
3193 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Word from="$COff$" to="scoffs" />
<Word from="$ergei" to="Sergei" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="$lighnly" to="Slightly" />
<Word from="$'llOp" to="Stop" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from=",em" to="'em" />
<Word from="/'//" to="I'll" />
<Word from="/'/I" to="I'll" />
<Word from="/ennifer" to="Jennifer" />
<Word from="/got" to="I got" />
<Word from="/have" to="I have" />
<Word from="/hope" to="I hope" />
<Word from="/just" to="I just" />
<Word from="/love" to="I love" />
<Word from="/'m" to="I'm" />
<Word from="/mmerse" to="immerse" />
<Word from="/nsu/ts" to="Insults" />
<Word from="/ong" to="long" />
<Word from="/ook" to="look" />
<Word from="/t's" to="It's" />
<Word from="/'ve" to="I've" />
<Word from="\/\/e'd" to="We'd" />
<Word from="\/\/e're" to="We're" />
<Word from="\/\/e've" to="We've" />
<Word from="\/\/hat" to="What" />
<Word from="\/\/here'd" to="Where'd" />
<Word from="\/\/hoo" to="Whoo" />
<Word from="\/\/hy" to="Why" />
<Word from="\/\/hy'd" to="Why'd" />
<Word from="\/\le're" to="We're" />
<Word from="\/Ve" to="We" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="\'m" to="I'm" />
<Word from="\Ne're" to="We're" />
<Word from="\Nhat's" to="What's" />
<Word from="\Nhere's" to="Where's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="_H6Y-" to="- Hey!" />
<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />
<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />
<Word from="_QW" to="Aw" />
<Word from="_Yay" to="Yay" />
<Word from="|'mjust" to="I'm just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Quse" to="'Cause" />
<Word from="€V€I'y" to="every" />
<Word from="0'clock" to="o'clock" />
<Word from="0f" to="of" />
<Word from="0fEngland" to="of England" />
<Word from="0fft0" to="off to" />
<Word from="0l/er" to="over" />
<Word from="0n" to="on" />
<Word from="0ne" to="one" />
<Word from="0ne's" to="one's" />
<Word from="0r" to="or" />
<Word from="0rders" to="orders" />
<Word from="0thers'" to="others'" />
<Word from="0ut" to="out" />
<Word from="0utlaws'" to="outlaws'" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="0utlaw's" to="outlaw's" />
<Word from="0ver" to="over" />
<Word from="13oos" to="1300s" />
<Word from="18oos" to="1800s" />
<Word from="195os" to="1950s" />
<Word from="1et's" to="let's" />
<Word from="1o" to="10" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="1O" to="10" />
<Word from="1oo" to="100" />
<Word from="1ooth" to="100th" />
<Word from="1oth" to="10th" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="24hoursaday" to="24 hours a day" />
<Word from="2E_" to="2E." />
<Word from="2'IST" to="21ST" />
<Word from="2'Ist_" to="2'1st." />
<Word from="2o" to="20" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="2O" to="20" />
<Word from="2oth" to="20th" />
<Word from="3o" to="30" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="3O" to="30" />
<Word from="3oth" to="30th" />
<Word from="4o" to="40" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="4O" to="40" />
<Word from="4os" to="40s" />
<Word from="4oth" to="40th" />
<Word from="50rry" to="sorry" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="5is" to="5 is" />
<Word from="5o" to="50" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="5O" to="50" />
<Word from="5oth" to="50th" />
<Word from="6o" to="60" />
<Word from="6os" to="60s" />
<Word from="'6os" to="'60s" />
<Word from="6oth" to="60th" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="7eady" to="ready" />
<Word from="7o" to="70" />
<Word from="'7os" to="'70s" />
<Word from="7oth" to="70th" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="8O" to="80" />
<Word from="8o" to="80" />
<Word from="'8os" to="'80s" />
<Word from="8oth" to="80th" />
<Word from="9/aim" to="alarm" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="999and96" to="999 and 96" />
<Word from="9o" to="90" />
<Word from="9oth" to="90th" />
<Word from="9UnShQt" to="gunshot" />
<Word from="a//" to="all" />
<Word from="a/bum" to="album" />
<Word from="a/so" to="also" />
<Word from="A/ways" to="Always" />
<Word from="abcut" to="about" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="aboutcanon" to="about cannon" />
<Word from="aboutit" to="about it" />
<Word from="aboutJack" to="about Jack" />
<Word from="aboutjoining" to="about joining" />
<Word from="aboutposh" to="about posh" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="aboutthis" to="about this" />
<Word from="aboutTNG" to="about TNG" />
<Word from="aboutus" to="about us" />
<Word from="aboutyou" to="about you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="accidently" to="accidentally" />
<Word from="accldent" to="accident" />
<Word from="Acool" to="A cool" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Adaughter" to="A daughter" />
<Word from="afa" to="of a" />
<Word from="afew" to="a few" />
<Word from="afewbob" to="a few bob" />
<Word from="afewcoppers" to="a few coppers" />
<Word from="affernoon" to="afternoon" />
2015-05-04 18:04:38 +02:00
<Word from="affraid" to="afraid" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="afier" to="after" />
<Word from="afler" to="after" />
<Word from="Afool" to="A fool" />
<Word from="Afriend" to="A friend" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="afstaries" to="of stories" />
<Word from="afterall" to="after all" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="afterparty" to="after-party" />
<Word from="afterthe" to="after the" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="afteryou" to="after you" />
<Word from="afulcrum" to="a fulcrum" />
<Word from="Afunny" to="A funny" />
<Word from="aga/nst" to="against" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="againstjewish" to="against Jewish" />
<Word from="agreedto" to="agreed to" />
<Word from="agreeto" to="agree to" />
<Word from="agreetothis" to="agree to this" />
<Word from="agreetowaive" to="agree to waive" />
<Word from="aH" to="all" />
<Word from="ahd" to="and" />
<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />
<Word from="ahsolutes" to="absolutes" />
<Word from="AI_I_" to="ALL" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="AIarm" to="Alarm" />
<Word from="AIert" to="Alert" />
<Word from="AIex" to="Alex" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="AIi" to="Ali" />
<Word from="AII" to="All" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="AIIah" to="Allah" />
<Word from="AIIahu" to="Allahu" />
<Word from="AIIan" to="Allan" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="AIice" to="Alice" />
<Word from="AIien" to="Alien" />
<Word from="AIIow" to="Allow" />
<Word from="AIive" to="Alive" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="AIl" to="All" />
<Word from="AIlah" to="Allah" />
<Word from="Ain'tgotno" to="Ain't got no" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ain'tgotno" to="ain't got no" />
<Word from="Ain'tno" to="Ain't no" />
<Word from="ain'twe" to="ain't we" />
<Word from="AIong" to="Along" />
<Word from="AirForce" to="Air Force" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="airstrike" to="air strike" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="AIso" to="Also" />
<Word from="AIVIBULANCE" to="AMBULANCE" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="AIways" to="Always" />
<Word from="ajanitor" to="a janitor" />
<Word from="ajealous" to="a jealous" />
<Word from="ajob" to="a job" />
<Word from="ajockey_" to="a jockey." />
<Word from="Ajoke" to="A joke" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ajoke" to="a joke" />
<Word from="ajoking" to="a joking" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ajourney" to="a journey" />
<Word from="ajunkie" to="a junkie" />
<Word from="al/" to="all" />
<Word from="al/en" to="alien" />
<Word from="alittle" to="a little" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ALl" to="ALI" />
<Word from="aLL" to="all" />
<Word from="allgasp" to="all gasp" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="alljust" to="all just" />
<Word from="alljustforshow" to="all just for show" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="aLll" to="all I" />
<Word from="alln" to="all in" />
<Word from="Allyou" to="All you" />
<Word from="allyou" to="all you" />
<Word from="aln't" to="ain't" />
<Word from="alot" to="a lot" />
<Word from="Alot" to="A lot" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="aLso" to="also" />
<Word from="An5wer" to="Answer" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="An9TY" to="Angry" />
<Word from="andgentlemen" to="and gentlemen" />
<Word from="Andifyou" to="And if you" />
<Word from="andissues" to="and issues" />
<Word from="Andit" to="And it" />
<Word from="Andit's" to="And it's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="andjudge" to="and judge" />
<Word from="andjunkies" to="and junkies" />
<Word from="Andjust" to="And just" />
<Word from="andjustice" to="and justice" />
<Word from="andl" to="and I" />
<Word from="andlaughs" to="and laughs" />
<Word from="andleave" to="and leave" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="andprotecting" to="and protecting" />
<Word from="andthe" to="and the" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Andthen" to="And then" />
<Word from="andthere" to="and there" />
<Word from="andwe're" to="and we're" />
<Word from="Andwe're" to="And we're" />
<Word from="andwewill" to="and we will" />
<Word from="Andyou" to="And you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="andyou" to="and you" />
<Word from="ANNOUNC/NG" to="ANNOUNCING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="anol" to="and" />
<Word from="Anol" to="And" />
<Word from="anotherjob" to="another job" />
<Word from="anotherpart" to="another part" />
<Word from="anotherstep" to="another step" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="anothertea" to="another tea" />
<Word from="anothertwenty" to="another twenty" />
<Word from="ANSWER/NG" to="ANSWERING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="answernow" to="answer now" />
<Word from="answerwhat" to="answer what" />
<Word from="antiquejoke" to="antique joke" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="anybiscuits" to="any biscuits" />
<Word from="anyhcdy's" to="anybody's" />
<Word from="Anyidea" to="Any idea" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="anyjournals" to="any journals" />
<Word from="anylonget" to="any longer" />
<Word from="anyone's_" to="anyone's." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="anythlngs" to="anythings" />
<Word from="Anytning" to="Anything" />
<Word from="ap0logies" to="apologies" />
<Word from="apejust" to="ape just" />
<Word from="ARABlc" to="ARABIC" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="architectfriend" to="architect friend" />
<Word from="arejust" to="are just" />
<Word from="arent" to="aren't" />
<Word from="Arent" to="Aren't" />
<Word from="aren't_" to="aren't." />
<Word from="arerl't" to="aren't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Arewe" to="Are we" />
<Word from="areyou" to="are you" />
<Word from="Arnsteln's" to="Arnstein's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="artificialgravity" to="artificial gravity" />
<Word from="asfamous" to="as famous" />
<Word from="Asfor" to="As for" />
<Word from="askyou" to="ask you" />
<Word from="Aspergerb" to="Asperger's" />
<Word from="asthe" to="as the" />
<Word from="aswell" to="as well" />
<Word from="at10i00" to="at 10:00" />
<Word from="athousand" to="a thousand" />
<Word from="atip" to="a tip" />
<Word from="atjust" to="at just" />
<Word from="atleast" to="at least" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="atoss" to="a toss" />
<Word from="Atough" to="A tough" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="atthe" to="at the" />
<Word from="atyourbody" to="at your body" />
<Word from="avsrful" to="awful" />
<Word from="avsrfully" to="awfully" />
<Word from="awaytowriting" to="a way to writing" />
<Word from="awee" to="a wee" />
<Word from="Awhole" to="A whole" />
<Word from="awoman" to="a woman" />
<Word from="Awoman" to="A woman" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Babyfon" to="Babylon" />
<Word from="Babyian" to="Babylon" />
<Word from="babyjesus" to="baby Jesus" />
<Word from="backseat" to="back seat" />
<Word from="backto" to="back to" />
<Word from="barelytalked" to="barely talked" />
2018-06-12 23:21:56 +02:00
<Word from="basicly" to="basically" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="battlestation" to="battle station" />
<Word from="battlestations" to="battle stations" />
<Word from="bcat" to="boat" />
<Word from="Bcllvla" to="Bolivia" />
<Word from="bcmb" to="bomb" />
<Word from="bcmbs" to="bombs" />
<Word from="be//y" to="belly" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="becauseJonas" to="because Jonas" />
2015-05-09 20:07:19 +02:00
<Word from="becuase" to="because" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="beefthere" to="beef there" />
<Word from="Beep/'ng" to="Beeping" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Beerand" to="Beer and" />
<Word from="beerout" to="beer out" />
<Word from="befair" to="be fair" />
<Word from="beflattered" to="be flattered" />
<Word from="bejoined" to="be joined" />
<Word from="bejumpy" to="be jumpy" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="believeJuma" to="believe Juma" />
<Word from="besldes" to="besides" />
<Word from="bestfriend" to="best friend" />
<Word from="bestguy" to="best guy" />
<Word from="bestjob" to="best job" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="besttoday" to="best today" />
<Word from="bethe" to="be the" />
<Word from="Betieve" to="Believe" />
<Word from="betterbe" to="better be" />
<Word from="betterclass" to="better class" />
<Word from="betterifthey" to="better if they" />
<Word from="bettertee" to="better tee" />
<Word from="betterthan" to="better than" />
<Word from="beworth" to="be worth" />
<Word from="BIack" to="Black" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="BIackie" to="Blackie" />
<Word from="BIake" to="Blake" />
<Word from="BIame" to="Blame" />
<Word from="BIast" to="Blast" />
<Word from="BIess" to="Bless" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="BIessed" to="Blessed" />
<Word from="biggestproblem" to="biggest problem" />
<Word from="bigos___" to="bigos..." />
<Word from="BIind" to="Blind" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="BIing" to="Bling" />
<Word from="biLL" to="bill" />
<Word from="billiardswith" to="billiards with" />
<Word from="BIood" to="Blood" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="biotched" to="blotched" />
<Word from="Bitinstant" to="BitInstant" />
<Word from="Bitlnstant" to="BitInstant" />
<Word from="bittersweetness" to="bitter-sweetness" />
<Word from="bitthe" to="bit the" />
<Word from="BIue" to="Blue" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Blanoo" to="Blanco" />
<Word from="BLOVVS" to="BLOWS" />
<Word from="blowholel" to="blowhole!" />
<Word from="blt" to="bit" />
<Word from="Bo99" to="Bogg" />
<Word from="bodiedyoung" to="bodied young" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="bomberjust" to="bomber just" />
<Word from="breakféwtl" to="breakfast!" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="brotherand" to="brother and" />
<Word from="bulldozlng" to="bulldozing" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Bun/bur" to="Bonjour" />
<Word from="buryyour" to="bury your" />
<Word from="butjust" to="but just" />
<Word from="butl" to="but I" />
<Word from="Butl" to="But I" />
<Word from="butljust" to="but I just" />
<Word from="Butljustcan'tgetenough" to="But I just can't get enough" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Butnowfm" to="But now I'm" />
<Word from="butthat's" to="but that's" />
<Word from="butthe" to="but the" />
<Word from="Buttheyweren't" to="But they weren't" />
<Word from="Butwe're" to="But we're" />
<Word from="Butyou" to="But you" />
<Word from="butyoujust" to="but you just" />
<Word from="Butyou're" to="But you're" />
<Word from="buythem" to="buy them" />
<Word from="buyyou" to="buy you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="BuZZes" to="Buzzes" />
<Word from="byJack" to="by Jack" />
<Word from="byjust" to="by just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Byproduct" to="By-product" />
<Word from="byproduct" to="by-product" />
<Word from="byproducts" to="by-products" />
<Word from="Byproducts" to="By-products" />
<Word from="bythe" to="by the" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="byyourself" to="by yourself" />
<Word from="C/latter/'/7g" to="Chattering" />
<Word from="ca///ng" to="calling" />
<Word from="ca/I" to="call" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="cal/ed" to="called" />
<Word from="call/ng" to="calling" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="calln" to="call in" />
<Word from="calLs" to="calls" />
<Word from="callt" to="call it" />
<Word from="Callt" to="Call it" />
<Word from="callyou" to="call you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="cametotheworst" to="came to the worst" />
<Word from="caming" to="coming" />
<Word from="campen/an" to="campervan" />
<Word from="can*t" to="can't" />
<Word from="can'I" to="can't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="can'i" to="can't" />
<Word from="canlgetyou" to="can I get you" />
<Word from="cannotchange" to="cannot change" />
<Word from="cannut" to="cannot" />
<Word from="can'T" to="can't" />
<Word from="can't_" to="Crucially" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="can'tget" to="can't get" />
<Word from="can'tjust" to="can't just" />
<Word from="can'tletgo" to="can't let go" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="can'tpronounce" to="can't pronounce" />
<Word from="Car0l" to="Carol" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="cardon't" to="car don't" />
<Word from="Carhorn" to="Car horn" />
<Word from="carrled" to="carried" />
<Word from="Ccug" to="Coug" />
<Word from="Ccugs" to="Cougs" />
<Word from="Ccver" to="Cover" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="CEDR/C" to="CEDRIC" />
<Word from="cellularchange" to="cellular change" />
<Word from="cff" to="off" />
<Word from="cfycu" to="of you" />
<Word from="cfycur" to="of your" />
<Word from="Ch/rping" to="Chirping" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="chainmail" to="chain mail" />
<Word from="chaletgirl" to="chalet girl" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="chanceswe'vetaken" to="chances we've taken" />
<Word from="changejobs" to="change jobs" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="changeswe" to="changes we" />
<Word from="Charliejust" to="Charlie just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Chasedfrom" to="Chased from" />
<Word from="Chatter/'rtg" to="Chattering" />
<Word from="CHATTERWG" to="CHATTERING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="chequeredlove" to="chequered love" />
<Word from="Chequeredlove" to="Chequered love" />
<Word from="cHIRPINcs" to="CHIRPING" />
<Word from="chjldishness" to="childishness" />
<Word from="chlldrcn" to="children" />
<Word from="chlldren" to="children" />
<Word from="Cho/r" to="Choir" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Chocolatte" to="Chocolate" />
<Word from="chocolatte" to="chocolate" />
<Word from="Chrissake" to="Christ sake" />
<Word from="chrissake" to="christ sake" />
<Word from="Chrissakes" to="Christ sakes" />
<Word from="chrissakes" to="christ sakes" />
<Word from="cHucKl_Es" to="CHUCKLES" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="CIamp" to="Clamp" />
<Word from="CIark" to="Clark" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="CIass" to="Class" />
<Word from="CIaus" to="Claus" />
<Word from="CIaw" to="Claw" />
<Word from="CIean" to="Clean" />
<Word from="CIear" to="Clear" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="CIick" to="Click" />
<Word from="CIimb" to="Climb" />
<Word from="CIip" to="Clip" />
<Word from="CIock" to="Clock" />
<Word from="CIose" to="Close" />
<Word from="circumcised_" to="circumcised." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="CIyde" to="Clyde" />
<Word from="ckay" to="okay" />
<Word from="cl_osEs" to="CLOSES" />
<Word from="CLATTERWG" to="CLATTERING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="clawyourway" to="claw your way" />
<Word from="Clest" to="C'est" />
<Word from="cn" to="on" />
<Word from="cne" to="one" />
<Word from="cnes" to="ones" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Co/'ncidenta//y" to="Coincidentally" />
<Word from="Coincidenta//y" to="Coincidentally" />
<Word from="COm€" to="Come" />
<Word from="comp/etey" to="completely" />
<Word from="complainingabout" to="complaining about" />
<Word from="coms" to="come" />
<Word from="cond/lion" to="condition" />
<Word from="confdence" to="confidence" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="confiict" to="conflict" />
<Word from="conhrmed" to="confirmed" />
<Word from="connrm" to="confirm" />
<Word from="Consecutivelyl" to="Consecutively!" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="contactpolice" to="contact police" />
<Word from="Coswe've" to="Cos we've" />
<Word from="COUGH5" to="COUGHS" />
<Word from="CouGHING" to="COUGHING" />
<Word from="couIdn't" to="couldn't" />
<Word from="couldjust" to="could just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="couldnt" to="couldn't" />
<Word from="Couldnt" to="Couldn't" />
<Word from="couldn'T" to="couldn't" />
<Word from="couldn'tjust" to="couldn't just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="couldtwistthe" to="could twist the" />
<Word from="Couldyou" to="Could you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="countyjail" to="county jail" />
<Word from="cp" to="op" />
<Word from="crappyjob" to="crappy job" />
<Word from="CRAsHING" to="CRASHING" />
<Word from="crder" to="order" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="createjobs" to="create jobs" />
<Word from="Crowdcheers" to="Crowd cheers" />
<Word from="Cruoially" to="Crucially" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="CSi" to="CSI" />
<Word from="cther" to="other" />
<Word from="cuuld" to="could" />
<Word from="cver" to="over" />
<Word from="d/'dn't" to="didn't" />
<Word from="d/squietude" to="disquietude" />
<Word from="D¤esn't" to="Doesn't" />
<Word from="d¤n'i" to="don't" />
<Word from="d¤n't" to="don't" />
<Word from="d°9" to="dog" />
<Word from="d0" to="do" />
<Word from="D0" to="Do" />
<Word from="D0asn't" to="Doesn't" />
<Word from="Dad'//" to="Dad'll" />
<Word from="dairyjust" to="dairy just" />
<Word from="Dar//ng" to="Darling" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="dayjourney" to="day journey" />
<Word from="dc" to="do" />
<Word from="Dcbby" to="Dobby" />
<Word from="dccsn't" to="doesn't" />
<Word from="dcctcr" to="doctor" />
<Word from="Dces" to="Does" />
<Word from="dcgs" to="dogs" />
<Word from="dcing" to="doing" />
<Word from="dcn'I" to="don't" />
<Word from="Dcn't" to="Don't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="dcn't" to="don't" />
<Word from="dcughnut" to="doughnut" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="deaL" to="deal" />
<Word from="dearjesus" to="dear Jesus" />
<Word from="deat" to="deal" />
<Word from="decipheredpart" to="deciphered part" />
<Word from="declslons" to="decisions" />
<Word from="deedhas" to="deed has" />
<Word from="Dehnitely" to="Definitely" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="descentinto" to="descent into" />
<Word from="desewes" to="deserves" />
<Word from="desperate/»y" to="desperately" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="detaiLs" to="details" />
<Word from="devious/y" to="deviously" />
<Word from="dF/r" to="dur" />
<Word from="Dflnk" to="Drink" />
<Word from="DIAl_lNcs" to="DIALING" />
<Word from="didn'!" to="didn't" />
<Word from="didnt" to="didn't" />
<Word from="didn'T" to="didn't" />
<Word from="dIdn't" to="didn't" />
<Word from="didn't_" to="didn't." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="didn'tjust" to="didn't just" />
<Word from="didn'tthey" to="didn't they" />
<Word from="didrft" to="didn't" />
<Word from="didrl't" to="didn't" />
<Word from="didyou" to="did you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="difiicu/t" to="difficult" />
<Word from="dinnerpail" to="dinner pail" />
<Word from="direwolf" to="dire wolf" />
<Word from="direwolves" to="dire wolves" />
<Word from="disasterlockdown" to="disaster lockdown" />
<Word from="discusting" to="disgusting" />
<Word from="dissention" to="dissension" />
<Word from="divorcing_" to="divorcing." />
<Word from="diwied" to="divvied" />
<Word from="dld" to="did" />
<Word from="dldn't" to="didn't" />
<Word from="dlfflcull" to="difficult" />
<Word from="dlg" to="dig" />
<Word from="dlsobeyed" to="disobeyed" />
<Word from="Doasn't" to="Doesn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="doasn't" to="doesn't" />
<Word from="doctoh" to="doctor" />
<Word from="Doctor___tell" to="Doctor... tell" />
<Word from="doesnt" to="doesn't" />
<Word from="doesn'T" to="doesn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="doesn'tjust" to="doesn't just" />
<Word from="doesri't" to="doesnt't" />
2014-12-01 13:59:42 +01:00
<Word from="Doesrt" to="Doesn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="doesrt" to="doesn't" />
<Word from="doit" to="do it" />
<Word from="dojust" to="do just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="DollarBaby" to="Dollar Baby" />
<Word from="don*t" to="don't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Don,t" to="Don't" />
<Word from="don,t" to="don't" />
<Word from="donejobs" to="done jobs" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="donewith" to="done with" />
<Word from="don'i" to="don't" />
<Word from="Don'l" to="Don't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="don'l" to="don't" />
<Word from="Donllook" to="Don't look" />
<Word from="dont" to="don't" />
<Word from="don'T" to="don't" />
<Word from="don'tcare" to="don't care" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Don'tget" to="Don't get" />
<Word from="don'tjoke" to="don't joke" />
<Word from="Don'tjudge" to="Don't judge" />
<Word from="don'tjust" to="don't just" />
<Word from="Don'tjust" to="Don't just" />
<Word from="Don'tlet" to="Don't let" />
<Word from="don'tlhink" to="don't think" />
<Word from="don'tpush" to="don't push" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="don'ttake" to="don't take" />
<Word from="donTyou" to="don't you" />
<Word from="Don'tyou" to="Don't you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="don'tyou" to="don't you" />
<Word from="DonWlook" to="Don't look" />
<Word from="Dooropens" to="Door opens" />
<Word from="doorshuts" to="door shuts" />
<Word from="dothat" to="do that" />
<Word from="dothis" to="do this" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="doughmaker" to="dough maker" />
<Word from="doyou" to="do you" />
<Word from="drifiers" to="drifters" />
<Word from="Drinkthis" to="Drink this" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="d'they" to="do they" />
<Word from="dumbass" to="dumb-ass" />
<Word from="dumbto" to="dumb to" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Dun't" to="Don't" />
<Word from="dun't" to="don't" />
<Word from="E//e" to="Elle" />
<Word from="E9YPt" to="Egypt" />
<Word from="ea/'t/7" to="earth" />
<Word from="eart/7" to="earth" />
<Word from="efi'/'c/'ent" to="efficient" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="eiections" to="elections" />
<Word from="EIectronica" to="Electronica" />
<Word from="EIgyn" to="Elgyn" />
<Word from="EIIen" to="Ellen" />
<Word from="EIlen" to="Ellen" />
<Word from="eise's" to="else's" />
<Word from="eLse" to="else" />
<Word from="EN&lt;3LlsH" to="ENGLISH" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Engiish" to="English" />
<Word from="Enjoythe" to="Enjoy the" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="enjoyyourselves" to="enjoy yourselves" />
<Word from="Erv\/an" to="Erwan" />
<Word from="Erv\/an's" to="Erwan's" />
<Word from="etemity" to="eternity" />
<Word from="ev/I" to="evil" />
<Word from="eve/yone" to="everyone" />
<Word from="even/body's" to="everybody's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="everhit" to="ever hit" />
<Word from="eversay" to="ever say" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="everybodykind" to="everybody kind" />
<Word from="Everymonth" to="Every month" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Everything3" to="Everything's" />
<Word from="everythings" to="everything's" />
2019-02-08 01:52:36 +01:00
<Word from="Everythirlg's" to="Everything's" />
<Word from="Everythlng's" to="Everything's" />
<Word from="Everytime" to="Every time" />
<Word from="Exacfly" to="Exactly" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="exactty" to="exactly" />
<Word from="ExacUy_" to="Exactly." />
<Word from="excitedshrieking" to="excited shrieking" />
<Word from="ExcLAllvls" to="EXCLAIMS" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="excuseto" to="excuse to" />
<Word from="exPIain" to="explain" />
2015-05-13 11:23:16 +02:00
<Word from="exploatation" to="exploitation" />
<Word from="expreusion" to="expression" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="exteriorbeats" to="exterior beats" />
<Word from="fairthat" to="fair that" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="fallaw" to="follow" />
<Word from="Fathef" to="Father" />
<Word from="fatherfigure" to="father figure" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Fatherjohn" to="Father John" />
<Word from="faund" to="found" />
<Word from="FBl" to="FBI" />
<Word from="fcrebcdlng" to="foreboding" />
<Word from="fcreverjudges" to="forever judges" />
<Word from="fcund" to="found" />
<Word from="feeleverything" to="feel everything" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="feeljust" to="feel just" />
<Word from="feeLs" to="feels" />
<Word from="feelsweet" to="feel sweet" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="fetd1" to="fetch" />
<Word from="fiam/'/y" to="family" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="fiancis" to="fiancés" />
<Word from="FIattery" to="Flattery" />
<Word from="filet" to="fillet" />
<Word from="fileted" to="filleted" />
<Word from="fileting" to="filleting" />
<Word from="filets" to="fillets" />
<Word from="finda" to="find a" />
<Word from="findit" to="find it" />
<Word from="fingernail" to="fingernail" />
<Word from="finishedjunior" to="finished junior" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="finishedthis" to="finished this" />
<Word from="firstperson" to="first person" />
<Word from="FIy" to="Fly" />
<Word from="FIynn" to="Flynn" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="flat" to="flat" />
<Word from="flatteryourself" to="flatter yourself" />
<Word from="flier" to="flyer" />
<Word from="flll" to="fill" />
<Word from="flra" to="fira" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="flutist" to="flautist" />
<Word from="flutists" to="flautists" />
<Word from="flyboy" to="fly boy" />
<Word from="Flylng" to="Flying" />
<Word from="Fnends" to="Fiends" />
<Word from="fo/low" to="follow" />
<Word from="fonzvard" to="forward" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="fooLs" to="fools" />
<Word from="fora" to="for a" />
<Word from="Fora" to="For a" />
<Word from="forajob" to="for a job" />
<Word from="forAmerica" to="for America" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="forAmerica's" to="for America's" />
<Word from="forArthur" to="for Arthur" />
<Word from="forbad" to="forbid" />
<Word from="forevermore" to="for evermore" />
<Word from="forgetyourname" to="forget your name" />
<Word from="forJack" to="for Jack" />
<Word from="forjoining" to="for joining" />
<Word from="forNew" to="for New" />
<Word from="forone" to="for one" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Forpencils" to="For pencils" />
<Word from="forpleasure" to="for pleasure" />
<Word from="forpondering" to="for pondering" />
<Word from="forpreventative" to="for preventative" />
<Word from="forproviding" to="for providing" />
<Word from="forso" to="for so" />
<Word from="Forsuch" to="For such" />
<Word from="forsunburns" to="for sunburns" />
<Word from="forthe" to="for the" />
<Word from="Foryears" to="For years" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="foryears" to="for years" />
<Word from="foryou" to="for you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Foryour" to="For your" />
<Word from="foryour" to="for your" />
<Word from="Foufleen" to="Fourteen" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="foundguilty" to="found guilty" />
<Word from="Fourpercent" to="Four percent" />
<Word from="fourpercent" to="four percent" />
<Word from="FourSeasons" to="Four Seasons" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="fouryears" to="four years" />
<Word from="fr/ends" to="friends" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="frameJack" to="frame Jack" />
<Word from="Frankfurfs" to="Frankfurt's" />
<Word from="freezerfood" to="freezer food" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="friendjean" to="friend Jean" />
<Word from="Fuckyou" to="Fuck you" />
<Word from="Führerfeels" to="Führer feels" />
<Word from="furthernotice" to="further notice" />
<Word from="furyou" to="for you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="g0" to="go" />
<Word from="G0" to="Go" />
<Word from="g0in9" to="going" />
<Word from="gamlenias" to="gardenias" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Gamradeship" to="Comradeship" />
<Word from="Ganda/f" to="Gandalf" />
<Word from="Gargon" to="Garçon" />
<Word from="GAsPING" to="GASPING" />
<Word from="gc" to="go" />
<Word from="gcing" to="going" />
<Word from="Gcnna" to="Gonna" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="gcnna" to="gonna" />
<Word from="gct" to="get" />
<Word from="Gct" to="Got" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="geL" to="gel" />
<Word from="GeneralJuma" to="General Juma" />
<Word from="genercsity" to="generosity" />
<Word from="generosityn" to="generosity&quot;" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="getfive" to="get five" />
<Word from="getjust" to="get just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Getthat" to="Get that" />
<Word from="getyour" to="get your" />
<Word from="getyourman" to="get your man" />
2016-03-22 20:35:44 +01:00
<Word from="gfling" to="going" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="GIad" to="Glad" />
<Word from="giflfriend" to="girlfriend" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="GIove" to="Glove" />
<Word from="gir/" to="girl" />
<Word from="gir/s'boarding" to="girls' boarding" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="girI" to="girl" />
<Word from="giris" to="girls" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="girL" to="girl" />
<Word from="giVes" to="gives" />
<Word from="gLlyS" to="guys" />
<Word from="glum_" to="glum." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Gnld" to="Gold" />
<Word from="gnyone" to="anyone" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="goafmouth" to="goalmouth" />
<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />
<Word from="Gojoin" to="Go join" />
<Word from="golng" to="going" />
<Word from="goodboyand" to="good boy and" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Goodjob" to="Good job" />
<Word from="goodjob" to="good job" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="google" to="Google" />
<Word from="gOt" to="got" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />
<Word from="gotjumped" to="got jumped" />
<Word from="gotmyfirstinterview" to="got my first interview" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="grafier" to="grafter" />
<Word from="Granddad" to="Grandad" />
<Word from="granddad" to="grandad" />
<Word from="granddad's" to="grandad's" />
<Word from="Granddad's" to="Grandad's" />
<Word from="grandjury" to="grand jury" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="GreatBritain's" to="Great Britain's" />
<Word from="greatjob" to="great job" />
<Word from="Greatjobl" to="Great job!" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="greattapestry" to="great tapestry" />
<Word from="Greenslone" to="Greenstone" />
<Word from="grinco" to="gringo" />
<Word from="GRoANING" to="GROANING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="growingjeopardy" to="growing jeopardy" />
<Word from="GRUNUNG" to="GRUNTING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="GTi" to="GTI" />
<Word from="gu" to="go" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="gundeck" to="gun deck" />
<Word from="gunna" to="gonna" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="guud" to="good" />
<Word from="guyjumped" to="guy jumped" />
<Word from="guyjust" to="guy just" />
<Word from="gUyS" to="guys" />
<Word from="H€Y" to="Hey" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="H0ger" to="Roger" />
<Word from="H0we·ver" to="However" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ha/f" to="half" />
<Word from="hadjust" to="had just" />
<Word from="Hadnt" to="Hadn't" />
<Word from="hadnt" to="hadn't" />
<Word from="hadto" to="had to" />
<Word from="hadve" to="had've" />
<Word from="halfthe" to="half the" />
<Word from="Halfthe" to="Half the" />
<Word from="halftheir" to="half their" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="handwrittenjournals" to="handwritten journals" />
<Word from="happiestradio" to="happiest radio" />
2014-10-05 17:42:45 +02:00
<Word from="hapPY" to="happy" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="harddrive" to="hard drive" />
<Word from="hardertime" to="harder time" />
2018-06-12 23:21:56 +02:00
<Word from="harrassment" to="harassment" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="hasjumped" to="has jumped" />
<Word from="hasjust" to="has just" />
<Word from="hasnt" to="hasn't" />
<Word from="Hasnt" to="Hasn't" />
<Word from="Hasn'tgot" to="Hasn't got" />
2014-12-01 13:59:42 +01:00
<Word from="hasrt" to="hasn't" />
<Word from="Hasrt" to="Hasn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="havejust" to="have just" />
<Word from="Havent" to="Haven't" />
<Word from="havent" to="haven't" />
<Word from="haven'tspokerl" to="haven't spoken" />
<Word from="hcle" to="hole" />
<Word from="hcme" to="home" />
<Word from="hcmes" to="homes" />
<Word from="hcpe" to="hope" />
<Word from="hctel" to="hotel" />
<Word from="hcurs" to="hours" />
<Word from="Hcw" to="How" />
<Word from="he/ps" to="helps" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Headfor" to="Head for" />
<Word from="headis" to="head is" />
<Word from="heao'ed" to="headed" />
<Word from="hearjokestonight" to="hear jokes tonight" />
<Word from="hearme" to="hear me" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="hearthat" to="hear that" />
<Word from="hearyou" to="hear you" />
<Word from="hearyour" to="hear your" />
<Word from="Hefell" to="He fell" />
<Word from="he'II" to="he'll" />
<Word from="He'II" to="He'll" />
<Word from="HeII0" to="Hello" />
<Word from="He'Il" to="He'll" />
<Word from="Hejust" to="He just" />
<Word from="He'lI" to="He'll" />
<Word from="HelIo" to="Hello" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Hell0" to="Hello" />
<Word from="hellc" to="hello" />
<Word from="HellO" to="Hello" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="hell'sthis" to="hell's this" />
<Word from="helpyou" to="help you" />
<Word from="herbag" to="her bag" />
<Word from="herboyfr/end" to="her boyfriend" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="here,s" to="here's" />
<Word from="Here,s" to="Here's" />
<Word from="herflesh" to="her flesh" />
<Word from="herfollov\/ed" to="her followed" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="herhearing" to="her hearing" />
<Word from="herjob_" to="her job." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Hermionejust" to="Hermione just" />
<Word from="herpursuit" to="her pursuit" />
<Word from="HerrSchmidt" to="Herr Schmidt" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="herselfinto" to="herself into" />
<Word from="herwhat's" to="her what's" />
<Word from="herwith" to="her with" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Hes" to="He's" />
<Word from="hes" to="he's" />
<Word from="He'sjust" to="He's just" />
<Word from="hett" to="hell" />
<Word from="hewants" to="he wants" />
<Word from="HeY·" to="Hey." />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />
<Word from="hiddsn" to="hidden" />
<Word from="hisjunk" to="his junk" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="hisseLf" to="hisself" />
<Word from="Hitlershare" to="Hitler share" />
<Word from="Hlneed" to="I'll need" />
<Word from="Hnally" to="finally" />
<Word from="Hnishing" to="finishing" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Hobbifs" to="Hobbit's" />
<Word from="HOId" to="Hold" />
<Word from="hOIes" to="holes" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="holdit" to="hold it" />
<Word from="honesto" to="honest to" />
<Word from="Honesto" to="Honest to" />
<Word from="HONMNG" to="HONKING" />
<Word from="honorthe" to="honor the" />
<Word from="honoryou" to="honor you" />
<Word from="honoryour" to="honor your" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="hopetherewas" to="hope there was" />
<Word from="hotdog" to="hot dog" />
<Word from="hotdogs" to="hot dogs" />
<Word from="hourputs" to="hour puts" />
<Word from="Hov\/'s" to="How's" />
<Word from="Hov\/'S" to="How's" />
<Word from="HovvLING" to="HOWLING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="How,d" to="How'd" />
<Word from="how,d" to="how'd" />
<Word from="Howabout" to="How about" />
<Word from="howit" to="how it" />
<Word from="HoW's" to="How's" />
<Word from="howto" to="how to" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Howyou" to="How you" />
<Word from="Hs's" to="He's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="hupe" to="hope" />
<Word from="hurtyou" to="hurt you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="I,d" to="I'd" />
<Word from="i,d" to="I'd" />
<Word from="i,ll" to="I'll" />
<Word from="I,ll" to="I'll" />
<Word from="i,m" to="I'm" />
<Word from="I,m" to="I'm" />
<Word from="i,ve" to="I've" />
<Word from="I,ve" to="I've" />
<Word from="I/erilj/" to="verify" />
<Word from="I/fe" to="life" />
<Word from="I3EEPING" to="BEEPING" />
<Word from="I3LARING" to="BLARING" />
<Word from="Iacings" to="lacings" />
<Word from="Iaid" to="laid" />
<Word from="Iam" to="I am" />
<Word from="Iand" to="land" />
<Word from="Ianding" to="landing" />
<Word from="Iast" to="last" />
<Word from="Iate" to="late" />
<Word from="Icad" to="load" />
<Word from="Icading" to="loading" />
<Word from="Ican" to="I can" />
<Word from="Iccked" to="locked" />
<Word from="Icng" to="long" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Icould" to="I could" />
<Word from="Icsing" to="losing" />
<Word from="Icslng" to="losing" />
<Word from="Idid" to="I did" />
<Word from="Ididn't" to="I didn't" />
<Word from="Ido" to="I do" />
<Word from="Idon'i" to="I don't" />
<Word from="Idon't" to="I don't" />
<Word from="Idon'tthink" to="I don't think" />
<Word from="I'E'$" to="It's" />
<Word from="Ieamed" to="learned" />
<Word from="Ieapt" to="leapt" />
<Word from="Iearned" to="learned" />
<Word from="Ieast" to="least" />
<Word from="Ieave" to="leave" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ieaving" to="leaving" />
<Word from="Iecture" to="lecture" />
<Word from="Iectures" to="lectures" />
<Word from="Ied" to="led" />
<Word from="Ieft" to="left" />
<Word from="Ieg's" to="leg's" />
<Word from="Iess" to="less" />
<Word from="Iet" to="let" />
<Word from="Iet's" to="let's" />
<Word from="Iet'sjust" to="let's just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ietting" to="letting" />
<Word from="if/just" to="if I just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ifa" to="if a" />
<Word from="Ifear" to="I fear" />
<Word from="Ifeared" to="I feared" />
<Word from="Ifeel" to="I feel" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ifGod" to="if God" />
<Word from="IfGod" to="If God" />
<Word from="ifhe" to="if he" />
<Word from="ifhefinds" to="if he finds" />
<Word from="ifI'||" to="if I'll" />
<Word from="ifI'd" to="if I'd" />
<Word from="ifI'II" to="if I'll" />
<Word from="ifI'll" to="if I'll" />
<Word from="ifI'm" to="if I'm" />
<Word from="Ifinally" to="I finally" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ifit" to="If it" />
<Word from="ifit's" to="if it's" />
<Word from="ifI've" to="if I've" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ifJack" to="if Jack" />
<Word from="ifJanine" to="if Janine" />
<Word from="ifl" to="if I" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ifl'd" to="if I'd" />
<Word from="ifl'm" to="if I'm" />
<Word from="ifmy" to="if my" />
<Word from="ifnecessary" to="if necessary" />
<Word from="Ifnot" to="If not" />
<Word from="Iforgot" to="I forgot" />
<Word from="Ifound" to="I found" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ifour" to="If our" />
<Word from="Ifpot's" to="If pot's" />
<Word from="Ifshe" to="If she" />
<Word from="ifshe" to="if she" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ifshe's" to="If she's" />
<Word from="Ifslocked" to="It's locked" />
<Word from="ifthafs" to="if that's" />
<Word from="Ifthat" to="If that" />
<Word from="ifthat's" to="if that's" />
<Word from="ifthe" to="if the" />
<Word from="Ifthe" to="If the" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ifthere" to="if there" />
<Word from="ifthere's" to="if there's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="iftheworst" to="if the worst" />
<Word from="ifthey" to="if they" />
<Word from="Ifthey" to="If they" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ifthey're" to="If they're" />
<Word from="iftheywe" to="if they've" />
<Word from="ifthis" to="if this" />
<Word from="ifwe" to="if we" />
<Word from="Ifwe" to="If we" />
<Word from="Ifycu" to="If you" />
<Word from="Ifyou" to="If you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ifyou" to="if you" />
<Word from="ifyou'd" to="if you'd" />
<Word from="Ifyou're" to="If you're" />
<Word from="ifyuu" to="if you" />
<Word from="Iget" to="I get" />
<Word from="Igot" to="I got" />
<Word from="Igotta" to="I gotta" />
<Word from="Igotyou" to="I got you" />
<Word from="Iguess" to="I guess" />
<Word from="Iguessljust" to="I guess I just" />
<Word from="Ihad" to="I had" />
<Word from="Ihat's" to="that's" />
<Word from="Ihave" to="I have" />
<Word from="Iheard" to="I heard" />
<Word from="ihere's" to="there's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ihey" to="they" />
<Word from="ihey've" to="they've" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ihhkeepefls" to="innkeeper's" />
<Word from="Ihope" to="I hope" />
<Word from="ii/Iary" to="Mary" />
<Word from="ii/Ir" to="Mr" />
<Word from="ii/Ir." to="Mr." />
<Word from="ii/love" to="Move" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iicked" to="licked" />
<Word from="Iicking" to="licking" />
<Word from="Iife" to="life" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iifejust" to="life just" />
<Word from="I'II" to="I'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="I'IIjump" to="I'll jump" />
<Word from="Iike" to="like" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iikely" to="likely" />
<Word from="I'Il" to="I'll" />
<Word from="Iine" to="line" />
<Word from="iirst" to="first" />
<Word from="Ii's" to="It's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ii's" to="it's" />
<Word from="Iisten" to="listen" />
<Word from="Iistening" to="listening" />
<Word from="Iiterallyjumped" to="literally jumped" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iittle" to="little" />
<Word from="Iittlejokes" to="little jokes" />
<Word from="Iiust" to="I just" />
<Word from="iive" to="live" />
<Word from="iives" to="lives" />
<Word from="Ijoined" to="I joined" />
<Word from="Ijust" to="I just" />
<Word from="Iknew" to="I knew" />
<Word from="Iknow" to="I know" />
<Word from="Ile" to="lie" />
<Word from="Ileft" to="I left" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="I'LL" to="I'll" />
<Word from="I'lldo" to="I'll do" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="I'llgo" to="I'll go" />
<Word from="I'lljust" to="I'll just" />
<Word from="I'Lljust" to="I'll just" />
<Word from="I'llmake" to="I'll make" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="I'llneverforgetyou" to="I'll never forget you" />
<Word from="Ilons" to="lions" />
<Word from="Ilove" to="I love" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ilovedit" to="I loved it" />
<Word from="Imean" to="I mean" />
<Word from="I'mjust" to="I'm just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="inbalanced" to="in balanced" />
<Word from="Inconceivablel" to="Inconceivable!" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="increasethe" to="increase the" />
<Word from="infact" to="in fact" />
<Word from="Infact" to="In fact" />
<Word from="influence" to="influence" />
<Word from="infront" to="in front" />
<Word from="injust" to="in just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="injuvy" to="in juvy" />
<Word from="inscfipfions" to="inscriptions" />
<Word from="insolencel" to="insolence!" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="inta" to="into" />
<Word from="intc" to="into" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="internationaljudges" to="international judges" />
<Word from="inthe" to="in the" />
<Word from="Iockdown" to="lockdown" />
<Word from="Iong" to="long" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ionger" to="longer" />
<Word from="Iongjourney" to="long journey" />
<Word from="Iongships" to="longships" />
<Word from="Iook" to="look" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iooked" to="looked" />
<Word from="Iookjust" to="look just" />
<Word from="Iooklng" to="looking" />
<Word from="Iooks" to="looks" />
<Word from="Ioose" to="loose" />
<Word from="Iord's" to="lord's" />
<Word from="Iose" to="lose" />
<Word from="Ioser" to="loser" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iosing" to="losing" />
<Word from="Ioss" to="loss" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iosses" to="losses" />
<Word from="Iost" to="lost" />
<Word from="Iot" to="lot" />
<Word from="Iot's" to="lot's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iousy" to="lousy" />
<Word from="Iousyjob" to="lousy job" />
<Word from="Iove" to="love" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iovedher" to="loved her" />
<Word from="Iovers" to="lovers" />
<Word from="Ioves" to="loves" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iow" to="low" />
<Word from="Iowlife" to="lowlife" />
<Word from="Ipaid" to="I paid" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Iprefer" to="I prefer" />
<Word from="Ipush" to="I push" />
<Word from="Iquit" to="I quit" />
<Word from="Ireallythinkthis" to="I really think this" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Irepeat" to="I repeat" />
<Word from="I'rn" to="I'm" />
<Word from="Isaw" to="I saw" />
<Word from="Isayt/1e" to="I say the" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ishould" to="I should" />
<Word from="isjack" to="is Jack" />
<Word from="isjust" to="is just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="isn,t" to="isn't" />
<Word from="Isn,t" to="Isn't" />
<Word from="isn'i" to="isn't" />
<Word from="isn't_" to="isn't." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="isn'tit" to="isn't it" />
<Word from="Ispent" to="I spent" />
<Word from="Isthis" to="Is this" />
<Word from="Istill" to="I still" />
<Word from="Istumblod" to="I stumbled" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="it,ll" to="it'll" />
<Word from="It,ll" to="It'll" />
<Word from="It,s" to="It's" />
<Word from="it,s" to="it's" />
<Word from="Itake" to="I take" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Italked" to="I talked" />
<Word from="itdown" to="it down" />
<Word from="Iteach" to="I teach" />
<Word from="Itfeels" to="It feels" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Itgave" to="It gave" />
<Word from="itgoing" to="it going" />
<Word from="ithave" to="it have" />
<Word from="Ithink" to="I think" />
<Word from="Ithinkthat" to="I think that" />
<Word from="Ithinkthis" to="I think this" />
<Word from="Ithinkyou're" to="I think you're" />
<Word from="Ithlnk" to="I think" />
<Word from="Ithoguht" to="I thought" />
<Word from="Ithought" to="I thought" />
<Word from="Ithoughtl" to="I thought I" />
<Word from="it'II" to="it'll" />
<Word from="It'II" to="It'll" />
<Word from="it'Il" to="it'll" />
<Word from="It'Il" to="It'll" />
<Word from="itin" to="it in" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="itis" to="it is" />
<Word from="Itjust" to="It just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="itjust" to="it just" />
<Word from="It'lI" to="It'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="it'lI" to="it'll" />
<Word from="itll" to="it'll" />
<Word from="Itll" to="It'll" />
<Word from="It'llhappen" to="It'll happen" />
<Word from="it'lljust" to="it'll just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="It'lljust" to="It'll just" />
<Word from="it'llstart" to="it'll start" />
<Word from="Itold" to="I told" />
<Word from="Itook" to="I took" />
<Word from="itout" to="it out" />
<Word from="it'S" to="it's" />
<Word from="it'sjinxed" to="it's jinxed" />
<Word from="it'sjust" to="it's just" />
<Word from="It'sjust" to="It's just" />
<Word from="itso" to="it so" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="It'stheircollective" to="It's their collective" />
<Word from="It'syour" to="It's your" />
<Word from="Ittastes" to="It tastes" />
<Word from="ittastes" to="it tastes" />
<Word from="Ittends" to="It tends" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="itwas" to="it was" />
<Word from="Itwasn't" to="It wasn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="itwhilewe've" to="it while we've" />
<Word from="Itwill" to="It will" />
<Word from="Iuckier" to="luckier" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="iumpgates" to="Jumpgates" />
<Word from="IunCh" to="lunch" />
<Word from="Iures" to="lures" />
<Word from="iust" to="just" />
<Word from="iustiiggle" to="just jiggle" />
<Word from="IV|oney" to="Money" />
<Word from="IV|oney's" to="Money's" />
<Word from="I'va" to="I've" />
<Word from="I'Ve" to="I've" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="I'vejust" to="I've just" />
<Word from="IVIan" to="Man" />
<Word from="IVIAN" to="MAN" />
<Word from="IVIarch" to="March" />
<Word from="IVIarci's" to="Marci's" />
<Word from="IVIarko" to="Marko" />
<Word from="IVIe" to="Me" />
<Word from="IVIine's" to="Mine's" />
<Word from="IVImm" to="Mmm" />
<Word from="IVIoney" to="Money" />
<Word from="IVIr." to="Mr." />
<Word from="IVIrs" to="Mrs" />
<Word from="IVIuch" to="Much" />
<Word from="IVIust" to="Must" />
<Word from="IVIy" to="My" />
<Word from="IVlacArthur" to="MacArthur" />
<Word from="IVlacArthur's" to="MacArthur's" />
<Word from="IVlcBride" to="McBride" />
<Word from="IVlore" to="More" />
<Word from="IVlotherfucker_" to="Motherfucker." />
<Word from="IVlr" to="Mr" />
<Word from="IVlr." to="Mr." />
<Word from="IVlr_" to="Mr." />
<Word from="IVlust" to="Must" />
<Word from="IVly" to="My" />
<Word from="Iwake" to="I wake" />
<Word from="Iwant" to="I want" />
<Word from="Iwanted" to="I wanted" />
<Word from="Iwas" to="I was" />
<Word from="Iwasjust" to="I was just" />
<Word from="Iwasjustu" to="I was just..." />
<Word from="Iwill" to="I will" />
<Word from="Iwish" to="I wish" />
<Word from="Iwon't" to="I won't" />
<Word from="Iworked" to="I worked" />
<Word from="Iwould" to="I would" />
<Word from="jalapeno" to="jalapeño" />
<Word from="Jaokson" to="Jackson" />
<Word from="Jascn" to="Jason" />
<Word from="jcke" to="joke" />
<Word from="jennifer" to="Jennifer" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="jerkoff" to="jerk off" />
<Word from="Jestis" to="Jesus" />
<Word from="jesus" to="Jesus" />
<Word from="jewelefls" to="jeweller's" />
<Word from="Jnteresting" to="Interesting" />
<Word from="joseph" to="Joseph" />
2018-04-30 21:07:01 +02:00
<Word from="jsut" to="just" />
<Word from="Jumpthem" to="Jump them" />
<Word from="jusi" to="just" />
<Word from="jusl" to="just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Justgive" to="Just give" />
<Word from="justjudge" to="just judge" />
<Word from="justleave" to="just leave" />
<Word from="Justletgo" to="Just let go" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="keepthem" to="keep them" />
<Word from="KIaus" to="Klaus" />
<Word from="kidsjumped" to="kids jumped" />
<Word from="kiokflip" to="kickflip" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="knewthese" to="knew these" />
<Word from="knewwe" to="knew we" />
<Word from="knovv" to="know" />
<Word from="knowherlast" to="know her last" />
<Word from="knowjust" to="know just" />
<Word from="knowthat" to="know that" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="knowthe" to="know the" />
<Word from="knowthis" to="know this" />
<Word from="knowwhat" to="know what" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="knowwhere" to="know where" />
<Word from="knowyet" to="know yet" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="knowyou" to="know you" />
<Word from="knowyourlove" to="know your love" />
<Word from="korean" to="Korean" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="L,d" to="I'd" />
<Word from="l,d" to="I'd" />
<Word from="L,ll" to="I'll" />
<Word from="l,ll" to="I'll" />
<Word from="l,m" to="I'm" />
<Word from="L,m" to="I'm" />
<Word from="L,ve" to="I've" />
<Word from="l,ve" to="I've" />
<Word from="L/ght" to="Light" />
<Word from="L/kes" to="Likes" />
<Word from="l\/ly" to="My" />
<Word from="l_AuGHING" to="LAUGHING" />
<Word from="lm" to="I'm" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="l0ng's" to="long's" />
<Word from="lam" to="I am" />
<Word from="Laml6" to="I am l6" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lasagna" to="lasagne" />
<Word from="Lcad" to="Load" />
<Word from="lcan" to="I can" />
<Word from="lcan't" to="I can't" />
<Word from="lcarl't_" to="I can't." />
<Word from="Lcve" to="Love" />
<Word from="L'd" to="I'd" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="l'd" to="I'd" />
<Word from="ldid" to="I did" />
<Word from="Ldid" to="I did" />
<Word from="ldiot" to="Idiot" />
<Word from="L'djump" to="I'd jump" />
<Word from="ldon't" to="I don't" />
<Word from="Ldon't" to="I don't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="leastpeople" to="least people" />
<Word from="LeBIanc" to="LeBlanc" />
<Word from="Lefs" to="Let's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="let,s" to="let's" />
<Word from="Let,s" to="Let's" />
<Word from="let'sjust" to="let's just" />
<Word from="Let'sjust" to="Let's just" />
<Word from="Lf" to="If" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lf" to="if" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="I feel one lung" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lfhe's" to="If he's" />
<Word from="lfl" to="if I" />
<Word from="lfstill" to="If still" />
<Word from="lfthafs" to="if that's" />
<Word from="lfthere" to="If there" />
<Word from="lfthey" to="if they" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lfthis" to="if this" />
<Word from="lfwe" to="If we" />
<Word from="lfwe're" to="if we're" />
<Word from="lfyou" to="If you" />
<Word from="Lfyou" to="If you" />
<Word from="lfyou're" to="If you're" />
<Word from="lget" to="I get" />
<Word from="lgive" to="I give" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lgot" to="I got" />
<Word from="lguess" to="I guess" />
<Word from="Li/0/Academy" to="Lilly Academy" />
<Word from="li/lr." to="Mr." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lifeform" to="life form" />
<Word from="lifejust" to="life just" />
<Word from="ligature___" to="ligature..." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lightspeed" to="light speed" />
<Word from="l'II" to="I'll" />
<Word from="l'Il" to="I'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="limón" to="lemon" />
<Word from="LIoyd" to="Lloyd" />
<Word from="littie" to="little" />
<Word from="littlestboxes" to="littlest boxes" />
<Word from="livewith" to="live with" />
<Word from="ljust" to="I just" />
<Word from="Ljust" to="I just" />
<Word from="ll/Iommy's" to="Mommy's" />
<Word from="Ll/lajor" to="Major" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ll/lajor" to="Major" />
<Word from="ll/layans" to="Mayans" />
<Word from="l'lI" to="I'll" />
<Word from="l'll" to="I'll" />
<Word from="L'll" to="I'll" />
<Word from="l'lljust" to="I'll just" />
<Word from="L'lltake" to="I'll take" />
<Word from="llte" to="lite" />
<Word from="L'm" to="I'm" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="l'm" to="I'm" />
<Word from="Lmean" to="I mean" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="L'mjewish" to="I'm Jewish" />
<Word from="l'mjust" to="I'm just" />
<Word from="ln" to="In" />
<Word from="lN" to="IN" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lNAUDIBLE" to="INAUDIBLE" />
<Word from="lNAuDll3LE" to="INAUDIBLE" />
<Word from="LNAuDll3LE" to="INAUDIBLE" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lncoming" to="incoming" />
<Word from="lndistinct" to="Indistinct" />
<Word from="LNDlsTINcT" to="INDISTINCT" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="lneed" to="I need" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lnhales" to="Inhales" />
<Word from="lnteresting" to="Interesting" />
<Word from="lnternationalAirport" to="International Airport" />
<Word from="lNTERVIEWER" to="INTERVIEWER" />
<Word from="Lond0" to="Londo" />
<Word from="Lordjesus" to="Lord Jesus" />
<Word from="lostyou" to="lost you" />
<Word from="Loudmusic" to="Loud music" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lpush" to="I push" />
<Word from="lraq" to="Iraq" />
<Word from="lRA's" to="IRA's" />
<Word from="Lrenka" to="Irenka" />
<Word from="Lrn" to="I'm" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lron" to="Iron" />
<Word from="lRS" to="IRS" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lSA" to="ISA" />
<Word from="lsaac" to="Isaac" />
<Word from="lsabella" to="Isabella" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lsleep" to="l sleep" />
<Word from="Lsn't" to="Isn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lsn't" to="Isn't" />
<Word from="lsn't" to="isn't" />
<Word from="lsolation" to="Isolation" />
<Word from="Lst's" to="Let's" />
<Word from="lsuppose" to="I suppose" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lt" to="it" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="lt" to="It" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Lt" to="It" />
<Word from="ltake" to="I take" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ltalian" to="Italian" />
<Word from="ltell" to="I tell" />
<Word from="lthink" to="I think" />
<Word from="Lthink" to="I think" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="lthink___" to="I think..." />
<Word from="lt'II" to="It'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Lt'II" to="It'll" />
<Word from="Lt'Il" to="It'll" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="lt'Il" to="It'll" />
<Word from="ltjammed_" to="It jammed." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Lt'll" to="It'll" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="lt'll" to="It'll" />
<Word from="ltold" to="I told" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Lt's" to="It's" />
<Word from="lT'S" to="IT'S" />
<Word from="Lt'S" to="It's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="lt's" to="It's" />
<Word from="Lt'sjust" to="It's just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="LuCY" to="Lucy" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="I wasn't" />
<Word from="l've" to="I've" />
<Word from="L've" to="I've" />
<Word from="lVIan" to="Man" />
<Word from="lVIcHenry" to="McHenry" />
<Word from="lVIr." to="Mr." />
<Word from="lVlacArthur" to="MacArthur" />
<Word from="LVlore" to="More" />
<Word from="lVlr" to="Mr" />
<Word from="lVlr." to="Mr." />
<Word from="lvluslc" to="MUSIC" />
<Word from="lVlust" to="Must" />
<Word from="LVly" to="Lily" />
<Word from="lwaited" to="I waited" />
<Word from="lwamoto" to="Iwamoto" />
<Word from="lwant" to="I want" />
<Word from="lwanted" to="I wanted" />
<Word from="lwas" to="I was" />
<Word from="lwill" to="I will" />
<Word from="lwon't" to="I won't" />
<Word from="lworked" to="I worked" />
<Word from="lwould" to="I would" />
<Word from="lwould've" to="I would've" />
<Word from="lx/Iorning" to="Morning" />
<Word from="M/dd/e" to="Middle" />
<Word from="m/g/7ty" to="mighty" />
<Word from="MACH/NE" to="MACHINE" />
<Word from="MacKenz/e" to="MacKenzie" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="magmflque" to="magnifique" />
<Word from="majorjackpot" to="major jackpot" />
<Word from="majormuscle" to="major muscle" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Majur" to="Major" />
<Word from="maltwhisky" to="malt whisky" />
<Word from="managedto" to="managed to" />
<Word from="Manuela_" to="Manuela." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="manybeautiful" to="many beautiful" />
<Word from="manybottles" to="many bottles" />
<Word from="manybowls" to="many bowls" />
<Word from="manyjoyrides" to="many joyrides" />
<Word from="maste/y" to="mastery" />
<Word from="Masturhate" to="Masturbate" />
<Word from="Mattei_" to="Mattei." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="matterofprinciple" to="matter of principle" />
<Word from="matteryour" to="matter your" />
<Word from="mayjust" to="may just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="maypass" to="may pass" />
<Word from="mbecause" to="&quot;because" />
<Word from="McCa/Iister" to="McCallister" />
<Word from="McCallisler" to="McCallister" />
<Word from="Mccallister" to="McCallister" />
<Word from="Mccallisters" to="McCallisters" />
<Word from="mcm's" to="mom's" />
<Word from="mcney" to="money" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="mcontinues" to="...continues" />
<Word from="mcral" to="moral" />
<Word from="mcre" to="more" />
<Word from="mcve" to="move" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="meaLs" to="meals" />
<Word from="mejust" to="me just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="metacommentary" to="meta commentary" />
<Word from="methink" to="me think" />
<Word from="Mexioo" to="Mexico" />
<Word from="mi//&lt;" to="milk" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="mi//ion" to="million" />
<Word from="midenticard" to="...identicard" />
<Word from="mighfve" to="might've" />
<Word from="military'II" to="military'll" />
<Word from="militaryjuntas" to="military juntas" />
<Word from="mindboggling" to="mind boggling" />
<Word from="mineforthe" to="mine for the" />
<Word from="misfartune" to="misfortune" />
<Word from="Ml6" to="MI6" />
<Word from="Mlnd" to="Mind" />
<Word from="Mock/'ngbl'rd" to="Mockingbird" />
<Word from="mOI'€" to="more" />
<Word from="Mom_" to="Mom." />
<Word from="monkeyback" to="monkey back" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="motorsthem" to="motors them" />
<Word from="move___l" to="move... I" />
<Word from="moveto" to="move to" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="mu/ti" to="multi" />
<Word from="Musfve" to="Must've" />
<Word from="musfve" to="must've" />
<Word from="mustjump" to="must jump" />
<Word from="mustknock" to="must knock" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="mustn,t" to="mustn't" />
<Word from="Mustn,t" to="Mustn't" />
<Word from="mybest" to="my best" />
<Word from="mybooty" to="my booty" />
<Word from="mybusiness" to="my business" />
<Word from="myfingers" to="my fingers" />
<Word from="myhands" to="my hands" />
<Word from="Myheart" to="My heart" />
<Word from="myjch" to="my job" />
<Word from="myjet" to="my jet" />
<Word from="Myjob" to="My job" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="myjob" to="my job" />
<Word from="myjob's" to="my job's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="myjournal" to="my journal" />
<Word from="myjourney" to="my journey" />
<Word from="myjudgment" to="my judgment" />
<Word from="mylife" to="my life" />
<Word from="Mynew" to="My new" />
<Word from="myown" to="my own" />
<Word from="mypants" to="my pants" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="myparty" to="my party" />
<Word from="myposition" to="my position" />
<Word from="myseif" to="myself" />
<Word from="myselli" to="myself" />
<Word from="Myshoes" to="My shoes" />
<Word from="mysong" to="my song" />
<Word from="mytemper" to="my temper" />
<Word from="mythumb" to="my thumb" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="mytrucktoo" to="my truck too" />
<Word from="Myworld" to="My world" />
<Word from="N0" to="No" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="na'l've" to="naive" />
<Word from="nameswill" to="names will" />
<Word from="narne" to="name" />
<Word from="Natians" to="Nations" />
<Word from="naTve" to="naive" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="navalvessel" to="naval vessel" />
<Word from="Nazgfll" to="Nazgul" />
<Word from="nc" to="no" />
<Word from="Nc" to="No" />
<Word from="ncne" to="none" />
<Word from="Ncrth" to="North" />
<Word from="ncw" to="new" />
<Word from="Ncw" to="Now" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="NeanderthaLs" to="Neanderthals" />
<Word from="nearyou" to="near you" />
<Word from="needfora" to="need for a" />
<Word from="needyou" to="need you" />
<Word from="neighboun" to="neighbour" />
<Word from="neverfound" to="never found" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="nevergonna" to="never gonna" />
<Word from="neverjump" to="never jump" />
<Word from="neverknew" to="never knew" />
<Word from="neverrepayyou" to="never repay you" />
<Word from="neverstruck" to="never struck" />
<Word from="neverthere" to="never there" />
<Word from="neverv\/ill_" to="never will." />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="newface" to="new face" />
<Word from="NewJersey" to="New Jersey" />
<Word from="newjob" to="new job" />
<Word from="newjobs" to="new jobs" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="newous" to="nervous" />
<Word from="newsagenfs" to="newsagents" />
<Word from="newsstand" to="news stand" />
<Word from="nextdoor" to="next door" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="nff" to="off" />
<Word from="NiCe" to="Nice" />
<Word from="nieCe" to="niece" />
<Word from="nightjust" to="night just" />
<Word from="Nighw" to="Nighty" />
<Word from="nilios" to="niños" />
<Word from="Nlagnificence" to="Magnificence" />
<Word from="Nlakes" to="Makes" />
<Word from="Nlalina" to="Malina" />
<Word from="Nlan" to="Man" />
<Word from="Nlarch" to="March" />
<Word from="Nlarine" to="Marine" />
<Word from="Nlarion" to="Marion" />
<Word from="Nlarry" to="Marry" />
<Word from="Nlars" to="Mars" />
<Word from="Nlarty" to="Marty" />
<Word from="Nle" to="Me" />
<Word from="Nleet" to="Meet" />
<Word from="Nlen" to="Men" />
<Word from="Nlom" to="Mom" />
<Word from="Nlore" to="More" />
<Word from="Nlornin" to="Mornin" />
<Word from="Nlother" to="Mother" />
<Word from="Nlr" to="Mr" />
<Word from="Nlr." to="Mr." />
<Word from="Nlrs" to="Mrs" />
<Word from="Nluch" to="Much" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="nnly" to="only" />
<Word from="nobodyknow" to="nobody know" />
<Word from="nojoke" to="no joke" />
<Word from="nojurisdiction" to="no jurisdiction" />
2015-07-19 17:42:26 +02:00
<Word from="noone" to="no one" />
<Word from="Noone" to="No one" />
<Word from="not judging" to="not judging" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="noteto" to="note to" />
<Word from="notgoing" to="not going" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="notjudge" to="not judge" />
<Word from="notjump" to="not jump" />
<Word from="notjunk" to="not junk" />
<Word from="Notjunk" to="Not junk" />
<Word from="notjust" to="not just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Notjust" to="Not just" />
<Word from="notsure" to="not sure" />
<Word from="novv" to="now" />
<Word from="Nowjust" to="Now just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Nowl" to="Now I" />
<Word from="Nowthat's" to="Now that's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="nowwhat" to="now what" />
<Word from="numberbelow" to="number below" />
<Word from="Numbertwo" to="Number two" />
<Word from="oan't" to="can't" />
<Word from="oan'tjust" to="can't just" />
<Word from="objecl" to="object" />
<Word from="occultpowerand" to="occult power and" />
<Word from="Ocps" to="Oops" />
<Word from="ofa" to="of a" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofaH" to="of all" />
<Word from="ofajudge" to="of a judge" />
2017-09-12 17:25:56 +02:00
<Word from="Ofall" to="Of all" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofall" to="of all" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="ofBedford" to="of Bedford" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofbioweapons" to="of bioweapons" />
<Word from="ofburglaries" to="of burglaries" />
<Word from="ofcourse" to="of course" />
2017-09-12 17:25:56 +02:00
<Word from="Ofcourse" to="Of course" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofcoursethere'sthat" to="of course there's that" />
<Word from="ofdecision" to="of decision" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="ofeach" to="of each" />
<Word from="ofeither" to="of either" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="of'em" to="of 'em" />
<Word from="offashion" to="of fashion" />
<Word from="offforme" to="off for me" />
<Word from="Officia/" to="Official" />
<Word from="Offioers" to="Officers" />
<Word from="Offioer's" to="Officer's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="offmy" to="off my" />
<Word from="offofmy" to="off of my" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="ofFrance" to="of France" />
<Word from="offreedom" to="of freedom" />
<Word from="offthe" to="off the" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="offtheir" to="off their" />
<Word from="offthis" to="off this" />
<Word from="offto" to="off to" />
<Word from="offun" to="of fun" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="offyour" to="off your" />
<Word from="ofgold" to="of gold" />
<Word from="ofgood" to="of good" />
<Word from="ofguilty" to="of guilty" />
<Word from="ofguy" to="of guy" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofhaving" to="of having" />
<Word from="Ofhce" to="Office" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofheart" to="of heart" />
<Word from="ofhere" to="of here" />
<Word from="ofhis" to="of his" />
<Word from="ofHis" to="of His" />
<Word from="ofhoneybees" to="of honeybees" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofhonor" to="of honor" />
<Word from="ofinterest" to="of interest" />
<Word from="ofit" to="of it" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofJack" to="of Jack" />
<Word from="ofjail" to="of jail" />
<Word from="ofjam" to="of jam" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="OFJOAN" to="OF JOAN" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofJonas" to="of Jonas" />
<Word from="ofjonesing" to="of jonesing" />
<Word from="ofjoy" to="of joy" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofjudgment" to="of judgement" />
<Word from="ofjunior" to="of junior" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofjust" to="of just" />
<Word from="ofjustice" to="of justice" />
<Word from="ofkilling" to="of killing" />
<Word from="Ofl9" to="one" />
<Word from="oflanding" to="of landing" />
<Word from="oflife" to="of life" />
<Word from="oflight" to="of light" />
<Word from="oflove" to="of love" />
<Word from="ofloyalty" to="of loyalty" />
<Word from="ofmankind" to="of mankind" />
<Word from="ofmany" to="of many" />
<Word from="ofme" to="of me" />
<Word from="ofmead" to="of mead" />
<Word from="ofmicroinjections" to="of microinjections" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofmilitaryjuntas" to="of military juntas" />
<Word from="ofmine" to="of mine" />
<Word from="ofmonths" to="of months" />
<Word from="ofmy" to="of my" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ofmy" to="Of my" />
<Word from="ofnegotiating" to="of negotiating" />
<Word from="ofNew" to="of New" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofno" to="of no" />
<Word from="ofnormal" to="of normal" />
<Word from="ofNorris'" to="of Norris'" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofold" to="of old" />
<Word from="ofopinions" to="of opinions" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="oforganised" to="of organised" />
2014-09-24 08:33:24 +02:00
<Word from="ofour" to="of our" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofourshit" to="of our shit" />
<Word from="ofpensioner" to="of pensioner" />
<Word from="ofpeopla" to="of people" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofpeople" to="of people" />
<Word from="ofPoldarks" to="of Poldarks" />
<Word from="ofpower" to="of power" />
<Word from="ofserious" to="of serious" />
<Word from="ofsesame" to="of sesame" />
<Word from="ofsex" to="of sex" />
<Word from="ofsilicon" to="of silicon" />
<Word from="ofsuch" to="of such" />
<Word from="oftentimes" to="often times" />
<Word from="ofthat" to="of that" />
<Word from="ofthatgreen" to="of that green" />
<Word from="ofthathere" to="of that here" />
<Word from="ofThe" to="of The" />
<Word from="ofthe" to="of the" />
<Word from="Ofthe" to="Of the" />
<Word from="oftheir" to="of their" />
<Word from="ofthem" to="of them" />
<Word from="ofthem's" to="of them's" />
<Word from="ofthemselves" to="of themselves" />
<Word from="ofthere" to="of there" />
<Word from="ofthese" to="of these" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofthewife" to="of the wife" />
<Word from="oftheworld" to="of the world" />
<Word from="ofthing" to="of thing" />
<Word from="ofthings" to="of things" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofthinkers" to="of thinkers" />
<Word from="ofthis" to="of this" />
<Word from="ofthlngs" to="of things" />
<Word from="ofthose" to="of those" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofthought" to="of thought" />
<Word from="oftime" to="of time" />
<Word from="oftimes" to="of times" />
<Word from="oftown" to="of town" />
<Word from="oftravelling" to="of travelling" />
<Word from="oftrivia" to="of trivia" />
<Word from="oftrouble" to="of trouble" />
<Word from="oftruth" to="of truth" />
<Word from="oftwo" to="of two" />
<Word from="ofuse" to="of use" />
<Word from="ofwashington" to="of Washington" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofway" to="of way" />
<Word from="ofyou" to="of you" />
<Word from="ofyour" to="of your" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ofyourself" to="of yourself" />
<Word from="OId" to="Old" />
<Word from="OIsson" to="Olsson" />
<Word from="Ok3Y" to="Okay" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="OKaY" to="Okay" />
<Word from="okaY" to="okay" />
<Word from="OkaY" to="Okay" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="OKBY" to="Okay" />
<Word from="OKGY" to="Okay" />
<Word from="Ol&lt;" to="Ole" />
<Word from="oldAdolfon" to="old Adolf on" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="olole" to="dole" />
<Word from="onboard" to="on board" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="one,s" to="one's" />
<Word from="One,s" to="One's" />
<Word from="onfy" to="only" />
<Word from="onIy" to="only" />
<Word from="onIything" to="only thing" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="onJanuaw" to="on January" />
<Word from="onlyjust" to="only just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ontoJack" to="onto Jack" />
<Word from="Onyinal" to="Original" />
<Word from="oomprise" to="comprise" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="oondesoended" to="condescended" />
<Word from="oonstitution" to="constitution" />
<Word from="oouldn't" to="couldn't" />
<Word from="oould've" to="could've" />
<Word from="oousin's" to="cousin's" />
<Word from="opiimistically" to="optimistically" />
<Word from="ora" to="or a" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ordinarywoman" to="ordinary woman" />
<Word from="orfall" to="or fall" />
<Word from="orglory" to="or glory" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="oriented" to="orientated" />
<Word from="Orjust" to="Or just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="orjust" to="or just" />
<Word from="ornot" to="or not" />
<Word from="Orperhaps" to="Or perhaps" />
<Word from="orpermanent" to="or permanent" />
<Word from="orpersecution" to="or persecution" />
<Word from="orso" to="or so" />
<Word from="ortake" to="or take" />
<Word from="Orthat" to="Or that" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="orthe" to="or the" />
2017-09-12 17:25:56 +02:00
<Word from="orwould" to="or would" />
<Word from="Orwould" to="Or would" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="oryou" to="or you" />
<Word from="oryour" to="or your" />
<Word from="oryou're" to="or you're" />
<Word from="Othenzvise" to="Otherwise" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="othermembers" to="other members" />
<Word from="our joumey" to="our journey" />
<Word from="ourbrave" to="our brave" />
<Word from="ourfathers" to="our fathers" />
<Word from="ourgirlon" to="our girl on" />
<Word from="Ourgoal" to="Our goal" />
<Word from="Ourguy" to="Our guy" />
<Word from="ourj0b's" to="our job's" />
<Word from="Ourj0b's" to="Our job's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Ourjob" to="Our job" />
<Word from="ourjobs" to="our jobs" />
<Word from="ourjob's" to="our job's" />
<Word from="Ourjob's" to="Our job's" />
<Word from="ourjoumey" to="our journey" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ourjourney" to="our journey" />
<Word from="ourpatient" to="our patient" />
<Word from="ourpeople" to="our people" />
<Word from="ourphotos" to="our photos" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ourplanet" to="our planet" />
<Word from="ourpower" to="our power" />
<Word from="ourproblem" to="our problem" />
<Word from="ourproducers" to="our producers" />
<Word from="Ourproposal" to="Our proposal" />
<Word from="ourv\/ay" to="our way" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="outjust" to="out just" />
<Word from="outlool&lt;'s" to="outlook's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="outthe" to="out the" />
<Word from="outthink" to="out think" />
<Word from="outwith" to="out with" />
<Word from="overactive" to="over active" />
<Word from="overme" to="over me" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="overthat" to="over that" />
<Word from="overthe" to="over the" />
<Word from="overthere" to="over there" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="overyour" to="over your" />
<Word from="p/ace" to="place" />
<Word from="P/ease" to="Please" />
<Word from="p_m_" to="p.m." />
<Word from="P°P$" to="Pops" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="pantyparty" to="panty party" />
<Word from="PANUNG" to="PANTING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="passedthe" to="passed the" />
<Word from="pastfewweeks" to="past few weeks" />
<Word from="payableto" to="payable to" />
<Word from="payyou" to="pay you" />
<Word from="pclnt" to="point" />
<Word from="pclnts" to="points" />
<Word from="pe0pIe" to="people" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Penmarricsfrom" to="Penmarrics from" />
<Word from="peoplejobs" to="people jobs" />
<Word from="peoplejust" to="people just" />
<Word from="peoplewould" to="people would" />
<Word from="Perhapswe" to="Perhaps we" />
<Word from="Perrut_" to="Perrut." />
<Word from="Persona/4/" to="Personally" />
<Word from="Persona/y" to="Personally" />
<Word from="persors" to="person's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="PIace" to="Place" />
<Word from="PIain" to="Plain" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="PIay" to="Play" />
<Word from="PIaza" to="Plaza" />
<Word from="PIease" to="Please" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="PIeased" to="Pleased" />
<Word from="PIeasure" to="Pleasure" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="pilLs" to="pills" />
<Word from="pityto" to="pity to" />
<Word from="PIus" to="Plus" />
<Word from="pleasurlng" to="pleasuring" />
<Word from="POIe" to="Pole" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="poiitical" to="political" />
<Word from="Polynes/ans" to="Polynesians" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="pooL" to="pool" />
<Word from="poorshowing" to="poor showing" />
<Word from="popsicle" to="Popsicle" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Potterfan" to="Potter fan" />
<Word from="poweryour" to="power your" />
<Word from="preferjournalist" to="prefer journalist" />
<Word from="Presidenfs" to="President's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="presidentialsuite" to="presidential suite" />
<Word from="probablyjust" to="probably just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="properwork" to="proper work" />
<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />
<Word from="ptans" to="plans" />
<Word from="ptease" to="please" />
<Word from="pubiic" to="public" />
<Word from="puIIing" to="pulling" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="pulLs" to="pulls" />
<Word from="putforciblyto" to="put forcibly to" />
<Word from="Putyourhand" to="Put your hand" />
2014-10-05 17:42:45 +02:00
<Word from="Qh" to="Oh" />
<Word from="QkaY" to="Okay" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Qn" to="On" />
<Word from="Qpen" to="Open" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="quickas" to="quick as" />
<Word from="QUYS" to="GUYS" />
<Word from="r/ght" to="right" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="RachelMarron" to="Rachel Marron" />
<Word from="ralnbow" to="rainbow" />
<Word from="ratherjump" to="rather jump" />
<Word from="ratherjust" to="rather just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="RaveL" to="Ravel" />
<Word from="Rcque" to="Roque" />
<Word from="rcscucd" to="rescued" />
<Word from="rea/" to="real" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="readytolaunchu" to="ready to launch..." />
<Word from="ReaHy" to="Really" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="reaHy" to="really" />
<Word from="reaI" to="real" />
<Word from="reallydid" to="really did" />
<Word from="reallyjust" to="really just" />
<Word from="reallymiss" to="really miss" />
<Word from="reallytalked" to="really talked" />
<Word from="reallythink" to="really think" />
<Word from="reallythinkthis" to="really think this" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="reatty" to="really" />
2018-06-12 23:21:56 +02:00
<Word from="recieve" to="receive" />
<Word from="rememberthem" to="remember them" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="rememberyou" to="remember you" />
<Word from="reoalibrated" to="recalibrated" />
<Word from="retum" to="return" />
<Word from="rhfluence" to="influence" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />
<Word from="rightdown" to="right down" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="rightsto" to="rights to" />
<Word from="rne" to="me" />
<Word from="road'II" to="road'll" />
<Word from="roadyou" to="road you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="rolLs" to="rolls" />
<Word from="RUMBUNG" to="RUMBLING" />
<Word from="s/uggikh" to="sluggish" />
<Word from="S0" to="So" />
<Word from="S1oW1y" to="Slowly" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="sacrificethat" to="sacrifice that" />
<Word from="saidyou" to="said you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="samefate" to="same fate" />
<Word from="sawthat" to="saw that" />
<Word from="sayeverything's" to="say everything's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="sayhe" to="say he" />
<Word from="saynothing" to="say nothing" />
<Word from="saythat" to="say that" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="sayyou" to="say you" />
<Word from="sayyou're" to="say you're" />
<Word from="sc" to="so" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="scaryou" to="scar you" />
<Word from="scientihc" to="scientific" />
<Word from="SCREAIVHNG" to="SCREAMING" />
<Word from="SCREAlvllNG" to="SCREAMING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="sCREAlvllNG" to="SCREAMING" />
<Word from="scund" to="sound" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="seemsto" to="seems to" />
<Word from="sefioritas" to="señoritas" />
<Word from="seid" to="said" />
<Word from="seioritas" to="señoritas" />
<Word from="sentJack" to="sent Jack" />
<Word from="S'EOp" to="Stop" />
<Word from="seperate" to="separate" />
2019-01-14 15:43:15 +01:00
<Word from="seperated" to="separated" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="SequeL" to="Sequel" />
<Word from="severa/parents" to="several parents" />
<Word from="sfill" to="still" />
<Word from="Sflence" to="Silence" />
<Word from="shallrise" to="shall rise" />
<Word from="sHATTERING" to="SHATTERING" />
<Word from="shcws" to="shows" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="Shdsjust" to="She's just" />
<Word from="She`s" to="She's" />
<Word from="SheII" to="She'll" />
<Word from="She'II" to="She'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="she'II" to="she'll" />
<Word from="she'Il" to="she'll" />
<Word from="Shejust" to="She just" />
<Word from="she'lI" to="she'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="She'llgive" to="She'll give" />
<Word from="Shewon't" to="She won't" />
<Word from="shithousejohn" to="shithouse John" />
<Word from="Shoofing" to="Shooting" />
<Word from="ShOp" to="shop" />
<Word from="shortyears" to="short years" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="shou/d" to="should" />
2019-02-08 01:52:36 +01:00
<Word from="shou/dn" to="shouldn't" />
<Word from="shoufing" to="shouting" />
<Word from="Shouflng" to="Shouting" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="shouldknow" to="should know" />
<Word from="shouldnt" to="shouldn't" />
<Word from="Shouldrt" to="Shouldn't" />
<Word from="shouldrt" to="shouldn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="shouldthinkso" to="should think so" />
<Word from="shouldthinkthey're" to="should think they're" />
<Word from="showyou" to="show you" />
<Word from="Shs's" to="She's" />
<Word from="SHUDDERWG" to="SHUDDERING" />
<Word from="Shutup" to="Shut up" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="SIave" to="Slave" />
<Word from="SIeep" to="Sleep" />
<Word from="SIGH$" to="SIGHS" />
<Word from="signifcance" to="significance" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="SImpsons" to="Simpsons" />
<Word from="Sincc" to="Since" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="SIow" to="Slow" />
<Word from="sistervvill" to="sister will" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="SIurp" to="Slurp" />
<Word from="SIuts" to="Sluts" />
<Word from="Skarsgérd" to="Skarsgård" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="skeleton in the closet" to="skeleton in the cupboard" />
<Word from="slcsHs" to="SIGHS" />
<Word from="slGHINcs" to="SIGHING" />
<Word from="slGHING" to="SIGHING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="slipthrough" to="slip through" />
<Word from="slNGING" to="SINGING" />
<Word from="slzzLING" to="SIZZLING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="smanish" to="smartish" />
<Word from="smarfest" to="smartest" />
<Word from="Smiih" to="Smith" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="smith/es" to="smithies" />
<Word from="so/id" to="solid" />
<Word from="SoBl3lNG" to="SOBBING" />
<Word from="soemtimes" to="sometimes" />
<Word from="Sojust" to="So just" />
<Word from="soldierl" to="soldier!" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="somebodypicks" to="somebody picks" />
<Word from="somePIace" to="someplace" />
<Word from="someplace" to="some place" />
<Word from="Someplace" to="Some place" />
2015-05-01 14:18:44 +02:00
<Word from="somethlng" to="something" />
<Word from="somethlng's" to="something's" />
<Word from="somez'/7/ng" to="something" />
2015-05-01 14:18:44 +02:00
<Word from="somthing" to="something" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="SOs" to="60s" />
<Word from="sou/" to="soul" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="soundjust" to="sound just" />
<Word from="SoundofMusic" to="Sound of Music" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="soundstage" to="sound stage" />
<Word from="SP/ash" to="Splash" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Spaniardswere" to="Spaniards were" />
<Word from="SPEAK/NG" to="SPEAKING" />
<Word from="speII" to="spell" />
<Word from="speII's" to="spell's" />
<Word from="Spendourtime" to="Spend our time" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="spieL" to="spiel" />
<Word from="spLit" to="split" />
<Word from="sQUA\/\/KING" to="SQUAWKING" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="stan/ing" to="starving" />
<Word from="StAnton" to="St Anton" />
<Word from="stealsjeans" to="steals jeans" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Stidc" to="Stick" />
<Word from="StilI" to="Still" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="StiLL" to="Still" />
<Word from="Stilldesperatelyseeking" to="Still desperately seeking" />
<Word from="stlll" to="still" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="StoP" to="Stop" />
<Word from="sToPs" to="STOPS" />
<Word from="storyl" to="story!" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="strictty" to="strictly" />
<Word from="strikeswere" to="strikes were" />
<Word from="structureforthe" to="structure for the" />
<Word from="Stubbom" to="Stubborn" />
<Word from="su/faces" to="surfaces" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="sufferthe" to="suffer the" />
<Word from="suffocaiing" to="suffocating" />
<Word from="summerjob" to="summer job" />
<Word from="Summerjust" to="Summer just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="sumthing" to="something" />
<Word from="sun/ive" to="survive" />
<Word from="superiorman" to="superior man" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Superrich" to="Super rich" />
<Word from="suPPosed" to="supposed" />
<Word from="surflaces" to="surfaces" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="swifier" to="swifter" />
<Word from="t/ying" to="trying" />
<Word from="T0" to="To" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="t0" to="to" />
<Word from="T00" to="Too" />
<Word from="ta/ks" to="talks" />
<Word from="taiked" to="talked" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="takeJuma" to="take Juma" />
<Word from="takethe" to="take the" />
<Word from="takeyears" to="take years" />
<Word from="talkto" to="talk to" />
<Word from="Talkto" to="Talk to" />
<Word from="talktonight" to="talk tonight" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="talkwith" to="talk with" />
<Word from="tampax" to="Tampax" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="tatking" to="talking" />
<Word from="tc" to="to" />
<Word from="tcday" to="today" />
<Word from="tcrturing" to="torturing" />
<Word from="tcuch" to="touch" />
<Word from="te//" to="tell" />
<Word from="tearjust" to="tear just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="teast" to="least" />
<Word from="tel/s" to="tells" />
<Word from="tellme" to="tell me" />
<Word from="tellsjokes" to="tells jokes" />
<Word from="tellyou" to="tell you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Tellyourbitch" to="Tell your bitch" />
<Word from="terriers_" to="terriers." />
<Word from="th/nk" to="think" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Thafd" to="That'd" />
<Word from="thafs" to="that's" />
<Word from="Thafs" to="That's" />
<Word from="Thai's" to="That's" />
<Word from="Thal's" to="That's" />
<Word from="thankyou" to="thank you" />
<Word from="Thankyou" to="Thank you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="That,s" to="That's" />
<Word from="that,s" to="that's" />
<Word from="thatconverts" to="that converts" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thatflinty" to="that flinty" />
<Word from="thatgoes" to="that goes" />
<Word from="that'II" to="that'll" />
<Word from="That'II" to="That'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thatJack" to="that Jack" />
<Word from="thatJack's" to="that Jack's" />
<Word from="thatjob" to="that job" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thatJuma" to="that Juma" />
<Word from="thatJuma's" to="that Juma's" />
<Word from="thatjunk" to="that junk" />
<Word from="thatjust" to="that just" />
<Word from="thatleads" to="that leads" />
<Word from="Thatl'm" to="That I'm" />
<Word from="that's just" to="that's just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thats" to="that's" />
<Word from="Thats" to="That's" />
<Word from="Thatsand" to="That sand" />
<Word from="that'sjust" to="that's just" />
<Word from="That'sjust" to="That's just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thatyou've" to="that you've" />
<Word from="Thc" to="The" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thefirst" to="the first" />
<Word from="theirengagement" to="their engagement" />
<Word from="theirface" to="their face" />
<Word from="theirfeet" to="their feet" />
<Word from="theirfury" to="their fury" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="theirhomes" to="their homes" />
<Word from="theirjob" to="their job" />
<Word from="theirjobs" to="their jobs" />
<Word from="theirpetty" to="their petty" />
<Word from="theirpolicies" to="their policies" />
<Word from="theirprivacy" to="their privacy" />
<Word from="theirrole" to="their role" />
<Word from="theirsjust" to="theirs just" />
<Word from="thejanitors" to="the janitors" />
<Word from="thejaw" to="the jaw" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thejets" to="the jets" />
<Word from="thejob" to="the job" />
<Word from="thejoint" to="the joint" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="theJoint" to="the Joint" />
<Word from="Thejoke" to="The joke" />
<Word from="thejudge" to="the judge" />
<Word from="Thejudges" to="The judges" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thejudges" to="the judges" />
<Word from="theJuma" to="the Juma" />
<Word from="thejury" to="the jury" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="theJustice" to="the Justice" />
<Word from="Thelook" to="The look" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="THEPASSION" to="THE PASSION" />
<Word from="Therds" to="There's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="there,s" to="there's" />
<Word from="There,s" to="There's" />
<Word from="There'II" to="There'll" />
<Word from="There'Il" to="There'll" />
<Word from="There'lI" to="There'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="therell" to="there'll" />
<Word from="Therell" to="There'll" />
<Word from="Theterms" to="The terms" />
<Word from="theVAT" to="the VAT" />
<Word from="thewills" to="the wills" />
<Word from="They,d" to="They'd" />
<Word from="they,d" to="they'd" />
<Word from="They,ll" to="They'll" />
<Word from="they,ll" to="they'll" />
<Word from="They,re" to="They're" />
<Word from="they,re" to="they're" />
<Word from="they,ve" to="they've" />
<Word from="They,ve" to="They've" />
<Word from="They'/'e" to="They're" />
<Word from="they/'II" to="they'll" />
<Word from="They/re" to="They're" />
<Word from="They/'re" to="They're" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="theybreak" to="they break" />
<Word from="Theyd" to="They'd" />
<Word from="theyd" to="they'd" />
<Word from="theyhad" to="they had" />
<Word from="They'II" to="They'll" />
<Word from="they'II" to="they'll" />
<Word from="they'Il" to="they'll" />
<Word from="Theyjust" to="They just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="theyjust" to="they just" />
<Word from="They'lI" to="They'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="they'lI" to="they'll" />
<Word from="they'Ll" to="they'll" />
<Word from="they'llknow" to="they'll know" />
<Word from="Theymust" to="They must" />
<Word from="theyre" to="they're" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Theyre" to="They're" />
<Word from="They'rejust" to="They're just" />
<Word from="theysay" to="they say" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="theyve" to="they've" />
<Word from="Theyve" to="They've" />
<Word from="Thinkbackto" to="Think back to" />
<Word from="thinkl" to="think l" />
<Word from="thinkofafew" to="think of a few" />
<Word from="thinkthat" to="think that" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thinktheyTe" to="think they're" />
<Word from="thinkwe" to="think we" />
<Word from="thinkyou" to="think you" />
<Word from="thirdjunction" to="third junction" />
<Word from="thirtyyears" to="thirty years" />
<Word from="this'II" to="this'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Thistime" to="This time" />
<Word from="Thiswas" to="This was" />
<Word from="thlngs" to="things" />
<Word from="Thlnkthls" to="Think this" />
<Word from="thls" to="this" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />
<Word from="thore's" to="there's" />
<Word from="Thore's" to="There's" />
<Word from="Thorjust" to="Thor just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="thoughtit" to="thought it" />
<Word from="thoughtl'dletyou" to="thought I'd let you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="timejob" to="time job" />
<Word from="tite" to="life" />
<Word from="titttest" to="littlest" />
<Word from="tnatjust" to="that just" />
<Word from="Tnat's" to="That's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="tnat's" to="that's" />
<Word from="Tnere'll" to="There'll" />
<Word from="to//et" to="toilet" />
<Word from="To//S" to="Tolls" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="toAustralia" to="to Australia" />
<Word from="todayl'd" to="today I'd" />
<Word from="togelher" to="together" />
<Word from="togethen" to="together" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="toJack" to="to Jack" />
<Word from="tojeopardize" to="to jeopardize" />
<Word from="tojoin" to="to join" />
<Word from="tojudge" to="to judge" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="toJuma" to="to Juma" />
<Word from="tojump" to="to jump" />
<Word from="tojust" to="to just" />
<Word from="toldyou" to="told you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="tolol" to="told" />
<Word from="tolunch" to="to lunch" />
<Word from="tomorrovv" to="tomorrow" />
<Word from="Tonighfsjust" to="Tonight's just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="tooLs" to="tools" />
<Word from="totake" to="to take" />
<Word from="totalk" to="to talk" />
<Word from="tothat" to="to that" />
<Word from="tothe" to="to the" />
<Word from="Towef" to="Tower" />
<Word from="Tr/ck/ing" to="Trickling" />
<Word from="Traitur" to="Traitor" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="triaL" to="trial" />
<Word from="tv\/o" to="two" />
<Word from="tvvelve" to="twelve" />
<Word from="Tvvelve" to="Twelve" />
<Word from="Tvventy" to="Twenty" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="tvventy" to="twenty" />
<Word from="Tvvo" to="Two" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="tvvo" to="two" />
<Word from="twa" to="two" />
<Word from="twc" to="two" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="unclearjust" to="unclear just" />
<Word from="unconhrmed" to="unconfirmed" />
<Word from="underthat" to="under that" />
<Word from="underthe" to="under the" />
<Word from="underthese" to="under these" />
<Word from="underyour" to="under your" />
<Word from="unfilyou" to="until you" />
<Word from="Unfon'unate/y" to="Unfortunately" />
<Word from="Uninnabited" to="Uninhabited" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="unlessto" to="unless to" />
<Word from="unly" to="only" />
<Word from="unpaidtaxes" to="unpaid taxes" />
<Word from="unti/" to="until" />
<Word from="untii" to="until" />
<Word from="untilApril" to="until April" />
<Word from="untilyou" to="until you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="upthe" to="up the" />
<Word from="upthinking" to="up thinking" />
<Word from="upto" to="up to" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="usto" to="us to" />
<Word from="ustotake" to="us to take" />
<Word from="uswithout" to="us without" />
<Word from="usworking" to="us working" />
<Word from="V\/ait___" to="Wait..." />
<Word from="V\/as" to="Was" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="v\/as" to="was" />
<Word from="V\/e" to="We" />
<Word from="v\/eek's" to="week's" />
<Word from="V\/eird_" to="Weird." />
<Word from="V\/ell" to="Well" />
<Word from="V\/hat" to="what" />
<Word from="V\/hen'll" to="When'll" />
<Word from="V\/ho" to="Who" />
<Word from="v\/ho'll" to="who'll" />
<Word from="v\/Hoops" to="Whoops" />
<Word from="v\/ho's" to="who's" />
<Word from="V\/ho's" to="Who's" />
<Word from="V\/hy" to="Why" />
<Word from="v\/ith" to="with" />
<Word from="v\/on't" to="won't" />
<Word from="V\fith" to="With" />
<Word from="V\fithin" to="Within" />
<Word from="valedictolian" to="valedictorian" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="vanload" to="van load" />
<Word from="vcice" to="voice" />
<Word from="ve/y" to="very" />
<Word from="veiy" to="very" />
2015-05-04 18:04:38 +02:00
<Word from="versioin" to="version" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Véry" to="Very" />
<Word from="vi/ay" to="way" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="victorythis" to="victory this" />
<Word from="vindafoo" to="vindaloo" />
<Word from="vindalods" to="vindaloo's" />
<Word from="vinyL" to="vinyl" />
<Word from="visitjails" to="visit jails" />
<Word from="Viva/di's" to="Vivaldi's" />
<Word from="Voilá" to="Voilà" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilà" />
<Word from="vvasjust" to="was just" />
<Word from="VVasn't" to="Wasn't" />
<Word from="vvay" to="way" />
<Word from="VVe" to="We" />
<Word from="VVe'II" to="We'll" />
<Word from="VVe'll" to="We'll" />
<Word from="Vvelooked" to="We looked" />
<Word from="VVe're" to="We're" />
<Word from="VVe've" to="We've" />
<Word from="VVhat" to="What" />
<Word from="VVhat'S" to="What's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="VVhat's" to="What's" />
<Word from="VVhen" to="When" />
<Word from="'v'Vhere's" to="Where's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="vvhich" to="which" />
<Word from="VVhip" to="Whip" />
<Word from="vvHooPING" to="WHOOPING" />
<Word from="VvHooPING" to="WHOOPING" />
<Word from="VVhy" to="Why" />
<Word from="VVill" to="Will" />
<Word from="VVinters" to="Winters" />
<Word from="vvlND" to="WIND" />
<Word from="w¤n't" to="won't" />
<Word from="W9" to="We" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wafling" to="wafting" />
<Word from="waht" to="want" />
<Word from="waierfall" to="waterfall" />
<Word from="walkjust" to="walk just" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Word from="wallplant" to="wall plant" />
<Word from="wannajump" to="wanna jump" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wantto" to="want to" />
<Word from="wantyou" to="want you" />
<Word from="Warcontinues" to="War continues" />
<Word from="wasjennifer" to="was Jennifer" />
<Word from="wasjust" to="was just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wasnt" to="wasn't" />
<Word from="Wasnt" to="Wasn't" />
2014-12-01 13:59:42 +01:00
<Word from="Wasrt" to="Wasn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wasrt" to="wasn't" />
<Word from="wastebasket" to="waste basket" />
<Word from="wayJack" to="way Jack" />
<Word from="wayl" to="way I" />
<Word from="wayround" to="way round" />
<Word from="wclf" to="wolf" />
<Word from="wcman" to="woman" />
<Word from="wcmen" to="women" />
<Word from="wcn't" to="won't" />
<Word from="wcrse" to="worse" />
<Word from="wculd" to="would" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="we,d" to="we'd" />
<Word from="We,d" to="We'd" />
<Word from="we,ll" to="we'll" />
<Word from="We,ll" to="We'll" />
<Word from="We,re" to="We're" />
<Word from="we,re" to="we're" />
<Word from="we,ve" to="we've" />
<Word from="We,ve" to="We've" />
<Word from="We//" to="Well" />
<Word from="We/came" to="Welcome" />
<Word from="we/come" to="welcome" />
<Word from="We/come" to="Welcome" />
<Word from="We/I" to="Well" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="weakpoint" to="weak point" />
<Word from="weekendjust" to="weekend just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Wefl" to="Well" />
<Word from="Wégymxa" to="Wayne" />
<Word from="weii" to="well" />
<Word from="We'II" to="We'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="we'II" to="we'll" />
<Word from="we'Il" to="we'll" />
<Word from="We'Il" to="We'll" />
<Word from="wejust" to="we just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Wejust" to="We just" />
<Word from="we'lI" to="we'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="weLL" to="well" />
<Word from="WeLL" to="Well" />
<Word from="We'LL" to="We'll" />
<Word from="welL" to="well." />
<Word from="Wellbelow" to="Well below" />
<Word from="werejust" to="were just" />
<Word from="We'rejust" to="We're just" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="we'rejust" to="we're just" />
<Word from="Weren,t" to="Weren't" />
<Word from="weren,t" to="weren't" />
<Word from="werent" to="weren't" />
<Word from="Werent" to="Weren't" />
<Word from="werert" to="weren't" />
<Word from="Werert" to="Weren't" />
<Word from="We'retaking" to="We're taking" />
<Word from="We'ro" to="We're" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Weve" to="We've" />
<Word from="weve" to="we've" />
<Word from="We'Ve" to="We've" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="we'vejust" to="we've just" />
<Word from="Wewon" to="We won" />
<Word from="wh/p" to="whip" />
<Word from="Wh°ops" to="Whoops" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wh0" to="who" />
<Word from="wha" to="what?" />
<Word from="Whafll" to="What'll" />
<Word from="Whafs" to="What's" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Whafve" to="What've" />
<Word from="What,s" to="What's" />
<Word from="what,s" to="what's" />
<Word from="Whatam" to="What am" />
<Word from="Whatare" to="What are" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="What'dyou" to="What'd you" />
<Word from="Whatevefs" to="Whatever's" />
<Word from="Whateverwe" to="Whatever we" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="whateveryou" to="whatever you" />
<Word from="What'II" to="What'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="what'II" to="what'll" />
<Word from="Whatis" to="What is" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="whatJuma's" to="what Juma's" />
<Word from="whatjust" to="what just" />
<Word from="Whatl" to="What I" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Whats" to="What's" />
<Word from="whats" to="what's" />
<Word from="whatshe" to="what she" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="What'sthe" to="What's the" />
<Word from="what'stheword" to="what's the word" />
<Word from="Whatthe" to="What the" />
<Word from="Whatwastheir" to="What was their" />
<Word from="whatwe" to="what we" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Whatwill" to="What will" />
<Word from="Whatyou" to="What you" />
<Word from="whatyou" to="what you" />
<Word from="Whc's" to="Who's" />
<Word from="Whcse" to="Whose" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Where,s" to="Where's" />
<Word from="where,s" to="where's" />
<Word from="wherewe" to="where we" />
<Word from="Wherewe" to="Where we" />
<Word from="whetherprotest" to="whether protest" />
<Word from="wHlsPERs" to="WHISPERS" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="whodunit" to="whodunnit" />
<Word from="Whodunit" to="Whodunnit" />
<Word from="whoJuma" to="who Juma" />
<Word from="whoJuma's" to="who Juma's" />
<Word from="Whyyou" to="Why you" />
<Word from="whyyou" to="why you" />
<Word from="wi//" to="will" />
<Word from="Wil/" to="Will" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wil/" to="will" />
<Word from="wilI" to="will" />
<Word from="willbe" to="will be" />
<Word from="willhire" to="will hire" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="willjust" to="will just" />
<Word from="willneverknow" to="will never know" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="willnot" to="will not" />
<Word from="willyou" to="will you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Willyou" to="Will you" />
<Word from="withjesus" to="with Jesus" />
<Word from="wlfe" to="wife" />
<Word from="wlfe's" to="wife's" />
<Word from="wlth" to="with" />
<Word from="wnat's" to="what's" />
<Word from="Wno" to="Who" />
<Word from="Wo/f" to="Wolf" />
<Word from="wofld" to="world" />
<Word from="WOI'1't" to="won't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Won,t" to="Won't" />
<Word from="won,t" to="won't" />
<Word from="wondernobody" to="wonder nobody" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wonderwhatwewould" to="wonder what we would" />
<Word from="wont" to="won't" />
<Word from="Wont" to="Won't" />
<Word from="won'T" to="won't" />
<Word from="won'tanswerme" to="won't answer me" />
<Word from="won'tforget" to="won't forget" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="won'th" to="worth" />
<Word from="won'thwhile" to="worthwhile" />
<Word from="won'tletitbring" to="won't let it bring" />
<Word from="Wo're" to="We're" />
<Word from="worfd" to="world" />
<Word from="workyou" to="work you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="wou/d" to="would" />
<Word from="wouIdn't" to="wouldn't" />
<Word from="wouldn'!" to="wouldn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Wouldnt" to="Wouldn't" />
<Word from="wouldnt" to="wouldn't" />
<Word from="wouldn'tyou" to="wouldn't you" />
<Word from="Wouldrt" to="Wouldn't" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="woutd" to="would" />
<Word from="wr/'2'/ng" to="writing" />
<Word from="wrcng" to="wrong" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="writign" to="writing" />
<Word from="wuuld" to="would" />
<Word from="Y¤u'II" to="You'll" />
<Word from="Y¤u'll" to="You'll" />
<Word from="Y¤u're" to="You're" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="y¤u're" to="you're" />
<Word from="y¤u've" to="you've" />
<Word from="Y0" to="Yo" />
<Word from="y0LI" to="you" />
<Word from="y0u'II" to="you'll" />
<Word from="Y0u'rc" to="You're" />
<Word from="Y0u're" to="You're" />
<Word from="Y0u've" to="You've" />
<Word from="yaming" to="yarning" />
<Word from="yaurparents" to="your parents" />
<Word from="ycu" to="you" />
<Word from="ycu'd" to="you'd" />
<Word from="ycur" to="your" />
<Word from="Ycu're" to="You're" />
<Word from="Ycursins" to="Your sins" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yearin" to="year in" />
<Word from="yearjourney" to="year journey" />
<Word from="YEI_I_" to="YELL" />
<Word from="YELL$" to="YELLS" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Yep_" to="Yep." />
<Word from="yigg/mg" to="giggling" />
<Word from="Yigg/mg" to="giggling" />
<Word from="yoLI" to="you" />
<Word from="yOU" to="you" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yOu" to="you" />
<Word from="you,d" to="you'd" />
<Word from="You,d" to="You'd" />
<Word from="you,ll" to="you'll" />
<Word from="You,ll" to="You'll" />
<Word from="you,re" to="you're" />
<Word from="You,re" to="You're" />
<Word from="You,ve" to="You've" />
<Word from="you,ve" to="you've" />
<Word from="you`re" to="you're" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="youd" to="you'd" />
<Word from="Youd" to="You'd" />
<Word from="You'II" to="You'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="you'II" to="you'll" />
<Word from="You'Il" to="You'll" />
<Word from="youjack" to="you jack" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="youjean" to="you Jean" />
<Word from="Youjoin" to="You join" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="youjoin" to="you join" />
<Word from="Youjust" to="You just" />
<Word from="youjust" to="you just" />
<Word from="You'lI" to="You'll" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Youll" to="You'll" />
<Word from="youll" to="you'll" />
<Word from="youlooked" to="you looked" />
<Word from="youngsterlike" to="youngster like" />
<Word from="youpick" to="you pick" />
<Word from="you'ra" to="you're" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourarm" to="your arm" />
<Word from="yourass" to="your ass" />
<Word from="Yourattention" to="Your attention" />
<Word from="yourautomobile" to="your automobile" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Yourbitch'IIgetyou" to="Your bitch'll get you" />
<Word from="yourbody" to="your body" />
<Word from="yourbooty" to="your booty" />
<Word from="yourboys" to="your boys" />
<Word from="Yourbutt" to="Your butt" />
<Word from="yourdick" to="your dick" />
<Word from="Youre" to="You're" />
<Word from="youre" to="you're" />
<Word from="You'rejustjealous" to="You're just jealous" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourend" to="your end" />
<Word from="yourextra" to="your extra" />
<Word from="yourfather" to="your father" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourfingerends" to="your finger ends" />
<Word from="yourfire" to="your fire" />
<Word from="yourgirl" to="your girl" />
<Word from="yourhand" to="your hand" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourhead" to="your head" />
<Word from="yourhusband" to="your husband" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourjeans" to="your jeans" />
<Word from="yourjewelry" to="your jewelry" />
<Word from="Yourjob" to="Your job" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourjob" to="your job" />
<Word from="yourjob_" to="your job." />
<Word from="yourjockey" to="your jockey" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourjourney" to="your journey" />
<Word from="yourjudgment" to="your judgment" />
<Word from="yourjury" to="your jury" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourlegs" to="your legs" />
<Word from="yourlife" to="your life" />
<Word from="yourlives" to="your lives" />
<Word from="yourmoney" to="your money" />
<Word from="yourname" to="your name" />
<Word from="you'ro" to="you're" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourpackage" to="your package" />
<Word from="Yourpackage" to="Your package" />
<Word from="yourpanties" to="your panties" />
<Word from="yourpaws" to="your paws" />
<Word from="Yourpiece" to="Your piece" />
<Word from="Yourplace" to="Your place" />
<Word from="Yourplaces" to="Your places" />
<Word from="yourplanet" to="your planet" />
<Word from="yourpoorleg" to="your poor leg" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourposition" to="your position" />
<Word from="yourpremium" to="your premium" />
<Word from="yourpresidency" to="your presidency" />
<Word from="yourprimitive" to="your primitive" />
<Word from="yourprofessional" to="your professional" />
<Word from="yourprofile" to="your profile" />
<Word from="yourpublic" to="your public" />
<Word from="yourpussy" to="your pussy" />
<Word from="yourseat" to="your seat" />
<Word from="yourselfa" to="yourself a" />
<Word from="yourselfright" to="yourself right" />
<Word from="yourselfthe" to="yourself the" />
<Word from="yoursort" to="your sort" />
<Word from="yourthings" to="your things" />
<Word from="yourturn" to="your turn" />
<Word from="yourvveak" to="your weak" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yourway" to="your way" />
<Word from="youryoung" to="your young" />
<Word from="You'va" to="You've" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="you'va" to="you've" />
<Word from="Youve" to="You've" />
<Word from="youve" to="you've" />
<Word from="you'vejust" to="you've just" />
<Word from="youWlneversee" to="you'll never see" />
<Word from="yQu" to="you" />
2016-01-13 20:24:07 +01:00
<Word from="YQu" to="You" />
2014-10-05 17:58:06 +02:00
<Word from="yQu'_7" to="you?" />
<Word from="yummY" to="yummy" />
<Word from="Yuu" to="You" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="yuu" to="you" />
<Word from="Yuu've" to="You've" />
2019-05-10 11:14:38 +02:00
<Word from="Zea/and" to="Zealand" />
<Word from="z'housand" to="thousand" />
<Word from="zlPPING" to="ZIPPING" />
<Word from="ZSth" to="25th" />
<!-- Will be replaced always -->
<WordPart from="¤" to="o" />
<WordPart from="lVI" to="M" />
<WordPart from="IVl" to="M" />
<WordPart from="lVl" to="M" />
<WordPart from="I\/I" to="M" />
<WordPart from="l\/I" to="M" />
<WordPart from="I\/l" to="M" />
<WordPart from="l\/l" to="M" />
<WordPart from="IVIa" to="Ma" />
<WordPart from="IVIe" to="Me" />
<WordPart from="IVIi" to="Mi" />
<WordPart from="IVIo" to="Mo" />
<WordPart from="IVIu" to="Mu" />
<WordPart from="IVIy" to="My" />
<!-- Will be used to check words not in dictionary.
If new word(s) and longer than 5 chars and exists in spelling dictionary, it is (or they are) accepted -->
<WordPart from="IVI" to="M" />
<WordPart from="/" to="l" />
2018-11-20 20:14:32 +01:00
<WordPart from="|" to="I" />
<WordPart from="vv" to="w" />
<WordPart from="m" to="rn" />
<WordPart from="l" to="i" />
<WordPart from="€" to="e" />
<WordPart from="I" to="l" />
<WordPart from="c" to="o" />
<WordPart from="i" to="t" />
<WordPart from="cc" to="oo" />
<WordPart from="ii" to="tt" />
2016-05-29 12:55:28 +02:00
<WordPart from="ii" to="ll" />
<!-- "f " will be two words -->
<WordPart from="f" to="f " />
<WordPart from="c" to="e" />
<WordPart from="I" to="t" />
<WordPart from="n" to="o" />
<WordPart from="s" to="e" />
<WordPart from="l-l" to="H" />
<WordPart from="l_" to="L" />
<WordPart from="°" to="o" />
<WordPart from=")/" to="y" />
<WordPart from=")'" to="y" />
<WordPart from="a" to="d" />
2019-05-26 03:23:51 +02:00
<!-- Whole lines - including -" etc -->
<Line from="H ey." to="Hey." />
<Line from="He)-" to="Hey." />
<Line from="N0." to="No." />
<Line from="-N0." to="-No." />
<Line from="Noll" to="No!!" />
<Line from="(G ROANS)" to="(GROANS)" />
<Line from="[G ROANS]" to="[GROANS]" />
<Line from="(M EOWS)" to="(MEOWS)" />
<Line from="[M EOWS]" to="[MEOWS]" />
<Line from="Uaughs]" to="[laughs]" />
<Line from="[chitte rs]" to="[chitters]" />
<Line from="Hil it!" to="Hit it!" />
<Line from="&lt;i&gt;Hil it!&lt;/i&gt;" to="&lt;i&gt;Hit it!&lt;/i&gt;" />
<Line from="ISIGHS]" to="[SIGHS]" />
<LinePart from="forbest act" to="for best act" />
<LinePart from=" /be " to=" I be " />
<LinePart from=" aren '1'" to=" aren't" />
<LinePart from=" aren'tyou" to=" aren't you" />
<LinePart from=" doesn '1'" to=" doesn't" />
<LinePart from=" fr/eno'" to=" friend" />
<LinePart from=" fr/eno'." to=" friend." />
<LinePart from=" haven 'z' " to=" haven't " />
<LinePart from=" haven 'z'." to=" haven't." />
<LinePart from=" I ha ve " to=" I have " />
<LinePart from=" I']I " to=" I'll " />
<LinePart from=" L'll " to=" I'll " />
<LinePart from=" L've " to=" I've " />
<LinePart from=" m y family" to=" my family" />
<LinePart from=" 's " to="'s " />
<LinePart from=" shou/dn '1 " to=" shouldn't " />
<LinePart from=" won 'z' " to=" won't " />
<LinePart from=" won 'z'." to=" won't." />
<LinePart from=" wou/c/n 'z' " to=" wouldn't " />
<LinePart from=" wou/c/n 'z'." to=" wouldn't." />
<LinePart from=" wou/dn 'z' " to=" wouldn't " />
<LinePart from=" wou/dn 'z'." to=" wouldn't." />
<LinePart from="/ did" to="I did" />
<LinePart from="/ have " to="I have " />
<LinePart from="/ just " to="I just " />
<LinePart from="/ loved " to="I loved " />
<LinePart from="/ need" to="I need" />
<LinePart from="|was11" to="I was 11" />
<LinePart from="at Hrst" to="at first" />
<LinePart from="B ullshiz'" to="Bullshit" />
<LinePart from="big lunk" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="can 't" to="can't" />
<LinePart from="can' t " to="can't " />
<LinePart from="can 't " to="can't " />
<LinePart from="CHA TTERING" to="CHATTERING" />
<LinePart from="come 0n" to="come on" />
<LinePart from="Come 0n" to="Come on" />
<LinePart from="couldn 't" to="couldn't" />
<LinePart from="couldn' t " to="couldn't " />
<LinePart from="couldn 't " to="couldn't " />
<LinePart from="Destin y's" to="Destiny's" />
<LinePart from="didn 't" to="didn't" />
<LinePart from="didn' t " to="didn't " />
<LinePart from="didn 't " to="didn't " />
<LinePart from="Doesn '1'" to="Doesn't" />
<LinePart from="doesn '1' " to="doesn't " />
<LinePart from="doesn '1 " to="doesn't " />
<LinePart from="doesn 't" to="doesn't" />
<LinePart from="doesn'1' " to="doesn't " />
<LinePart from="doesn'1 " to="doesn't " />
<LinePart from="don '1' " to="don't " />
<LinePart from="don '1 " to="don't " />
<LinePart from="don '2' " to="don't " />
<LinePart from=" aren '2'" to=" aren't" />
<LinePart from="aren '2' " to="aren't " />
<LinePart from="don '2 " to="don't " />
<LinePart from="don 't" to="don't" />
<LinePart from="Don' t " to="Don't " />
<LinePart from="Don 't " to="Don't " />
<LinePart from="don'1' " to="don't " />
<LinePart from="don'1 " to="don't " />
<LinePart from="there '5 " to="there's " />
<LinePart from="E very" to="Every" />
<LinePart from="get 0n" to="get on" />
<LinePart from="go 0n" to="go on" />
<LinePart from="Go 0n" to="Go on" />
<LinePart from="H3993' birthday" to="Happy birthday" />
<LinePart from="hadn 't" to="hadn't" />
<LinePart from="he 's" to="he's" />
<LinePart from="He 's" to="He's" />
<LinePart from="He y" to="Hey" />
<LinePart from="he)/" to="hey" />
<LinePart from="He)/" to="Hey" />
<LinePart from="HEA VY" to="HEAVY" />
<LinePart from="Henry ll" to="Henry II" />
<LinePart from="Henry lll" to="Henry III" />
<LinePart from="Henry Vlll" to="Henry VIII" />
<LinePart from="Henry Vll" to="Henry VII" />
<LinePart from="Henry Vl" to="Henry VI" />
<LinePart from="Hold 0n" to="Hold on" />
<LinePart from="I am. ls" to="I am. Is" />
<LinePart from="I d0" to="I do" />
<LinePart from="I 'm" to="I'm" />
<LinePart from="I 'rn " to="I'm " />
<LinePart from="I 've" to="I've" />
<LinePart from="I0 ve her" to="love her" />
<LinePart from="I0 ve you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="I02'" to="lot" />
<LinePart from="I'm sony" to="I'm sorry" />
<LinePart from="isn' t " to="isn't " />
<LinePart from="isn 't " to="isn't " />
<LinePart from="K)/le" to="Kyle" />
<LinePart from="L ook" to="Look" />
<LinePart from="let me 90" to="let me go" />
<LinePart from="Let me 90" to="Let me go" />
<LinePart from="let's 90" to="let's go" />
<LinePart from="Let's 90" to="Let's go" />
<LinePart from="lfl had" to="If I had" />
<LinePart from="lova you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="Lova you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="lovo you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="Lovo you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="ls anyone" to="Is anyone" />
<LinePart from="ls he" to="Is he" />
<LinePart from="-ls he" to="- Is he" />
<LinePart from="ls it" to="Is it" />
<LinePart from="-ls it" to="- Is it" />
<LinePart from="ls she" to="Is she" />
<LinePart from="-ls she" to="- Is she" />
<LinePart from="ls that" to="Is that" />
<LinePart from="-ls that" to="- Is that" />
<LinePart from="ls this" to="Is this" />
<LinePart from="-ls this" to="- Is this" />
<LinePart from="Maze] tov" to="Mazel tov" />
<LinePart from="N02' " to="Not " />
<LinePart from=" of 0ur " to=" of our " />
<LinePart from=" ot mine " to=" of mine " />
<LinePart from="PLA YING" to="PLAYING" />
<LinePart from="REPEA TING " to="REPEATING " />
<LinePart from="Sa y" to="Say" />
<LinePart from="she 's" to="she's" />
<LinePart from="She 's" to="She's" />
<LinePart from="shouldn 't" to="shouldn't" />
<LinePart from="sta y" to="stay" />
<LinePart from="Sta y" to="Stay" />
<LinePart from="SWO rd" to="Sword" />
<LinePart from="taka care" to="take care" />
<LinePart from="Taka care" to="Take care" />
<LinePart from="the Hrst" to="the first" />
<LinePart from="toc late" to="too late" />
<LinePart from="uf me" to="of me" />
<LinePart from="uf our" to="of our" />
<LinePart from="wa y" to="way" />
<LinePart from="wasn '1' " to="wasn't " />
<LinePart from="Wasn '1' " to="Wasn't " />
<LinePart from="wasn '1 " to="wasn't " />
<LinePart from="Wasn '1 " to="Wasn't " />
<LinePart from="wasn 't" to="wasn't" />
<LinePart from="Wasn 't" to="Wasn't" />
<LinePart from="we 've" to="we've" />
<LinePart from="We 've" to="We've" />
<LinePart from="wem' off" to="went off" />
<LinePart from="weren 't" to="weren't" />
<LinePart from="who 's" to="who's" />
<LinePart from="won 't" to="won't" />
<LinePart from="would ha ve" to="would have " />
<LinePart from="wouldn 't" to="wouldn't" />
<LinePart from="Wouldn 't" to="Wouldn't" />
<LinePart from="y()u" to="you" />
<LinePart from="you QUYS" to="you guys" />
<LinePart from="you' re " to="you're " />
<LinePart from="you 're " to="you're " />
<LinePart from="you 've" to="you've" />
<LinePart from="You 've" to="You've" />
<LinePart from="you' ve " to="you've " />
<LinePart from="you 've " to="you've " />
<LinePart from="aftera while" to="after a while" />
<LinePart from="Aftera while" to="After a while" />
<LinePart from="(BUZZI N G)" to="(BUZZING)" />
<LinePart from="[BUZZI N G]" to="[BUZZING]" />
<LinePart from="(G RU NTING" to="(GRUNTING" />
<LinePart from="[G RU NTING" to="[GRUNTING" />
<LinePart from="(G ROWLING" to="(GROWLING" />
<LinePart from="[G ROWLING" to="[GROWLING" />
<LinePart from=" WAI LS)" to="WAILS)" />
<LinePart from=" WAI LS]" to="WAILS]" />
<LinePart from="(scu RRYING)" to="(SCURRYING)" />
<LinePart from="[scu RRYING]" to="[SCURRYING]" />
<LinePart from="(GRUNT5)" to="(GRUNTS)" />
<LinePart from="[GRUNT5]" to="[GRUNTS]" />
<LinePart from="NARRA TOR:" to="NARRATOR:" />
<LinePart from="(GROAN ING" to="(GROANING" />
<LinePart from="[GROAN ING" to="[GROANING" />
<LinePart from="GROAN ING)" to="GROANING)" />
<LinePart from="GROAN ING]" to="GROANING]" />
<LinePart from="(LAUGH ING" to="(LAUGHING" />
<LinePart from="[LAUGH ING" to="[LAUGHING" />
<LinePart from="LAUGH ING)" to="LAUGHING)" />
<LinePart from="LAUGH ING]" to="LAUGHING]" />
<LinePart from="(BU BBLING" to="(BUBBLING" />
<LinePart from="[BU BBLING" to="[BUBBLING" />
<LinePart from="BU BBLING)" to="BUBBLING)" />
<LinePart from="BU BBLING]" to="BUBBLING]" />
<LinePart from="(SH USHING" to="(SHUSHING" />
<LinePart from="[SH USHING" to="[SHUSHING" />
<LinePart from="SH USHING)" to="SHUSHING)" />
<LinePart from="SH USHING]" to="SHUSHING]" />
<LinePart from="(CH ILDREN" to="(CHILDREN" />
<LinePart from="[CH ILDREN" to="[CHILDREN" />
<LinePart from="CH ILDREN)" to="CHILDREN)" />
<LinePart from="CH ILDREN]" to="CHILDREN]" />
<LinePart from="(MURMU RING" to="(MURMURING" />
<LinePart from="[MURMU RING" to="[MURMURING" />
<LinePart from="MURMU RING)" to="MURMURING)" />
<LinePart from="MURMU RING]" to="MURMURING]" />
<LinePart from="(GU N " to="(GUN " />
<LinePart from="[GU N " to="[GUN " />
<LinePart from="GU N)" to="GUN)" />
<LinePart from="GU N]" to="GUN]" />
<LinePart from="CH ILDREN:" to="CHILDREN:" />
<LinePart from="STU DENTS:" to="STUDENTS:" />
<LinePart from="(WH ISTLE" to="(WHISTLE" />
<LinePart from="[WH ISTLE" to="[WHISTLE" />
<LinePart from="WH ISTLE)" to="WHISTLE)" />
<LinePart from="WH ISTLE]" to="WHISTLE]" />
<LinePart from="U LU LATING" to="ULULATING" />
<LinePart from="AU DIENCE:" to="AUDIENCE:" />
<LinePart from="HA WAIIAN" to="HAWAIIAN" />
<LinePart from="(ARTH UR" to="(ARTHUR" />
<LinePart from="[ARTH UR" to="[ARTHUR" />
<LinePart from="ARTH UR)" to="ARTHUR)" />
<LinePart from="ARTH UR]" to="ARTHUR]" />
<LinePart from="J EREMY:" to="JEREMY:" />
<LinePart from="(ELEVA TOR" to="(ELEVATOR" />
<LinePart from="[ELEVA TOR" to="[ELEVATOR" />
<LinePart from="ELEVA TOR)" to="ELEVATOR)" />
<LinePart from="ELEVA TOR]" to="ELEVATOR]" />
<LinePart from="CONTIN U ES" to="CONTINUES" />
<LinePart from="WIN D HOWLING" to="WIND HOWLING" />
<LinePart from="telis me" to="tells me" />
<LinePart from="Telis me" to="Tells me" />
2014-06-07 00:53:41 +02:00
<LinePart from=". Ls " to=". Is " />
<LinePart from="! Ls " to="! Is " />
<LinePart from="? Ls " to="? Is " />
<LinePart from=". Lt " to=". It " />
<LinePart from="! Lt " to="! It " />
<LinePart from="? Lt " to="? It " />
2016-08-22 17:04:10 +02:00
<LinePart from=" I,m " to=" I'm " />
<LinePart from=" I,ve " to=" I've " />
<LinePart from=" you,re " to=" you're " />
<LinePart from=" you,ll " to=" you'll " />
<LinePart from=" doesn,t " to=" doesn't " />
2016-08-22 17:04:10 +02:00
<LinePart from=" let,s " to=" let's " />
<LinePart from=" he,s " to=" he's " />
<LinePart from=" it,s " to=" it's " />
<LinePart from=" can,t " to=" can't " />
<LinePart from=" Can,t " to=" Can't " />
2016-08-22 17:04:10 +02:00
<LinePart from=" don,t " to=" don't " />
<LinePart from=" Don,t " to=" Don't " />
2017-08-12 23:14:45 +02:00
<LinePart from="wouldn 'tyou" to="wouldn't you" />
2017-09-14 15:12:24 +02:00
<LinePart from=" lgot it" to=" I got it" />
<LinePart from=" you,ve " to=" you've " />
<LinePart from=" I ve " to=" I've " />
<LinePart from=" I ii " to=" I'll " />
<LinePart from=" I m " to=" I'm " />
<LinePart from=" why d " to=" why'd " />
<LinePart from=" couldn t " to=" couldn't " />
<LinePart from=" that s " to=" that's " />
<LinePart from=" i... " to=" I... " />
2018-10-23 09:28:13 +02:00
<LinePart from=" I ' ll " to=" I'll " />
<LinePart from=" I' ll " to=" I'll " />
<LinePart from=" That' s " to=" That's " />
<LinePart from=" It' s " to=" It's " />
<LinePart from=" that' s " to=" that's " />
<LinePart from=" There' s " to=" There's " />
<LinePart from=" I ' m " to=" I'm " />
<LinePart from=" I 'm " to=" I'm " />
<LinePart from=" let' s " to=" let's " />
<LinePart from=" it' s " to=" it's " />
<LinePart from=" I ' I I " to=" I'll " />
2018-10-23 09:28:13 +02:00
<LinePart from=" aren 't " to=" aren't " />
<LinePart from=" he' s " to=" he's " />
<LinePart from=" isn' t " to=" isn't " />
<LinePart from=" Isn' t " to=" Isn't " />
<LinePart from=" hasn 't " to=" hasn't " />
<LinePart from=" you ' re " to=" you're " />
<LinePart from=" You ' re " to=" You're " />
2018-11-05 17:19:48 +01:00
<LinePart from="1 2th " to="12th " />
<LinePart from="-| " to="- I " />
2018-11-20 20:14:32 +01:00
<LinePart from=" | " to=" I " />
<LinePart from=" |." to=" I." />
<LinePart from="-1 am " to="- I am " />
<LinePart from="-1 had " to="- I had " />
<LinePart from="-1 think " to="- I think " />
<LinePart from="-1 tried " to="- I tried " />
<LinePart from="-1 was " to="- I was " />
<LinePart from=". i " to=". I " />
2019-01-17 20:07:27 +01:00
<LinePart from="haven 't " to="haven't " />
<LinePart from="Aren 't " to="Aren't " />
<LinePart from=" 'll " to="'ll " />
<LinePart from=" 't " to="'t " />
<LinePart from=" l' ll " to=" I'll " />
<LinePart from=" l'll " to=" I'll " />
<LinePart from="&quot;uns " to="'uns " />
<LinePart from="'L " to="I " />
<LinePart from="D'you" to="Do you" />
<LinePart from="d'you" to="do you" />
<LinePart from="He' ll" to="He'll" />
<LinePart from="he' ll" to="he'll" />
<LinePart from="I' ll" to="I'll" />
<LinePart from="It' ll" to="It'll" />
<LinePart from="it' ll" to="it'll" />
<LinePart from="L' ll" to="I'll" />
<LinePart from="l' ll" to="I'll" />
<LinePart from="L-" to="I-" />
<LinePart from="l-I" to="I" />
<LinePart from="no brainer" to="no-brainer" />
<LinePart from="They' ll" to="They'll" />
<LinePart from="they' ll" to="they'll" />
<LinePart from="They' re" to="They're" />
<LinePart from="they' re" to="they're" />
<LinePart from="We' ll " to="We'll " />
<LinePart from="we' ll " to="we'll " />
<LinePart from="We' re" to="We're" />
<LinePart from="we' re" to="we're" />
<LinePart from="X ray" to="X-ray" />
<LinePart from="x ray" to="X-ray" />
<LinePart from="X rays" to="X-rays" />
<LinePart from="x rays" to="X-rays" />
<LinePart from="You 're " to="You're " />
<LinePart from="You 've " to="You've " />
<LinePart from="You' ll" to="You'll" />
<LinePart from="you' ll" to="you'll" />
<LinePart from="You' re " to="You're " />
<LinePart from="You' re" to="You're" />
<LinePart from="you' re" to="you're" />
<LinePart from="You' ve " to="You've " />
2017-09-14 15:12:24 +02:00
<Beginning from="lgot it" to="I got it" />
<Beginning from="Don,t " to="Don't " />
<Beginning from="Can,t " to="Can't " />
<Beginning from="Let,s " to="Let's " />
<Beginning from="He,s " to="He's " />
<Beginning from="I,m " to="I'm " />
<Beginning from="I,ve " to="I've " />
<Beginning from="I,ll " to="I'll " />
<Beginning from="You,ll " to="You'll " />
<Beginning from="T hey " to="They " />
<Beginning from="T here " to="There " />
<Beginning from="W here " to="Where " />
<Beginning from="M aybe " to="Maybe " />
2016-08-22 17:04:10 +02:00
<Beginning from="S hould " to="Should " />
<Beginning from="|was" to="I was" />
<Beginning from="|am " to="I am" />
<Beginning from="No w, " to="Now, " />
<Beginning from="l... I " to="I... I " />
<Beginning from="L... I " to="I... I " />
<Beginning from="lrn gonna" to="I'm gonna" />
<Beginning from="-l don't" to="-I don't" />
<Beginning from="l don't" to="I don't" />
<Beginning from="L " to="I " />
<Beginning from="-L " to="-I " />
<Beginning from="-l " to="-I " />
<Beginning from="- l " to="- I " />
<Beginning from="G0" to="Go" />
<Beginning from="GO get" to="Go get" />
<Beginning from="GO to" to="Go to" />
<Beginning from="GO for" to="Go for" />
<Beginning from="Ifl" to="If I" />
<Beginning from="lt'll" to="It'll" />
<Beginning from="Lt'll" to="It'll" />
<Beginning from="IVIa" to="Ma" />
<Beginning from="IVIu" to="Mu" />
<Beginning from="0ne" to="One" />
<Beginning from="0nly" to="Only" />
<Beginning from="0n " to="On " />
<Beginning from="lt " to="It " />
<Beginning from="Lt " to="It " />
<Beginning from="lt's " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="Lt's " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="ln " to="In " />
<Beginning from="Ln " to="In " />
<Beginning from="l-in " to="I-in " />
<Beginning from="l-impossible" to="I-impossible" />
<Beginning from="l- impossible" to="I-impossible" />
<Beginning from="L- impossible" to="I-impossible" />
<Beginning from="l-isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="L-isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="l- isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="L- isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="l- l " to="I-I " />
<Beginning from="L- l " to="I-I " />
<Beginning from="l- it " to="I-it " />
<Beginning from="L- it " to="I-it " />
<Beginning from="Ls it " to="Is it " />
<Beginning from="Ls there " to="Is there " />
<Beginning from="Ls he " to="Is he " />
<Beginning from="Ls she " to="Is she " />
<Beginning from="L can" to="I can" />
<Beginning from="l can" to="I can" />
<Beginning from="L'm " to="I'm " />
<Beginning from="L' m " to="I'm " />
<Beginning from="Lt' s " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="I']I " to="I'll " />
<Beginning from=" " to="...Is " />
<Beginning from="- ls " to="- Is " />
<Beginning from="...l " to="...I " />
<Beginning from="L hope " to="I hope " />
<Beginning from="|E'$ " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="The y're " to="They're " />
<Beginning from="&lt;i&gt;/ " to="&lt;i&gt;I " />
<Beginning from="/ " to="I " />
<Beginning from="&lt;i&gt;/n " to="&lt;i&gt;In " />
<Beginning from="/n " to="In " />
<Beginning from="&lt;i&gt;Ana " to="&lt;i&gt;And " />
<Beginning from="&lt;i&gt;Ana' " to="&lt;i&gt;And " />
<Beginning from="~ " to="- " />
<Beginning from="&lt;i&gt;A'|'|'EN BOROUGH:" to="&lt;i&gt;ATTENBOROUGH:" />
<Beginning from="A'|'|'EN BOROUGH:" to="ATTENBOROUGH:" />
<Beginning from="DAVID A'|'|'EN BOROUGH:" to="DAVID ATTENBOROUGH:" />
<Beginning from="AT|'EN BOROUGH:" to="ATTENBOROUGH:" />
<Beginning from="&lt;i&gt;AT|'EN BOROUGH:" to="&lt;i&gt;ATTENBOROUGH:" />
<Beginning from="TH REE " to="THREE " />
<Beginning from="NARRA TOR" to="NARRATOR" />
<Beginning from="&lt;i&gt;NARRA TOR" to="&lt;i&gt;NARRATOR" />
<Beginning from="lt'syour" to="It's your" />
<Beginning from="It'syour" to="It's your" />
2014-06-07 00:53:41 +02:00
<Beginning from="Ls " to="Is " />
<Beginning from="I ve " to="I've " />
<Beginning from="I ii " to="I'll " />
<Beginning from="I m " to="I'm " />
<Beginning from="Why d " to="Why'd " />
<Beginning from="why d " to="Why'd " />
<Beginning from="Couldn t " to="Couldn't " />
<Beginning from="couldn t " to="Couldn't " />
<Beginning from="That s " to="That's " />
<Beginning from="that s " to="That's " />
2018-10-23 09:28:13 +02:00
<Beginning from="I ' ll " to="I'll " />
<Beginning from="I 'll " to="I'll " />
<Beginning from="That' s " to="That's " />
<Beginning from="There' s " to="There's " />
<Beginning from="I ' m " to="I'm " />
<Beginning from="I 'm " to="I'm " />
<Beginning from="Didn 't " to="Didn't " />
<Beginning from="It' s " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="You ' re " to="You're " />
<Beginning from="Isn 't " to="Isn't " />
<Beginning from="He' s " to="He's " />
<Beginning from="She' s " to="She's " />
2018-11-05 17:19:48 +01:00
<Beginning from="O kay, " to="Okay, " />
2018-11-22 16:12:12 +01:00
<Beginning from="l didn't" to="I didn't" />
<Beginning from="-1 " to="- I" />
<Beginning from="I'II " to="I'll " />
<Beginning from="Do l " to="Do I " />
<Beginning from="-] " to="- I " />
2018-11-24 12:04:44 +01:00
<Beginning from="- ] " to="- I " />
2018-11-22 16:12:12 +01:00
<Beginning from="] " to="I " />
2018-11-24 12:04:44 +01:00
<Beginning from="-| " to="- I " />
<Beginning from="- | " to="- I " />
<Beginning from="!/ know" to="I know" />
<Beginning from="!/ promise" to="I promise" />
<Beginning from="!/ think" to="I think" />
<Beginning from="!/ will" to="I will" />
<Beginning from="!/ can" to="I can" />
<Beginning from="!/ see" to="I see" />
<Beginning from="!/ do" to="I do" />
<Beginning from="!/ am" to="I am" />
<Beginning from="J ust " to="Just " />
<Beginning from="W-w-wh" to="W-W-Wh" />
<Beginning from="W-wh" to="W-Wh" />
<Beginning from="I-i-i " to="I-I-I " />
<Beginning from="I-i " to="I-I " />
<Ending from=", sin" to=", sir." />
<Ending from=" mothen" to=" mother." />
<Ending from=" can't_" to=" can't." />
<Ending from=" openiL" to=" open it." />
<Ending from=" offl" to=" off!" />
Update eng_OCRFixReplaceList.xml Closes #1978 Edits ======================================== Should be spaced instead of hyphenated (probably joined by OCR): - `<Word from="airstrike" to="air-strike" />` - `<Word from="wallplant" to="wall-plant" />` Typo in replacement: - `<Word from="lfeelonelung" to="l feel one lung" />` - `<Word from="lneed" to="l need" />` - `<Word from="lthink___" to="l think..." />` - `<Word from="ltold" to="l told" />` - `<Word from="lv\/asn't" to="l wasen't" />` - `<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />` - `<Ending from="pshycol" to="pshyco!" />` Capital "i" is a more likely replacement: - `<Word from="lt" to="it" />` - `<Word from="lt'II" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'Il" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt'll" to="it'll" />` - `<Word from="lt's" to="it's" />` - `<Word from="lfstill" to="if still" />` Vocative, always needs a comma: - `<Word from="HeyJennifer" to="Hey Jennifer" />` Removals ======================================== Spelling varies between dictionaries: - `<Word from="kickflip" to="kick-flip" />` - `<Word from="voicemail" to="voice-mail" />` British vs. American spelling: - `<Word from="judgement" to="judgment" />` - `<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />` Typo, not an OCR error, so spellchecker should deal with it (it doesn't make sense to keep a list of all possible misspellings): - `<Word from="Goddamit" to="Goddammit" />` - `<Word from="mischevious" to="mischievous" />` - `<Word from="perscribed" to="prescribed" />` - `<Word from="perscription" to="prescription" />` - `<Word from="pshyco" to="psycho" />` - `<Word from="thoguht" to="thought" />` Spelling changes meaning: - `<Word from="ahold" to="a hold" />` - `<Word from="google" to="Google" />` Find and replace are the same: - `<Word from="I thought" to="I thought" />` - `<Word from="literally" to="literally" />` Resulting punctuation seems unlikely: - `<Word from="'Qkay_" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="_Qkay-" to="- Okay!" />` - `<Word from="'Qkay" to="- Okay" />` - `<Word from="JOEY-" to="Joey!" />` - `<Word from="_NO__" to="No--" />` Other reason: Replacement rule | Comment :---------------------------------------------|:------------------- `<Word from="cp" to="op" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="lnte" to="inte" />` | doesn't seem useful `<Word from="gothere" to="go there" />` | could also be "got here" `<Word from="ridonculous" to="ridiculous" />` | intentional mispronunciation `<Word from="I02" to="Pops" />` | seems really implausible, and it could mess up IDs, codes, etc.
2016-09-26 08:23:40 +02:00
<Ending from="pshycol" to="psycho!" />
<Ending from=" i..." to=" I..." />
<Ending from=" L." to=" I." />
<RegEx find="([a-z]) Won't " replaceWith="$1 won't " />
<RegEx find=" L([,\r\n :;!?]+)" replaceWith=" I$1" />
2018-11-20 20:14:32 +01:00
<RegEx find="^-1 (\p{L})" replaceWith="- I $1" />
<RegEx find="^-1t (\p{L})" replaceWith="- It $1" />
<RegEx find="^-_\.(\p{L})" replaceWith="- ...$1" />
<RegEx find="^_\.\.(\p{L})" replaceWith="...$1" />
2019-05-10 00:22:06 +02:00
<!-- <RegEx find="(\p{L}{2,})&quot;s " replaceWith="$1's " /> -->