Alex Bates 93db725b4c merge
2020-11-07 12:33:18 +00:00

6.1 KiB

.msg syntax

Character Set

[font=normal]: 𝅘𝅥𝅮!#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[¥]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~°ÀÁÂÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÖÙÚÛÜßàáâäçèéêëìíîïñòóôöùúûü¡¿ª♥★↑↓←→●✖“”‘’ ⒶⒷⓈ▲▼◀▶ⓁⓇⓏ

[font=title] and [font=subtitle]: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.,0123456789©&


Similar to BBCode, tags begin with [ and end with ]. They may take positional arguments (value) and named arguments (arg=value). The order of named arguments does not matter. Values are parsed as integers if possible, and hexidecimal integers are supported. Tag names and argument names are case-insensitive.

To write a literal [ character (and not start a tag), prefix it with a backslash; i.e. \[.

[message name section= index=]...[/message]

Marks the beginning and end of a message.

All parameters on the opening tag are optional. If section and/or index are omitted, the message will be allocated a section and/or index respectively.


Line break.


Waits for the A button to be pressed before continuing.


Scrolls down the message box to begin a new 'paragraph.'

[sleep n]

Waits for n frames before continuing.

[color= ctx=]

Supported color names are:

ctx=normal (default): normal red pink purple blue cyan green yellow

ctx=diary: normal red

ctx=inspect: dark

ctx=button: blue green red yellow gray grey

ctx=popup: normal red pink purple blue teal green yellow

ctx=sign: normal red blue green

To use other colors, provide color as an integer (e.g. [color=0x10]). Here are all the colors supported by the engine: Message colors


Resets the color to what it was before the most recent [color=] tag. The default color at the start of the message is assumed to be [color=normal], which is true for most messages.

[a] [b] [l] [r] [z] [start] [c-up] [c-down] [c-left] [c-right]

Shorthand for the button prompt characters ⒶⒷⓁⓇⓏⓈ▲▼◀▶ respectively. You can override the color used with a named parameter [a color=].

Supported color names: blue green red yellow gray grey


Sets the box style to use for this message. Supported styles are:

[style=right] [style=left] [style=center] - Standard speech bubble with the speaker coming from the given direction

[style=tattle] - Small bubble used for overworld tattles

[style=choice x= y= w= h=] - Box for multiple-choice options

[style=inspect] - Internal narration box, often used when inspecting objects by pressing A

[style=sign] [style=lamppost] [style=postcard] - Boxes with custom backgrounds

[style=popup] - Box in center of screen that grows dynamically depending on how long the message is

[style=upgrade x= y= w= h=] - Super Block box

[style=narrate] - Narration; used when you obtain new partners

[style=epilogue] - Used for post-chapter descriptions of what Mario and party did


Supported fonts: normal title subtitle

Note that the title and subtitle fonts use a different character set to normal.


Resets the font to what it was before the most recent [font=] tag.


Disables the B button from skipping text within.


Causes all text within to appear instantly.


Modifies the spacing between letters.

[scroll n]

Scrolls down n lines.

[size x= y=]

Changes font size.


Resets the size back to x=10 y=10 (the default).

[speed delay= chars=]

Changes text printing speed. delay is the number of frames between each print, and chars is the number of characters to print at once. For example, [speed delay=5 chars=3] would print 3 characters every 5 frames.

[pos x= y=]

Overrides the current text printing position.

x is optional. If only y is provided, the x position will not change.

[indent n]

Indents the following text by n tabs.

[up n] and [down n]

Moves the text printing position up/down by n pixels respectively.

[image id]

Displays the given image. This requires extra setup when printing the message.

There is also a 7-parameter variant of image that is not yet understood.

[sprite unknown id raster]

Displays the given sprite.

[item a b]

Displays the given world icon.

[cursor n] and [option n]

Denotes the position for the hand cursor to appear and the start of the option text for choice n of a [style=choice] box.


Sets the number of options given in this [style=choice] box.


Sets the option number to be selected if the user presses B. If this is not provided, pressing B does nothing.


  • [shaky]...[/shaky]
  • [noise fade=]...[/noise]
  • [faded-shaky fade=]...[/faded-shaky]
  • [fade=]...[/fade]
  • [shout]...[/shout] or [shrinking]...[/shrinking]
  • [whisper]...[/whisper] or [growing]...[/growing]
  • [scream]...[/scream] or [shaky-size]...[/shaky-size]
  • [chortle]...[/chortle] or [wavy-size]...[/wavy-size]
  • [shadow]...[/shadow]

[var n]

Replaced with the value of message variable n. Must be set before the message is printed.


Centers the following text. Parameter purpose is unknown.


Changes the volume of the following text.


Changes the speech sound for the following text.

Supported sound names: normal bowser spirit

You can also use an integer for the parameter.


Resets the speech sound to what it was before the most recent [sound=] tag.

[note] [heart] [star] [circle] [cross] [arrow-up] [arrow-down] [arrow-left] [arrow-right]

Equivalent to the characters 𝅘𝅥𝅮♥★●✖↑↓←→ respectively.

[raw ...]

Outputs all arguments provided as bytes, without modification.

[func ...]

Same as raw, but prefixed with 0xFF.


// line comments are allowed anywhere outside of a [message]...[/message] block and will be ignored. Block comments are not supported.