file: !1, line: 1, type: !21)
!16 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "svint32_t", file: !1, line: 1, baseType: !17)
!17 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "__SVInt32_t", file: !1, baseType: !18)
!18 = !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_array_type, baseType: !7, flags: DIFlagVector, elements: !19)
!19 = !{!20}
!20 = !DISubrange(lowerBound: 0, upperBound: !DIExpression(DW_OP_constu, 2, DW_OP_bregx, 46, 0, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_constu, 1, DW_OP_minus))
!21 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "svbool_t", file: !1, line: 90, baseType: !22)
!22 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "__SVBool_t", file: !1, baseType: !23)
!23 = !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_array_type, baseType: !24, flags: DIFlagVector, elements: !25)
!24 = !DIBasicType(name: "unsigned char", size: 8, encoding: DW_ATE_unsigned_char)
!25 = !{!26}
!26 = !DISubrange(lowerBound: 0, upperBound: !DIExpression(DW_OP_constu, 1, DW_OP_bregx, 46, 0, DW_OP_mul, DW_OP_constu, 1, DW_OP_minus))
name: foo
alignment: 4
tracksRegLiveness: true
- { reg: '$z0' }
- { reg: '$z1' }
- { reg: '$p0' }
- { reg: '$p1' }
- { reg: '$x0' }
- { reg: '$x1' }
maxAlignment: 16
adjustsStack: true
hasCalls: true
maxCallFrameSize: 0
localFrameSize: 4
- { id: 0, size: 8, alignment: 8 }
- { id: 1, size: 8, alignment: 8 }
- { id: 2, size: 16, alignment: 16, stack-id: scalable-vector }
- { id: 3, size: 16, alignment: 16, stack-id: scalable-vector }
- { id: 4, size: 2, alignment: 2, stack-id: scalable-vector }
- { id: 5, size: 2, alignment: 2, stack-id: scalable-vector }
machineFunctionInfo: {}
body: |
liveins: $p0, $p1, $w0, $x1, $z0, $z1
; Avoid stack slot scavenging.
STRXui killed renamable $x0, %stack.0, 0, debug-location !8
DBG_VALUE %stack.0, $noreg, !10, !DIExpression(DW_OP_constu, 16, DW_OP_plus, DW_OP_deref), debug-location !8
STRXui killed renamable $x1, %stack.1, 0, debug-location !8
DBG_VALUE %stack.1, $noreg, !11, !DIExpression(DW_OP_constu, 16, DW_OP_plus, DW_OP_deref), debug-location !8
renamable $p2 = PTRUE_S 31, debug-location !DILocation(line: 4, column: 1, scope: !5)
ST1W_IMM renamable $z0, renamable $p2, %stack.2, 0, debug-location !DILocation(line: 5, column: 1, scope: !5)
DBG_VALUE %stack.2, $noreg, !12, !DIExpression(DW_OP_deref), debug-location !DILocation(line: 5, column: 1, scope: !5)
ST1W_IMM renamable $z1, killed renamable $p2, %stack.3, 0, debug-location !DILocation(line: 6, column: 1, scope: !5)
DBG_VALUE %stack.3, $noreg, !13, !DIExpression(DW_OP_deref), debug-location !DILocation(line: 6, column: 1, scope: !5)
STR_PXI killed renamable $p0, %stack.4, 0, debug-location !DILocation(line: 2, column: 1, scope: !5)
DBG_VALUE %stack.4, $noreg, !14, !DIExpression(DW_OP_deref), debug-location !DILocation(line: 2, column: 1, scope: !5)
STR_PXI killed renamable $p1, %stack.5, 0, debug-location !DILocation(line: 3, column: 1, scope: !5)
DBG_VALUE %stack.5, $noreg, !15, !DIExpression(DW_OP_deref), debug-location !DILocation(line: 3, column: 1, scope: !5)
RET_ReallyLR implicit $z0, implicit $z1, debug-location !DILocation(line: 7, column: 1, scope: !5)