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19 Translate
FreeScout edited this page 2024-06-18 10:43:07 +03:00

Translate core application and modules

This instruction allows to translate the core application and Modules.

  1. Log in as admin and update application to the latest version in "Manage » System".

  2. Go to "Manage » Modules" and update all modules to the latest versions.

  3. Go to "Manage » Translate".

  4. Click Import Translations (if your FreeScout is in debug mode and importing is not working, disable debugging in .env file: #APP_DEBUG=true). If importing process timeouts, you can execute importing using the following console command: php artisan translations:import

  5. Choose a group in the dropdown to display translations.

  6. Translate texts.

  7. Click Publish translations to apply translations in your app.

  8. Now there are two ways to add translations to the FreeScout build:

    • If you are a developer, commit translations and create a pull request into master branch.
    • Otherwise click Send Translations to send translations to FreeScout team. If sending does not work, download translations using Download as ZIP button and send to support@freescout.net

If after switching to the newly added language you receive "File '/public/js/flatpickr/l10n/xx.js" does not existerror simply create an empty/public/js/flatpickr/l10n/xx.js` file as a workaround.

Change English texts

  1. Go to "Manage » Translations".
  2. Click "Import Translations".
  3. Select "App" in "Choose a group to display translations".
  4. Select English in "Language" dropdown.
  5. Add translations for words/phrases you want to change.
  6. Click "Back" button.
  7. Click "Publish translations".