*Improved Keyboard:
- Fixed crash when using Null keyboard handler
- Added support for meta keys
- Added support for {caps, num, scroll} lock.
*Small issues fixed in previous module:
- cellGifDec: Fixed wrong information of packet field in
- cellGifDec: Set DataOutInfo.recordType as 1 since the output is always
an image.
- cellJpgDec: Set colorSpace as 3, until a better function is
- cellJpgDec, cellPngDec: Added RGBA support.
*Changed layout of "Config > Settings" menu.
* Implemented 'cellKb*' functions from 'sys_io' module, which are part
of the libkb library.
* Added corresponding entries in the 'Config > Settings' menu to change
the handler of the keyboard. Supported handlers: Windows, Null.
INFO: This keyboard library is *very* experimental and I am aware of
some bugs. There will be improvements soon.
*Implemented 'cellGifDec', using 'sys_fs' to access the files and the
'stb_image' (stblib) library to decode GIF buffers to Raw-pixel buffers
that can be used as textures.
*Replace 'lodepng' and 'jpeg-compressor' libraries with 'stb_image' in
cellPngDec and cellJpgDec, respectively.
*Fixed minor issues in cellPngDec and cellJpgDec.
*Replaced "sys_jpgdec" with "cellJpgDec" in
*Implemented 'cellJpgDec', using 'sys_fs' to access the files and the
'jpg-compressor' (jpgd) library to decode JPG buffers to Raw-pixel
buffers that can be
used as textures.
*Fixed memory leak issue in cellPngDec and minor changes.
Implemented 'cellPngDec', using 'sys_fs' to access the files and the
'lodepng' library to decode PNG buffers to Raw-pixel buffers that can be
used as textures.