
1.7 KiB


This repository supports:

If you encounter any issues setting up the repo, please feel free to reach out to us on Discord.


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd papermario


Install build dependencies:


Copy baseroms into the following places (at least 1 is required):

  • ver/us/baserom.z64 (sha1: 3837f44cda784b466c9a2d99df70d77c322b97a0)
  • ver/jp/baserom.z64 (sha1: b9cca3ff260b9ff427d981626b82f96de73586d3)

(If you're using WSL, you can enter the Linux filesystem by opening \\wsl$ in File Explorer; e.g. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\<your username>\papermario.)

Configure the build and extract assets from the base ROM:


Compile the game:


If you get papermario.z64: OK at the end, the build succeeded!

The output ROM is papermario.z64 - you can run this in any N64 emulator.


  1. Install or upgrade to WSL 2 following these instructions (Ubuntu is recommended)
  2. Open a WSL terminal
  3. Run the following command: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && cd ~
  4. Continue with the instructions for Linux

If you have Visual Studio Code, you can type code . to open the repo within it. Ctrl + J opens up a Linux terminal within VS Code.


A Docker image containing all dependencies can be built and ran as follows:

docker build . -t pm
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/papermario pm

Then continue with the instructions for Linux, but you can skip the!